Has to be reached first? Where did you get that from? Nothing to do with me.
That there will not be peace until a political solution is reached is not so much a claim or an arguement as a statement of fact, all but a tautology.
You could argue that military action is a necessary step to reaching a political solution, but to believe it is an end in itself is idiotic. It argues for a state of constant war, which quite clearly has not worked.
There won't be peace regardless of any political "solution". The realistic goal here should be to limit the damage the terrorists can do to Israel to absolute minimum. In other words, Israel should strive for more security, not peace at the expense of security. Military solutions are pretty capable of achieving this realistic goal.
Clearly everyone is onboard with combating terrorism and to make such an abserd strawman is foolish even by our OT standards. There are quite clearly any number of situations where the use of excessive force in putting down terrorists has generated more terrorists than it has removed. Bloody Sunday would be the example par excellence, studied in detail.
The point is that while it may be necessary to kill to reach a political solution it is not only unethical but impractical to attempt to kill everyone who disagrees with you. When the SAS
killed three undoubted terrorists in Gibraltar it created a surge of sympathy for the IRA. I cant give you the names of four people who stepped up to fill the three sets of shoes but it is
universally regarded as having increased sympathy fo the IRA. One of the few things all the actors in NI can agree on.
Talk about strawmans...
You said:
"and that since the IDF dont despute the universal assertion more civilians are being killed than militants that military action generates more new militants than it kills." I commented on this. The claim that every dead civilian somehow creates another militant is simply not proved.
A lot of it from you.
IRA. ETA. These types of organistions with substantial community support have only ever been sucessfully countered by adressing the ligitimate concerns of the majority and marginalizing the extremists.
Comparing these two organizations to Hamas and other terrorist groups in Palestine is totally out of line. The methods, goals and background is incomparable. Neither IRA or ETA wanted to
destroy Britain/Spain and exterminate their citizens. Neither was massively supported by a foreign semi-totalitarian country. Neither enjoyed such a strong support in the community and neither evolved into a Hezbollah-type guerilla-terrorist movement.
In other words,
neither was large enough, fanatical enough and dangerous enough to require a full-scale military solution. Also, in both Irish and Basque societies you can find political forces you can reason with, work with and which can control the terrorists (to an extent).
The situation in Palestine is different, the military solution is the only solution left there. Hamas enjoys a widespread support, it eliminated all other political forces in Gaza, it remains committed to terrorism and
destruction of Israel, it is extremelly fanatical and its capacity to inflict damage to Israel is improving.
Harts and minds is an attempt - once again - to put words in my mouth. The goal is not for them to all love each other, it's for them not want to kill one another on a daily basis. Prodistants and catholics still kill each other in NI but now it's a criminal matter.
The only one who wants to kill on daily bases there are Hamas-influenced Palies. So long as Hamas reigns free in Gaza, there is
absolutely no hope that anything will get better. Anybody who thinks that Hamas can be weakened by concessions and nice words from Israel is a dangerously naive idiot.
But there is no insergency in Palistine
Semantics, we're in shady area here. Hamas was elected, but then it toppled the PA authority in Gaza. For all intents and purposes, it is now an insurgent/guerilla movement fighting against the Israeli forces.
It can be defeated militarily. It probably won't be, because the
Hypocritical International will force Israel to stop the operation before its forces destroy Hamas' military wing.
Since Hamas is the elected authority they by definition cannot be insurgents. Terrorism and insurgency are not the same thing, and insurgency is an awful lot easier to deal with militarily.
Explained above.
Hamas needs to be removed from power, if Israel wants to live without its rockets raining on southern Israeli cities. It can't be completely destroyed as an underground terrorist movement if it returns to its decentralized organization, but the harm it would be able to do would be much , much, much lower.