Tremble Infidels!

Some people are just a little touchier than others, Godinex. I wouldn't worry about it too much. Just try to make your prophecy as vague and incomprehensible as you possibly can. That is the nature of prophecy anyway, is it not?;)
Originally posted by eyrei
Some people are just a little touchier than others, Godinex. I wouldn't worry about it too much. Just try to make your prophecy as vague and incomprehensible as you possibly can. That is the nature of prophecy anyway, is it not?;)

What are You saying! Infidel! The prophecy is a gift of the gods!
So this one is for You:
The Gods say taht to Eyrei, so called "deity" and domestic advisor of the infidels:
"You will be taken out of your land and 25 chickens woul defeat you in a casino bikini store in legs contest... and the same day two little cows will fall just in your rigth ear crushing your women and 2 of your 3 dogs!"

So Pray infidel! The time is close!
Originally posted by Godinex

What are You saying! Infidel! The prophecy is a gift of the gods!
So this one is for You:
The Gods say taht to Eyrei, so called "deity" and domestic advisor of the infidels:
"You will be taken out of your land and 25 chickens woul defeat you in a casino bikini store in legs contest... and the same day two little cows will fall just in your rigth ear crushing your women and 2 of your 3 dogs!"

So Pray infidel! The time is close!

I am blessed! The one true god has spoken to me through the words of his prophet! I shall from this day forward avoid chickens with nice legs, and any cow that is smaller than it should be, as I must keep my women and dogs safe from harm.:crazyeye:
I can Post!
The Gods hear my laments!

What happen with the laws?
OH! disorganizer , your prayers for the prophet never would be fogotted!
This say the one to the census office manager, disorganizer of the Demo Game:
I hear your prayers for my slave Godinex and I blessed You! You office will be gifted with 5% more of the nation income and all the others citizens will understand the power of the One and my slave will speak forever in my name!

So Go and buy candy! Drink water and celebrate the increase of Your treasury!

I am confused, Great Prophet. There are wise men within our empire that say there are more gods than the One. They give convincing proofs in the Socratic style, and I must admit I find myself accepting these blasphemies as truth from time to time. Can the One give us a miracle, perhaps by smiting the sniveling ruler of the Greeks, the most loathsome Alexander? I want to believe......:cry:
AH! Alexaander is a son of the Diablo!
The devil is with him!
He say one Time:

Take 555 and plus 111 and You will be happy forever!

Alexander is insane don listen Him! The miracle woul be... pretty soon!
Eyrei the miracle is You! Believe and keep the faith on the church of the one because the One is with us!


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Oh Prophet!

We saw the miracle!


But did you see, THE ONE decided to punish us! The whole world is against us because our Citizens dropped of believing in THE ONE!

He has to show them! Punish all misbelievers!
Don´t worry, be tapis... The One hear You every day, soon and with enough sacrifices his angry will end. By the time, cut some troaths and bring them to me, I will present the gift and the Other (not the One) willl help You in all Your battles.

Go on sweet child of mine.
Originally posted by SKILORD
Is this actually a citzen group? where would one of the faithful join?

You must only profess your faith, and ask for the blessing of the prophet. For it is he that is the voice of the One in this world.
This say the ONE to the sinful people of Cormyr and to his most beloved son Skilord:

¿Do You think that my anger could be shutted by your words? The ONE say this to Skilord of Cormyr: take 3 virgin women, one sheep and two yigüirros to my children Godinex. The women need to be about 19 years old, one blonde, one red head and the other latin like, bring them to my servant.
With the sheep, go to the desert and make it to eat sand. In the sand You would find a large sword and in the stomach of the sheep (plus a lot od sand) a red gem. Convert it in a ring.
Use this ring to hit all the citizens of Cormyr (except the 3 virgins) and Your people will have an alliance with the OTHER. Later, bring the sword to the dammed King Alexander. At the rigth time, the sword will fall impulsed by my hand and all the greek country will be gifted to the people of Cormyr. This is the word of the ONE, to the sinful people of Coymir!

And this say Godinex, Voice of the One on the earth:

Take the Yigüirros and 1 Oz of ice cream, fry them until they sing and later eat with enough lettuce.
Bon apetite!

of i profeess my faith and beg forgiveness for listening ignorantly to the words of those false prophets. Will the One bring glory to Greater Cormyr and it's residents?
Hmmm. It seems close contact with the one is beginning to effect the sanity of our prophet, as would be expected. Summon all of the scribes and wisemen, so that they may sift through the mortal words to find the eternal truths of the One.
Oh Eyrei! You are so blind!
You are the neck of our church, You Know the power of the One YOU SAW THE GIFT OF THE PROPHET and still dubt?
Originally posted by Godinex
Oh Eyrei! You are so blind!
You are the neck of our church, You Know the power of the One YOU SAW THE GIFT OF THE PROPHET and still dubt?

I am sorry, Great Prophet. The wise men say that viewing the One will blind a person and that hearing his words would deafen, and that any who have divine truth imparted directly upon them shall go mad. I do not doubt the One or his prophet, it is only that this new science we call theology has made me wish to better understand His words. Maybe this new school of learning needs to be better understood before mortals pretend to understand the words of the prophet.
If I speak in the tongues of barbarians and of greeks, but have not trust in the OTHER, I am only monkey-cow or a clanging soccer ball. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not trust in the voice of the one, I am nothing.
So Eyrei, Science can pass, war can pass but the words of the prophet... well... You know the rest.
Is your passport to eternity.:cool:
Originally posted by Godinex
I have a faith that can move mountains

How many mountains? and how far? Could this faith help to create an easily defencible border once the expansion drive is over? :D
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