Tune in November 7 for an Exploration Age livestream!

Last few turns of antiquity (at turn 132) and it's 980 BCE.

Edit: what might this icon mean?
Bildschirmfoto 2024-11-07 um 19.11.11.jpg

Edit2: it's just the tech being researched.
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sounds like I'll probably want to play sovereign difficulty level.
Spain with Greek cities names. That's just one aspect of the Civ-Switching I dislike.
Spain with Greek cities names. That's just one aspect of the Civ-Switching I dislike.

I hope there's an option to rename cities. I thought we saw that feature in the last actual stream didn't we?
So there are actually barbarians in game (as a crisis).
These are like Dark Age Policy cards, right?
I can't read the name of that independent people in the stream.
3 different crises in the antiquity age. The barbarian one looks fun.
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