• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

The World Turned Upside Down

From Italy:

We are hereby ceasing all repayments to the American government until your embargo is ended. We will not be swayed by your belligerent attempts to force us to pay faster than we are capable of doing. We have already paid back 1/5 of our debts to your nation, the rest scheduled to be finished in 8 years. Your greed will be your own downfall.

To Serbia
From Italy:

We welcome you into the EL, and hope we can get passed the former history of strife between our nations.

To Greece
From Italy:
Since when are socialists communists? Anyways we detest this action as a rejection of all that we have done to help Greece.
can we get a current standing on votes for each chairman candidate.
The Council of Nations.

Stockholm, United Kingdom of Scandinavia

Resolution 001-28, although just submitted, has failed to reach the required 2/3 majority vote to be successful. Whilst the Chairman realises that Resolutions 003-10 and 004-10 may be offensive to some member nations, it has been decided to, regardless of the beuracracy surrounding them, to reject the repeal.

Also, at this time Robert Taft of the United States of America looks set to win the elections for the next Chairman of the Council of Nations. You have one year remaining to vote for the next Chairman.


Resolution 001-28
First Clarification Proposal

That Resolutions 003-10 and 004-10 be repealed to eliminate unnecessary bureaucracy in upholding Resolutions which are no longer relevant in the modern world and offend prominent nations in the Council of Nations.
Writer: Germany

Yay: Argentina, Belgium, Ecuador, Germany, Holland, Italy, Mongolia, Nippon, Peru, Scotland, Switzerland, Republic of South Africa, UCS, UPCA, USA, Venezuela, Vietnam, Wales, (18)

Nay: Abyssinia, Afghanistan, Albania, Azerbajan, Bulgaria, Bosnia, Chile, Dar-al-Islam, Georgia, Hungary, Liberia, Nicaragua, Persia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Siam, Spain, Turkestan, Turkey, (20)

Abstains: United Kingdom of Scandinavia (1)

001-28 was the human rights resolution. 002-28 was the one on the repealing of the old resolutions. You did your math wrong by mixing the resolutions up.
To Italy
From USA

We find this to be most disheartening. We have previously tried, many times, to explain our position to you, and that it appears, to us at least, that you are the one being greedy. You are receiving large reparations from the former CFI, yet you choose to send us little of it. The American people consider this to be insulting, since you are furthering your own agenda, rather than repaying us in a timely fashion. We asked only that you repay us in 5 short years, yet you choose to continue with long drawn out payments even after we expressed our displeasure with that arrangement. You will not budge from your position, while we are more than willing to negotiate for a quicker repayment. You left us in little choice in the matter, since you would not listen to reason. The embargo will not be lifted until you agree to pay us more than 2 IC a year. Diplomacy is a two way street; we told you our position, why we felt that way, and what could be done to resolve it, and you completely ignored us and pigheadedly continued on your current course. You cannot expect the American people, after all they have sacrificed for you, to not be angry that you are tardy in your repayments to us. We were swift and prompt in sending aid to you, we would like you to be swift and prompt in repaying us.
To: The World
From: Germany

In this new age Germany now considers it timely to renounce former political oppressions in this world. While the 1910s belonged to an age of iron-fisted anti-Communism, that no longer seems a viable stance to take as we approach a new decade.

Germany hereby implores the Council of Nations, and indeed, the World, not to allow now ancient anti-Communist sentiments to govern the present. It is not in the fashion of sense or, in the words of Bismarck, "realpolitik" to maintain anti-Communist policies in a world nearly half-populated by Communist nations.

Furthermore acknowledging that two nations beneath Socialist sway - Russia and Nippon - have turned to this ideology as their countries become ruled by these new parties, Germany, for one, considers it to be of necessity in maintaining world peace to keep relations between Communist nations and otherwise as being steady.

For that reason, Germany is now announcing - publicly - new democratic reform at home. The Kaiser has seen fit - in a world of political upheaval - to stem the flow of rebellion by allowing true representation. As of now, the Reichstag is hereby a Parliament for all intents and purposes in the vision of plurality to allow the combating political parties their simple request; not of revolution, but of say.

Finally, the Kaiser and the Reichstag denounce all actions in the past Germany may have taken against Communist nations, however power-hungry or violent they may have been. Germany seeks moderation and peace in a war-torn world as we enter a new decade.
To America:
From Italy
The American people were getting the money back as they so deserved. We do not see why your government views the action of receiving it in a much more moderate shipment of 2 IC per year(10 years) is so much more deplorable then the quick shipment of 4 per turn (5 years). While yes we have received reparations, the purpose of these are to rebuild our war torn nation, not just pay off American debts. You speak of what the American people sacrificed to us, but this war material and money which you gave us is hardly a sacrifice when compared to the tens of thousands of lives the EL and Italy lost in its war with the CFI. Italy needs to ensure it stays strong, and to do that means a gradual moderate return of our debt, not the quick repayment you expect of a war-torn nation right after said war.
OOC: I've been trying for twelve years to get my opinion to liked. Anyway, the Socialists are the least radical of Nippon's parties.

To USA, the Chinas
From Nippon

Nippon hopes to find a resolution to this conflict. Though we hoped to remain neutral, one who remains neutral in a time of crisis deserves nothing but condemnation.

From Nippon

We are surprised at the scale of the American expedition, which we had believed would be merely a show of force. Nonetheless, what is done is done, though we expect full numbers of American ships operating out of Nipponese bases, and a brief overview of their operations, in the future.

To Germany
From Nippon

We would like to be the first to congratulate you on joining the ranks of Democracies and Constitutional Monarchies. We fear that what would otherwise have been seen as a great victory for the forces of progress is being overshadowed by the spectre of the Second World War and the tribulations brought about by its unjust peace settlement. Your statements about International Socialism are much appreciated, if unexpected.
To Italy
From USA

You speak of the plight and sacrifice of the Italian people, yet you have 0 Public Spending. If you truly wished to "rebuild our war torn nation", you would focus more of your economy on actually rebuilding. While Radar is nice, it does nothing to help Milan, nor to console the grieving widows and mothers of your country. Were that they case, we would gladly accept 2 IC a year. As it is however, you continue to spend on military technology, not your people. We will reconsider our position if that changes in the near future.
I am now the USSR, btw.

I will be doing some diplo in a bit
OOC: No I must detest I dont want you playing them. I know its not my NES but thats my oppinion. Why not France?
To Brazil
From Argentina

This war has taken its tolls on both sides, for no reason. There is nothing to gain from fighting, which we never wanted to. There has been a misunderstanding along the lines somewhere, and 8 Infantry Divisions, 1 Capital Ship, 3 Destroyer Groups, 3 Militia Divisions, and 2 Cruiser Groups have all died from a mistake in translation. We invite you to Montevideo for peace talks, so no more need die.
OOC: Because France was raped royally. Nobody but the best NESer in history could save France now.
OOC: But France would not be in the state it is in if not for Nuclear Kid. Hell it was a Great Power at the start and now its a third world dictatorship
OOC: France can be saved.

It is possible. It won't be immediate. It will need good domestic policy, allies, and neutrality, and maybe foreign aid. But it wouldn't take an amazing NESer to save it. Everyone, with dedication has the potential to save France. Except azale, but re-read the part on dedication. I think Nkid should stick with france.
OOC: But every horribly inefficient leader deserves a second chance, right?

Perhaps I was exaggerating on the 'great NESer' part. You're right, but as it stands now, the USSR could benefit from PC leadership. Plus I guess it's EQ's decision.
OOC: No I must detest I dont want you playing them. I know its not my NES but thats my oppinion. Why not France?

Decloak: Yeah, be France, don't just jump a sinking ship, you chicken. And I know h-s knew that he was the one who ruined France; that's what made the suggestion funny.
Well, I wanted to be the Soviet Union for a long time. Just chill out...

EQ approved
Now i realize that some of you object openly and through messages to nuclear kid taking the USSR. However, all of you can rest assured that I will be keeping a very close eye on him, and a single major mistake will land him in trouble of a permanent nature for the NES. I would like to make a point in his defense:

I did tell him that his people did support the war alongside Germany, as they stood much to gain. Had the CFI won the Second Global War, rest assured that the French Empire would be restored. Considering how near-run the war was, I can understand his gamble. Despite this mistakes of a catastrophic nature were made and quite frankly they shaped Europe into what it is now. To justify these I say, they made the NES all the more interesting. To name the examples, if not for Nuclear Kid we would not have had the Communist War, the German entry into the Asian War, among other events. Through his epic mistakes, he has shaped the way the NES has formed.

So on these arguements I give nuclear kid publicly and open to all of you, one last chance to redeem himself.
Mistake? When Ramses burned down Alexandria, that was a mistake. What happened to France was a disaster.
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