• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

The World Turned Upside Down

I made solemn vow to play IC the entire time
Well i guess there goes all hope for Communism... Ah well... Could be interesting :p

Éirinn go Brách

Question is if you even know how Trotsky would have acted... He aint no Stalin... yet anyway
OOC: I don't know about you lot, but I'm giving him benefit of the doubt.
then its all good.


We have asked and recieved a democracy. Be warned, that ANY violation of the Treaty of Sucre, from military size (ESPECIALLY military size) to claiming land that is not yours, which you are coming dangerously close to already, will be considered an act of war.

To Italy
From Argentina

We would like to offer you our support in this economic crisis, and that we would support Italian companies coming to South America, assuming the opposite can happen as well, to aid you in this.
To Argentina
From Italy:

We thank you for your support, however you need not consider it an economic crisis as much as a diplomatic one. While yest there have been some short term impacts, thanks to your food production and Italy's own industrial resolve we won't have to placate to U.S. businesses any longer.

We would also like to take you up on your offer of a mutual trade agreement, and look forward to seeing Italians in Buenos Aires, and of course Argentinians in Rome.

To Fellow Members of the European League (Eire, Scotland, Wales, Holland Portugal, Spain, Serbia, Romania, Poland)
From Italy:
Although this is not an act of war, I believe the hostile intent of the U.S. embargo is clear. As such we ask all other members of the League to enact a counter-embargo against the United States. Italy is prepared to repay her debts to the Americans, and we already have begun to do so, but the Americans must remain civil on the matter. Our counter-embargo would of course only last until the Americans remove their own embargo on Italy and the resumption of payments can restart.
To European League
From Germany

Germany finds this latest proposal by Italy to the members of its alliance deplorable and denounces any attempts to counter-embargo the Americans, as these actions only increase tensions in the post-War world.

Germany will note that if war or other militaristically aggressive actions were to break out in the Western World between America and the EL, Germany will be forced to take action because if the peace is broken again so soon, then it will likely engulf yet again the entire world.

Germany advises America to be civil, but also advises the EL to be civil, and implores that diplomacy be resorted to again before militaristic tensions be aggravated.
To Germany
From Argentina

How can you accept an embargo by America yet reject one by Europe? The fact that it will escalate tensions is an issue, however the tensions would not exist if not for America.
To Argentina
From Germany

We do not accept America's embargo, but we do not think the EL's embargo will do anything to help the situation, and we promote a peaceful means to solve the problem.

Please understand that the last thing Germany desires is yet another war in the west. Not 10 years have gone by in any semblance of peace.
To Germany
From Italy:
If the United States has decided to stop trading with us, why can't we ask our allies to stop trading with them as well. The EL certainly is not going to take any military measures to remove the American embargo. It is only the United States which would seek any military escalation to try and force us to pay that which we will pay, but which we can not do as fast as they want us to.
To Germany
From Argentina

The thing is, a war in the west is ongoing, and another is unpreventable. Both of those are because of the Americans. The European League has been striving for peace. That is more than I can say of the Americans.
To Italy
From Germany

But how can the loan be paid if Italy won't pay it, and if the two factions will embargo each other until the other gives in? It seems to Germany that the tension is palpable. Germany would point out that it seems America could last an embargo much longer than the EL.

To Argentina
From Germany

Germany cannot admit that, as then there would be no purpose for Western nations but to be perpetually ready for total war.
OOC: I was referring to the war in the West (Brazil vs Argentina), and the inevitable one : Chile vs Aa
To The European League
From America

The embargo we have in place is against Italy and Italy alone. We have no problem with the EL, aside from Italy. Any embargo against us could have long term ramifications in your nation. Your Italians allies are being highly unreasonable. We have expressed displeasure to the current repayment situation, and they have selfishly ignored our concerns and we have responded in the only way we know how, without a declaration of war, which we do not want in any way, shape, or form. We asked if they would have the rest of the EL help Italy to repay her debts, and they declined. We offered to reduce what Italy had to repay if they help us broker a deal to purchase French Guiana, and Italy told us to simply negotiate with Portugal.

Our nations have a long history. Many of you once stood beside us in the Tehran Pact. The nations of the Celtic League, especially Ireland and Scotland, would not be free and sovereign states at this time were it not for direct American military, political and economic assistance. We ask you to denounce this embargo upon us and help us to make the Italians see our point of view, since we obviously cannot do it ourselves. We have exhausted all other diplomatic options, and they still refuse to budge. Do not let your economies and peoples suffer because of Italian pigheadedness.
To Germany
From Italy:
Italy has already paid 4 ic of the 20 ic debt over the last 2 years. Which means we've been, and are willing to, pay 2 ic per year until the debt is paid off 8 years from now. However the USA wants us to pay 4 ic per turn, which we find as a complete disregard of our own spending desire beyond simply repaying America.

By counter embargoing it sends the message to America that we will not be bossed around, and that America and its business/trade is not needed in Europe, and in fact the opposite is true. America needs Europe in order to survive otherwise its products have no place to go.

America will have its money if it learns to be civil rather than rush the world to their wants and desires. Contrary to popular American opinion, they are not the center of the world.
To: Italy
From: Portugal, Wales, Romania, Poland, Serbia

We agree with your previous statements, the Americans are not our leaders or our betters. All for an united Europe!

To: Italy
From: Holland

An embargo against America would cripple our economy and plunge us into recession. Since the end of the war, over 95% of our oil supplies have come from the United States. A modern nation revolves around trucks and gasoline, and without the USA's trade, we'd have serious difficulties. For now we must say no to the counter-embargo.

To: Italy
From: Spain

One factor we must also consider in is the dominance of Italy in Europe. You preach about Americans lording over Europe when you are only afraid of free market and competition of politics. We will no longer blindly submit to the whims of Mussolini, we will not embargo the United States.

To: Italy
From: Switzerland and Belguim

We support your embargo against the Americans and we would like to submit for admittance into the European League.
To Belgium and Switzerland
From Italy:
We thank you for your support and would be glad to accept you into the European league.

To Holland:
From Italy:
We understand your plight, and understand why you can not join the embargo. We will not force you, nor any other nation to join.

To Spain
From Italy:
Spain may continue to trade with America if it wishes to do so, we will not force you against your sovereignty. Instead we implore you to see that Europe must stand united against the Americans if only to show that our combined resolve can not be broken.
To World
From Eire:

We will take no part in this embargo business one way or the other. We stand by our Italian allies in many things but we cannot embargo America for something that does not involve us. We feel that Italy is in the right but the harm to our nation that embargoing America would cause is not something we can consider. Germany has it right in one way, these Embargoes will do nothing to stabilize the global situation and that is what we aim for.
It's a little shorter notice than usual, but update deadline is in 24 hours. Fortunately i already have more than 50% of the orders.
OK, orders will be in later today.
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