Toolfans - what's wrong with them, are they nerdy, does even the band hate them?

You people really should stop listening to orgiastic noise pollution for the sake of your aesthetic health.

[pimp] that was good for me...

But, seriously, orgiastic noise pollution, spot on.
And when you've had enough Tool, you can move right on to Bjork to calm your ears :lol:
I know the biggest Tool fan and he wasn't the dweeb you speak of in sterotype .Man that guy would find ways to see there shows like it was nobodys business.
Even after 911 when anyone with even a insignifigant glitch on their record(tiny weed grow up) was treated like a terrorist, he still got across.
Dude now owns a studio lighting company in Vansterdam and even sells pot to bit acters off set lol

Ok sorry point is Uh, Listen to Perfect Circle nice comprise you get Meynard's vocals with some cool broad on base
It doesn't matter what the band is. Whenever any group acts like something is the Second Coming of Christ or something, they're being ******ed. A lot of people are that into Tool.

You people really should stop listening to orgiastic noise pollution for the sake of your aesthetic health.

You really should stop telling people that you know what's best for everyone.

Is a toolfan like a deadhead?

Having extensive experience with deadheads, I feel I'm qualified to say no, no, not at all, not even a little bit.
A lot of bands have compulsive fans who worship them. Tool are one; Muse's following could also be described as rabid.

I think they are a band of good musicians with several great songs. It's very hit and miss though, IMO. My favourite song is probably aenema. Yes, I am also a geek, but of all the people I know the geeky ones tend to have better taste in music.
You people don't get the idea, I ask you "Why do they pay so much attention to toolheads" and you answer "That's normal, they do it to every band!" But it's not! :(
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