The World Turned Upside Down II

The reason being is that Germania and Europe are coterminous. One and the same. Synonymous. Germania is Europe.

Germania, Germania uuuuber alles.
To: Outside Corporations
From: Israel

We are now opening our boarders to any corporations who'd like to open shop in our country.

To: Orlando Reconstruction
From: Israel

If your company would so desire it, we have many buildings that could be reconstructed and believe it would be a benefit to both our country and your corporation should you decide to come in and clean some of them up.
The reason being is that Germania and Europe are coterminous. One and the same. Synonymous. Germania is Europe.

Germania, Germania uuuuber alles.

I fear that I must point out two things:
1: If you see the map of Europe, you will see that Europe is much more than Germania. You also have Andalusia, Castile, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Scandinavia, Serbia, Turkey, the UFS and the URSS. 13 places where Europe isn't Germany! My point proven: Germania isn't Europe. Much more: Germania is as synonymous to Europe as the CSA is to Africa.
2: The last time that hymn was officially used as Germania's hymn, your football national team nearly lost to a bunch of rag-tags and POWs with a goalkeeper that had not played a minute to football before setting a foot in the POW camp. You even needed help from the referee to get a tie. (Hee, I really liked that film).
HAHAHAHAHA Lockheed is NOT GUILTY!! Democracy lives!!! :p

I'll add this though, since I was that very CEO who was charged: I think after this, the company will have to sue the UFS government for compensation for losses caused by freezing of assets, ceased operations, uncounted opportunity cost, damages to marketing, and disappearance of BILLIONS of dollars given to them for research.

Also, due to ex post facto laws, the previous deal with USSR and Turan cannot be cancelled. And UFS still owes Lockheed money for the previous business contract.
HAHAHAHAHA Lockheed is NOT GUILTY!! Democracy lives!!! :p

I'll add this though, since I was that very CEO who was charged: I think after this, the company will have to sue the UFS government for compensation for losses caused by freezing of assets, ceased operations, uncounted opportunity cost, damages to marketing, and disappearance of BILLIONS of dollars given to them for research.

Also, due to ex post facto laws, the previous deal with USSR and Turan cannot be cancelled.

From: Andalusia
To: The CEO of Lockheed Aerodynamics

Congratulations on your acquittal of the charges of treason. However, we hope that you don't go too far with the sueing. Please, only ask for the money you lost, and not a dollar more. Remember that the UFS is currently in the middle of a civil war, and thus could have many problems with paying you.

General Manuel Arquillo
Chief of the Andalusian State
I fear that I must point out two things:
1: If you see the map of Europe, you will see that Europe is much more than Germania. You also have Andalusia, Castile, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Scandinavia, Serbia, Turkey, the UFS and the URSS. 13 places where Europe isn't Germany! My point proven: Germania isn't Europe. Much more: Germania is as synonymous to Europe as the CSA is to Africa.
2: The last time that hymn was officially used as Germania's hymn, your football national team nearly lost to a bunch of rag-tags and POWs with a goalkeeper that had not played a minute to football before setting a foot in the POW camp. You even needed help from the referee to get a tie. (Hee, I really liked that film).

Ten characters.


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Ten characters.

:D:D I won't. Sorry. :D:D

EDIT: I have yet to see that someone actually changes the stat regarding the name of the Chief of State of Andalusia. For two in-game years and tens of posts with the name General Manuel Arquillo being posted as the Chief, neither EQ nor HS have actually paid attention to it and keep posting the currently deceased José Roberto as the CAS.
To: UFS Federal Court (This is to the Moderator, HS, not TLJ)
From: Lockheed Aerodynamics Legal Attorney
Subj: Compensation

Lockheed Aerodynamics files a civil claim and demands a compensation for losses caused by UFS's actions consisting of the followings: freezing of assets, ceased operations, and seized research funds.

The calculations are as follows:

-$250,000M of seized research funds.
-$8,000M of negative cash flow Lockheed Aerodynamics has gotten due to freezing of assets.
-$80,800M for two terms of upkeep Lockheed Aerodynamics lost with the frozen assets.
-$380,000M for lost incomes during the past two terms, which Lockheed Aerodynamics should have made as income for the duration of the trial.
-$200M for attorney fees plus CEO's pay.

Total: $719,000M

Lockheed Aerodynamics will not demand additional monetary compensations for psychological distress, lost opportunity costs, and negative impacts on publicity and marketing, even though they certainly were losses of the corporation.

Also, UFS must uphold its contract with Lockheed Aerodynamics and cannot withdraw its promised fund of $500,000M. They must be paid if UFS wants the technologies Lockheed was developing for them.

Lockheed Aerodynamics will, as it always has been, not reveal any projects for UFS to foreign party, no matter the circumstances.

Lockheed Aerodynamics will also shut down all its branches in Confederation of Latin States.

From: Robert Hughes, Chief Executive Officer of Lockheed Aerodynamics
To: General Manuel Arquillo, Chief of the Andalusian State

Thank you for your recognition of my acquittal. We will certainly not file a civil claim lawsuit for antagonistic purposes against the Union of Federated States' government. However, we will demand a compensation for the things we've lost, not even a dime more. My dear general, however, if you know the nature of corporate business, you will understand the numbers publically declared.

Robert Hughes
Chief Executive Officer of Lockheed Aerodynamics
From European Resistance Movement
To Germania

Despite your recent crackdowns on the peoples of Europe, your government will crumble. If not today, or even tomorrow, it shall be in the near future.

OOC: Human, I had like 50 suicide bombings planned, are you telling me NOT ONE of them worked the way they were supposed to, or just you didn't report them? Also, what about the financial stuff? Did that have no effect whatsoever?
To: European Resistance
From: Germania

You are nothing but a bunch of shiftless terrorists. You will not dismantle our government. We will prevail, and we will keep the peace.
@Carmen: Many of your bombings did occur. See OTHER. Many of those however are two minor to point out. German terrorist defenses have since last year been highly elevated in Germany proper and thus very few disturbances caused much damage as you target mainly German financial institutions. Other attacks including infrastructural attacks were instrumental to your organization not being wiped out.
Update Updates (lol)

Anyways for your viewing pleasure the following has been updated:
Asia/Middle East News Report
Corporate News
Paramilitary Stats
and "Other" Stats

the rest can be expected some time this evening PST
H-S :goodjob:

To: Outside Corporations
From: Israel

We are now opening our boarders to any corporations who'd like to open shop in our country.

To Israel
From Norsk Industries
Norsk Industries is very interested in expanding our business into your nation, our BauHaus Construction subsidiary was instrumental in the reconstruction of Germania and our Fuel subsidiary can supply your people with the energy to propel them into the future. The only thing we ask is for you to crack down on any unfair competition we might be faced with.
From European Resistance Movement
To Germania

Despite your recent crackdowns on the peoples of Europe, your government will crumble. If not today, or even tomorrow, it shall be in the near future.

OOC: Human, I had like 50 suicide bombings planned, are you telling me NOT ONE of them worked the way they were supposed to, or just you didn't report them? Also, what about the financial stuff? Did that have no effect whatsoever?


Ten characters.

That made me laugh.

Good update, HS, although a bit more meat and it would have been like EQ's. :goodjob:

Lockheed, congratulations on your acquittal, and we trust that our deal still stands.

To the Brotherhood of Islam:

You do not speak for us. Our citizens have spoken. You are unwelcome. Leave, our be jihadded. (OOC: is that even a word?)
To the Brotherhood of Islam:

You do not speak for us. Our citizens have spoken. You are unwelcome. Leave, our be jihadded. (OOC: is that even a word?)

You are correct, we do not speak for you. We do, however, speak for Islam, and you are no Islamic state. We declared a takfir, and you were amongst the accused, and on top of that, you are trying to convert good Muslims to your "pseudo-islam". We vow that we will liberate the people you are trying manipulate, and institute a new government, that takes its principles from the Qur'an.
OOC: human slaughter, would it work if I just gave you my entire task force and all my money and just told you to kill the Brotherhood?

To the Brotherhood of Islam:
From the Turan Ummah:

We are not negotiating. You must leave us, or we will destroy your organization. Your people have the freedom to be whomever they wish. If they wish to be radical muslims, as long as they do not disturb my nation, it is fine. But when infidels who claim to be working in the name of the Lord Almighty come and spread their heresy amongst my people, it will not be tolerated. Let me say that again, IT WILL NOT BE TOLERATED.
To: Turan Ummah
From: Lockheed

Yes, our deal still stands as per ex post facto law cannot be used to incriminate. Please send us the money this year, then we'll get started right away. Besides, it's not like I'm selling you any technology.
OOC: human slaughter, would it work if I just gave you my entire task force and all my money and just told you to kill the Brotherhood?

To the Brotherhood of Islam:
From the Turan Ummah:

We are not negotiating. You must leave us, or we will destroy your organization. Your people have the freedom to be whomever they wish. If they wish to be radical muslims, as long as they do not disturb my nation, it is fine. But when infidels who claim to be working in the name of the Lord Almighty come and spread their heresy amongst my people, it will not be tolerated. Let me say that again, IT WILL NOT BE TOLERATED.

Leave you? Who says we are operating in your territory...or are we? We hereby declare jihad against the nation of Turan Ummah and of the nation that call itself Dar al Islam, in order to try and restore them to true theocratic state (Jihad of the Pen, not of the sword).

From: The Brotherhood of Islam
To: The People of Turan Umman

Your government has shown themselves to no longer be Muslims! They support Zionism and swore to "God Almighty" not Allah, showing that they lean more towards Christianity than Islam. We urge you to rise up, and restore a true Islamic government to your lands, to vote in a new leader, to fight to change the legislature that has changed. We will support a new Islamic government that replaces the now religiously defunct one. Takbir! Allahu Akbar!!
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