The energy companies get massive profits now, and the worst of all is that it doesn't even matter what source the energy came from - expensive gas costs the same to the consumer as lignitic energy or even solar/wind.
Meanwhile, in other news, machete fight in Leeds.
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Hang the DJ hang the DJ hang the DJ.
Do not forget the pricing mechanism concocted by the European Commission during that corrupt liberal pig Barroso's time. I don't know whether it's still in place in the UK but given it favours the oligarchs who have stakes in energy businesses I suspect that the tories didn't end it.
Energy gets "auctioned" in a reverse way: the most expensive energy becomes the payout. And prices are spot, not medium or long term averages justified by investments for production. The bankers who bribed the EC to get that in place called it "marginal cost pricing". Search about that. In fact I'm
providing a link (warning: EU propaganda talk there) because people probably wouldn't believe the utter corruption of it otherwise:
The wholesale market in the EU is a system of marginal pricing, also known as pay-as-clear market, where all electricity generators get the same price for the power they are selling at a given moment. Electricity producers (from national utilities to individuals who generate their own renewable energy and sell into the grid) bid into the market: they establish their price according to their production cost. Renewable energy sources are produced at zero cost, and are therefore by definition always the cheapest. The bidding goes from the cheapest to most the expensive energy source. The cheapest electricity is bought first, next offers in line follow. Once the full demand is satisfied, everybody obtains the price of the last producer from which electricity was bought.
This model provides efficiency, transparency and incentives to keep costs as low as possible. There is general consensus that the marginal model is the most efficient for liberalised electricity markets. In fact, it was used by most EU countries before being anchored in EU legislation.
In typical liberal (meaning: market fetishist) propaganda, they claim that this is the best of all possible worlds for consumers. "The alternative would not provide cheaper prices. In the
pay-as-bid model, producers (including cheap renewables) would simply bid at the price they expect the market to clear, not at zero or at their generation costs."
Sure, just assume that in a competitive market all those offering to sell for lower prices would
and could collude (hey, doesn't the EU claim that monopoly is illehgal? oh wait, that's only when the state is the owner oaf an utility...) to all present the very highest price, always.
It's utterly ridiculous propaganda, to defend an indefensible rip-off from consumers, and now that prices are speculatively getting higher every day, from states that have stepped in to "subsidize" this scheme. A blatant transfer fo public money to the oligarchs.
The people of the US, mind you, have rid themselves of the servants of these oligarchs in Brussels. Now it's up to them to kick out the ones in London. And Starmer is no
opposition for that purpose, he's a liberal like the others.