Tune in November 7 for an Exploration Age livestream!

Merely 10 min or so left to start! Music ongoing on stream. :)
soon tm
some good wonder close ups
I'm unable to figure out how to connect my Twitch account with 2K, @FXS_Sar ! :( Settings/Connections has no 2K option.
I'm not gonna bother tring to find my twitch password, youtube for me.
I'm unable to figure out how to connect my Twitch account with 2K, @FXS_Sar ! :( Settings/Connections has no 2K option.
You have to select "Twitch connection" from "2K homepage".
Isabella of Castile confirmed. I expected her to show up anyways. Spain has no apparent diversity in leaders.
Isabella reveal, video problems...
very similar to Spain in Civ5 with focus on Natural Wonders.
El Escorial
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