Tuesday is coming!

WashingtonCNN —
Former President Donald Trump said Saturday he expects to be arrested in connection with the yearslong investigation into a hush money scheme involving adult film actress Stormy Daniels and called on his supporters to protest any such move.

In a social media post, Trump, referring to himself, said the “leading Republican candidate and former president of the United States will be arrested on Tuesday of next week” – though he did not say why he expects to be arrested. His team said after Trump’s post that it had not received any notifications from prosecutors.

More here:

Trump getting arrested Tuesday would be big news!

I'm honestly shocked that New York will be doing it.

Trump getting arrested Tuesday would be big news!
The only person who's saying Tuesday is Trump. That means that the one thing we know is that it won't be Tuesday.
I'm willing to do a citizen's arrest on Tuesday to keep Trump truthful.

I'd love to join you, but I suspect the Secret Service would not be amused.
Will Trump get SS protection/cell mates in prison?
Tuesday is coming!

WashingtonCNN —
Former President Donald Trump said Saturday he expects to be arrested in connection with the yearslong investigation into a hush money scheme involving adult film actress Stormy Daniels and called on his supporters to protest any such move.

In a social media post, Trump, referring to himself, said the “leading Republican candidate and former president of the United States will be arrested on Tuesday of next week” – though he did not say why he expects to be arrested. His team said after Trump’s post that it had not received any notifications from prosecutors.

More here:

'Why ' is the question.

Why did he pay 'hush money ' in the first place. Is sex illegal there ?
Thought word getting out about it would hurt his campaign.

Republicans are sticklers for high moral character in their candidates.
Thought word getting out about it would hurt his campaign.

Republicans are were sticklers for high moral character in their candidates.
Fixed that for you.
Fixed that for you.
Are you saying that you think there was a time that they actually cared about morality, rather than just using the bible as an electoral tool? Are we going back to Abe Lincoln's republicans or something?
Are you saying that you think there was a time that they actually cared about morality, rather than just using the bible as an electoral tool? Are we going back to Abe Lincoln's republicans or something?
Many things, and I think this is an example... are easy to take an ostensibly principled stand on, before being personally confronted with a contradiction, hardship, challenge, etc., creating an uncomfortable position vis-a-vis the previously professed principles. Then the cognitive dissonance sets in, and folks start making exceptions and excuses for themselves that allow them to justify diverting from and/or ignoring those principles. They may have genuinely believed that they had the principles before, but the burden of actually living up to them is often too heavy for folks to bear, so they create coping mechanisms and mental barriers to allow them to continue to profess belief in the principles, while simultaneously acting contrary to them.

For many folks, support for Trump is a perfect example of this... they never anticipated being confronted with having to support someone who so blatantly violated so many of their previously claimed principles and convictions.
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