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Turkey's Kurds Declare Democratic Autonomy

I'll get around to a response, just give me a little.
commentary based on limited information leads to getting laughed at and out . Hence this is the essence of life , here is yet another .

Spoiler :

some cultural icon living abroad since the coup of 1980 has just returned home , to be met by enthusiastic crowds and equally responsive state representatives . Meeting the MP that is the chief aide of the PM has caused accusation that he is Kurd of the goverment yet the guy's most memorable statement, the most remarkable remark will be the one that seems to say "The process will be painful but the result will be the Mediterranean" .

ai caramba ! All the liberals will take this to mean we will all live happily ever after , as the people around the Med are supposed to share a brotherhood of the sea , a life of tolerence and some richness . Monkeys are readily to be relieved that he is one guy who will stop the advance of the Atlantic ; did ı ever mention ı find Skunk Fu cute ? And the real targeted audience will see that the regular seperatists can not break the hold of the actual racists and "the local Arabs" between them and the sea . Young Americans will discover even the tenous seperatist gains in Mersin was carefully recorded by 1992 , as reported in Turkish language news weeklies and house doors were being marked , to be useful for the required-for-the-declaration-of-no-fly-zone ethnic cleansing , if they ever go that back . Turks being effeminate do not enter to it at all and it all leads to patience and peace for the moment . Considering the red carpet treatment he is afforded this must be the new state strategy of the Turkish Republic , beating the seperatists with more effective seperatism . Even the heretic seculars get a new Atatürk , whose first command was something like that in 1922 ...

yes , this is the American imposed democratization of Turkey where jails are becoming museums . Among the first are the island jails American supported goverment was building for the opposition pre 1960 . After the British supported coup , the goverment members were the first visitors post 1960 .The court cases were on live radio , and Bulgarians stopped jamming Turkish broadcasts so that their motherland could be humiliated in the eyes of the Turkish minority without any cost to Sofia . My parents were there . All goes better for democracy . This guy , for example , the one with the best shirts and best beard who plays in the rascal in the show ( the famous TV debates ) where there are the liberal Islamist intellectual , the self-taught Eastern born achiever and the loudmouth with whom the lumpens of the street are to identify with . Yeah , this guy is really getting used to increased democracy . Apparently not enough skirts were raised for him and not enough underwear lowered , that he is asking for legal investigations into the marketing sector to identify and neutralize the enemies of the state , hence democracy .

he doesn't get much support from the media as they are busy lambasting the bloody Syrian goverment .Considering until 3 months ago we were so brotherly with them , even shielding them from the wrath of NATO that was busy covering itself with glory in Libya and ready for ever more , it surprises neither us nor the Young Americans that the things have turned around so much . Infiltrating the enemies of the West , as we all know . It is now time to play on the sectarian disputes and inhuman practices of Damascus ; as it is whispered behind closed doors that our Alevis and the ruling Syrian Alawites are , well ...

time also to remember Breivik , the "nut" who lost his cells and still went along and did it. Witch hunts can be very useful but ı must digress as ı should concentrate on his interest in Turkey , based on only newspaper accounts . According to them we are supposed to be against the West in Kosovo , Bosnia , Lebanon or Syria on the basis of whichever comes first . Now that a couple unfortunate incidents and accidents have caused a certain number of undisclosed discussions of the boots and the foot they tend to be on . Translated to modern day lingo they lead to concise efforts to disperse us monkeys around where the so few elites can be outmanouvred to wither on the wine while the brainless , fatbottom and cowardly mass of losers will be scared to death . Because some book they read on tactics sez it's way cooler to win with minimum bloodshed . Oh yeah , this is exactly why we are to stop the bloodshed in Syria by invading it . Oh poor Angelina you have your lesson now , haven't you ? If you don't declare Turkish refugee camps are the best and we must be allowed to put up similar tent cities inside Syria , the media will immediately notice your 10000 dollar Louis-Vuitton bag and declare you one pointless worthless , you name it . Half the population have missed their homes and went back already . No , we aint whippin' 'em or anythin' . We also hear Breivik was playing the tunes of the Lord of the Rings while in "action" . Yeah , one presumes we must give up on Liv Tyler , too ...

returning to Young Americans ı clearly see 1998 is still not on their reading list . Which happened because , let me see , Americans encouraged the goverments of early 1990s to talk about the new age of glory to see if there was any risk the stubborn , oxen stubborn Turkish military would fall for a Turkish world from the Adriatic to the Great Wall of China , considered us very undemocratic and veeeeeryyyyy anti-Kurdish and a threat when we declined to see the great benefit to humanity if Bosnians were decimated for good , though we hadn't exactly reacted to the concentration camps and the rape tapes the good old Serbians were mailing around . Read the last sentence again , young ones , before the invention of computer there were people called the postman who brought pieces of papers and cardboard boxes to your house. They needed an Islamist goverment anyways . So , 1997ish when the said goverment was toppled , kinda by the military the brightest minds of that re-arrangement needed to secure themselves as the oxenic approach was talking of keeping the secular struggle alive for the next thousand years , in the case the counter-revolutionary threat lasted that long . They chose to be even better friends of Israel , and by proxy America - by making a fuss with the Syrians , skirmishes and border clashes were on offer . Damascus kicked the most dearest of the dear seperatist leader out ; Americans helped of course , they would hate to like us .

ı was in a bookstore at the time he was brought in and ı bought only one of the English weeklies . The one ı didn't had the guy on the cover handcuffed and pictured in front of Turkish flags . The cashier girl was so surprised that ı had no interest and inquired whether ı was not going to buy that one , too ! So , ı had to suffer the great national success once again , where there was incredible amount of pressure that he should survive and not end up in the drink a la Argentina . As if whole the TV channels were not hinting it all day long .

this is the time the legendary Young American will jump into the fray to tell of how they alone saved the Bosnians . Well , in the Officers' Club of Oceana , the F-14 drivers hatched a plan to save their single mission bird from impending doom , they would carry bombs and they needed a battle to score . One of good PR , so that dirty rich oil sheikdoms of the Gulf would agree to creatively finance the Tomcat-21 instead of Dick Cheney's dreaded Subpar Hornet . They naturally got a promise of a variable geometry F-22 and their glorious save coincided with a Bosnian Army finally disposed to fight the Croats and the Serbians at the same time . Dayton was famous for Americans imposing half of Bosnia to Bosnians who then had to share it . Oil sheikdoms got to erase anything they didn't from Bosnian mosques and cemeteries , to slowly impose their brand of Islam and this was far more suitable for them than any Tomcat . It is standart discussion technique to spoil any opposition by the method of ı don't care what you think , prove this wrong .

thankfully anti-Americanism is so serious charge that it ignores the fools and concentrates on real people . Like Putin who calls America a parasite for transferring its debt to other countries . Not to us . Don't care for those who carry it as well . These are not the days chasin' Charlie would get you a good laugh across the movie theater , it has become really tiresome . Means nothing , nor it could , though we deduce most/all the Western countries are for Medvedev .

at the end of allotted time , we will scorn .
ahh , the tail end Charlie again . Let me spoiler these to decrease the eyewear .

Spoiler :
journalists are on it again . One very anti-goverment was talking about an extension in the sense the MPs chosen on the seperatist agenda would lose their rights by October , since they refuse to take an oath of allegiance to the Turkish constitution , there would be a small scale election and they would lose up to two thirds of their MPs , all in 4 months time . Really ? How is that going to happen , ı thought vote rigging was past its prime . This guy should better keep on harping on why it is undemocratic to keep high ranking military officers under arrest , or he might find out he has kinda zero amount of credibility in the circles he has been asked to reach out . People are not really reading ; the allegation is Americans are actively prosecuting targets on behalf of the seperatists .

life goes on , there is a new command council of the armed forces here in Turkey and the recently apoointed commander of the land forces was clearly enjoying himself as he travelled in the same car with his the chief of staff , his new boss . As if anybody believes the hyper criticality of those meetings as depicted by the press , democratic revolutions achieved by any new seating arrangement or indeed trembles with fear of a hostile set of people . As if there has ever been a friendly set of people . Yet another sign people are not reading . It doesn't matter what a 4 star general actually thinks of his and his team's clout . Or the way he has thrown his weight behind anyone . There are times when there are things more important than political spoils sharing and this council is unfortunate that history will be made to take note that Americans are eager and looking forward to work with it . Which kinda explains the deferential treatment they are getting from TV channels . Anyhow this 4 star guy is a big kid , no sour faces when he gets a Torumtay .

though it won't make any difference in the ranks of the democratic journos . It is on record the last three chiefs were staff were wellcomed as very democratic proffessionals ; now there are moves to arrest the second in time , the first is likely to be in court soon and them journos and their operational wing are tarnishing the third . One very liberal guy , who is heading one paper that runs on US money and mind you even he is kept under surveillance and the fact still is someone sharing his surname is really believed to have got away with murder and the investigation goes on and off and on , yeah this guy really went on town on the third and his fellow generals who resigned not for their miserable performance in command but for defiance of the goverment .

then there is the always smiling guy . We though saw he was capable of scowling . TV debate where everybody salutes the latest steps of democracy and one guy says democracy is more than kicking military around , it also needs rules . It turns out 1600 small scale hydro electric stations are intented and they no longer need any environmental suitability study . 10 dams in any valley and they are practically on the basis of the contractor liking a place and building one right there right now. Yeah, the furious answer was military had ruled with rifles , there was an interregnum of fifty years and democracy was good . You remember the farm ? One with the 4 legs good , two bad ? He returned to his beaming smile mode when he started talking about the seperatists and how they were no biggie . Sure , the neo -Ittihadists were raised by the militarists to build up the nation morally against Islamic fundamentalism and the seperatists . ı hear the guy had an illustrious previous career as a Turkish fascist .

then there is the guy who will ask for a No Fly Zone in the UN . Has grown a beard , probably touring around to convince our Arabian neighbours that we have a Islamic awakening or so . Still can not grasp what the fuss is all about , he tells even the Chinese are now capitalists and one must follow global trends . There is no risk to the apple cart , he insists ; the new elites of the country are filtering to Bodrum ( the seaside resort town) slowly and they are picking the trappings of the modern life , becoming like the previous elite ... ı guess this means no more 4+ wives and instead chasing the screaming half nude Moldovan maid around as the wife is out shopping . "We are Turks. " he says " We have a totally different culture. " hence no risk of going totally ... Yeah , the Arabian traditions involve Filipinas .

now one must refer to the latest joke that goes around in the grapevine . It is a joke , it didn't happen in real life , don't try it at home and pay no attention . Anyhow , America needs to frame us vis a vis China and there are disturbances in Sinkiang / Sincan / East Turkestan . Chinese do not take it that way . Then somethin happenz and the Chinese say "That's more like it" . Now curious , Americans appear here to learn more and the answer is fully up to the spirit of the day :

we fervently hope you become roadkill soon .

Spoiler :
the whole world is re-reading the April Fools Day manifesto . You will learn when it happens to you .

though it won't stop the no fly zone guy . He is a proffessor mind you , he won't tolerate lesser brains who can not grasp that US is not after us , they are actually after China , if in doubt we should read the relevant book of Kissinger , the great Jew . Uhm , sorry does that book expound on how badly Nixon was after him after Airforce One went to a place where only Nixon could go yet the overflight rights did not stop Easter 1972 ? Or how Watergate is related to this mess ? Oh no , America is not after us , watch out China people , they are comin' for ya . So says a brilliant Turkish professor ...

oh yeah , them round eyes are even pointing fingers at you , with the tales of 72 institutions hacked . Tukish police to the fore , they can easily find data in harddisks completely deleted 35 times on specific orders from coup plotters . Yeah , police to China to teach 'em a lesson . Don't take this as a stupid rant , the democratic journos put Turkish intelligence services on auction last year , in return for continued support business espionage was offered .
the mocking of this country goes unabated . A leading seperatist was put on auction in the weekend . No , we are not paying his weight in gold , in the first place he is fat . Yeah , Iranians were first declaring they got him , then they did not , then somebody else . Our brilliant press has already solved it that they are actually in discussion with the seperatists so that PJak , their Iranian franchise is to stop fighting Tahran . Good , immediately after US turned out all the paraphelnia to conduct a good offensive , hit and run style . Yeah , so that we will soon be finding latest deployable American equipment on dead seperatists and Uncle Sam will like a virgin , unsullied . 'Cause lemme see , they gave it to the the fight against Iran . Tell me kiddo , did you turn over guided anti-tank missiles this time ?

the point , as it generally is , Iran is a sworn enemy of United States and they can invade a country under legal American responsibility anytime they wish, pick up anybody they like and come back again on the morrow . We are America's allies friends , whatever and we can't . Even brothers in arms . Korea , 1950-53 . McCain might remember it , ı can't . No. We will talk nothing with Mr. Petraus .
it might be on the news that we had this little raid across the border . And all the analysts had a field day . Now that the event breaks into my writing cycle , it will only please people that ı couldn't have the usual wall of rambling . But it has been suggested the global trends will be helpful if we follow them .

sorry for the fact that ı am so much given to empty rant . Sincerely hope at least ı am entertaining .

Spoiler :

and despite all the streneous efforts the neo-Ittihadists of this country do not have F-104 Starfighters on their side , considering the background images they had on their live coverage during the night . ı hear there is one in the museum in Yeşilköy . Stupidity is easily copied if it looks like workin'.

there is a strategy site that was wondering what was so special about August 15 , a date seemed to be pivotal for sites seriously anti-Syrian goverment . UN absolved Hizbullah of Lebanon from the murder of ex PM Hariri and Damascus made it easier by stopping its massacres for a day or two . No , the date seems to be more related to the unavoidable possibility of a three way civil war here in Turkey.
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