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Unofficial BTS 3.13 patch

She's probably one of those players who realized that thanks to BtS's new espionage system and its option to have spies rip down city defenses, combined with the fact that siege units can't kill when attacking anymore, you don't need, and should never build, conventional siege units anymore.

I call such people intelligent players.

On another note, I see from looking at the latest changelog that this unofficial fixpatch has gone the way of so many other unofficial fixpatches, not just for Civ but for games in general, and started mixing in balance changes alongside bugfixes.

This makes me sad.

These things should be used to fix bugs, and nothing more.

Damn, I'm glad I downloaded and installed the patch back when it was just a fix to the major new bugs.

Collateral damge can keep your 'obsolete' units from actually being obsolete.
Did you wait until machineguns to build a siege unit just so you could see that message. :lol:

well, today's i created by making a game and WBg myself railroad and a ton of workers to chop on turn 1 ;). but i did get that message once on building a machinegun and i giggled of course! i'd never been in any wars that game but at the very end i wanted to look scary or something so i made a few. i mean i make warriors and axemen even if i really don't expect a war, but i don't make pre-emptive cats until somebody scary reaches WHEOOHRN status, or if i'm gonna go pick a fight. so some games i never build any siege at all.

these are real ones i have saved from RB event reports:
Spoiler :

but this was inside the city:

22 beakers a turn when i'm far enough in the tree to be researching flight isn't exactly what i think of as great research! i think it must just go thru picking the city with the highest number of beakers that doesn't yet have the building. it didn't know that Sunny San Fran existed purely to make all the other ice tiles at the south pole illegal for city placement to keep away the bad guys. it wasn't specialized for commerce, or production, or GPs, or anything but tile ownership :lol:.

note the date, and that Namp'o is a Korean city. yup, i was playing as Wang Kon and just flat-out forgot i was protective. i'm such a permanoob! :lol:

and more than once in warlords i was running around with plenty of grenadiers, and when i build a rifleman or infantry i get the "grats on your first gunpowder unit" message, because all of the grens are upgraded CR melee units. that's fun tho, not a mistake.

that's why i leave the advisor pop-ups on. they make me giggle!
I call such people intelligent players.

nah, i'm a permanoob, honest. but you definitely won the "favorite quote of the week" award with this in another thread this morning:
I can say with absolute certainty that KMad is right.
...On another note, I see from looking at the latest changelog that this unofficial fixpatch has gone the way of so many other unofficial fixpatches, not just for Civ but for games in general, and started mixing in balance changes alongside bugfixes.

This makes me sad.

These things should be used to fix bugs, and nothing more.

Damn, I'm glad I downloaded and installed the patch back when it was just a fix to the major new bugs.

oh hush. this guy is working his butt off to make bts play nicely - don't be so dogmatic!!!
She's probably one of those players who realized that thanks to BtS's new espionage system and its option to have spies rip down city defenses, combined with the fact that siege units can't kill when attacking anymore, you don't need, and should never build, conventional siege units anymore.

I call such people intelligent players.

On another note, I see from looking at the latest changelog that this unofficial fixpatch has gone the way of so many other unofficial fixpatches, not just for Civ but for games in general, and started mixing in balance changes alongside bugfixes.

This makes me sad.

These things should be used to fix bugs, and nothing more.

Damn, I'm glad I downloaded and installed the patch back when it was just a fix to the major new bugs.

But you yourself pointed out that spies are unbalanced, and that a whole class of unit is now useless, but you wouldn't want that fixed?
Spoiler :
Just log in via IE FTP and copy it like a normal folder. They should have given you an ID and password. Or just edit it while on-line.

...and now back to your regulalry scheduled program...

Spoiler :
I do have the ID and password - that wasn't the problem. I finally got it to work - my husband helped me with it. Thankfully, he is a computer engineer, as I have zero experience with ftp before doing this project, and almost no experience with web site updating... but I am learning, quickly. It was frustrating, because things weren't working as I expected them to - as they were supposed to be working according to the help files. I was trying to copy too much information, and there are a lot of duplicated files on the web site which need to be deleted - old files from 2 years ago, no longer used. Thanks for the tip, though, I'll keep it in mind and learn how to do what you have said in case I need it in the future. :)

And I think the patch is great - I love all the things that have been fixed/updated. :goodjob: from me and my family!!


I'd like to suggest the following addition to your unofficial patch:

The purpose of this "fix" is to also display the current espionage ratio for human opponents in the score-tooltip.
In the initial BTS release, as well as v3.13 the ratio is only displayed for AI opponents.

--- CvDLLWidgetData v3.0.13 - v1.09.cpp	Sat Oct 13 09:20:02 2007 UTC
+++ CvDLLWidgetData.cpp	Sat Oct 20 21:45:11 2007 UTC
@@ -3199,8 +3199,14 @@
 			GAMETEXT.getEspionageString(szBuffer, ((PlayerTypes)widgetDataStruct.m_iData1), GC.getGameINLINE().getActivePlayer());
+		else
+		{
+			szBuffer.append(NEWLINE);
+			GAMETEXT.getEspionageString(szBuffer, ((PlayerTypes)widgetDataStruct.m_iData1), GC.getGameINLINE().getActivePlayer());
+		}
 		if ((GET_PLAYER((PlayerTypes)widgetDataStruct.m_iData1).getTeam() != GC.getGameINLINE().getActiveTeam()) && !(GET_TEAM(GC.getGameINLINE().getActiveTeam()).isAtWar(GET_PLAYER((PlayerTypes)widgetDataStruct.m_iData1).getTeam())))
 			if (GET_TEAM(GC.getGameINLINE().getActiveTeam()).canDeclareWar(GET_PLAYER((PlayerTypes)widgetDataStruct.m_iData1).getTeam()))

Thank you for your hard work and your time :)

In my current game, religious buildings after the first few have started producing hammers -- monasteries, even temples. See screenshot.

Don't know if this is caused by 3.13 or unofficial patch...

On another note, I see from looking at the latest changelog that this unofficial fixpatch has gone the way of so many other unofficial fixpatches, not just for Civ but for games in general, and started mixing in balance changes alongside bugfixes.

This makes me sad.

These things should be used to fix bugs, and nothing more.

Damn, I'm glad I downloaded and installed the patch back when it was just a fix to the major new bugs.

Ah, I'm glad you are around to tell me what I "should" and "should not" be doing. Whatever would I do without you? :rolleyes:

And my apologies for not realizing that you and you alone have the ability to determine what constitutes a "bug". But I'm sure we'll all be swooning with joy when you release the patch where you have fixed all sorts of bugs.

Interesting. I did not know the AP did this. I don't even have a state religion. That is very powerful.
Yeah, they REALLY need to put that into the civilopedia. I didn't know what it was either and had to ask where they were coming from, and I often see others who don't know. Does anyone know if this is documented anywhere?! In the game, in the manual, in a read me file, or on a post from someone from Firaxis that isn't an answer to the question "Where the hell are these hammer coming from"?

I'd like to suggest the following addition to your unofficial patch:

The purpose of this "fix" is to also display the current espionage ratio for human opponents in the score-tooltip.
In the initial BTS release, as well as v3.13 the ratio is only displayed for AI opponents.

--- CvDLLWidgetData v3.0.13 - v1.09.cpp	Sat Oct 13 09:20:02 2007 UTC
+++ CvDLLWidgetData.cpp	Sat Oct 20 21:45:11 2007 UTC
@@ -3199,8 +3199,14 @@
 			GAMETEXT.getEspionageString(szBuffer, ((PlayerTypes)widgetDataStruct.m_iData1), GC.getGameINLINE().getActivePlayer());
+		else
+		{
+			szBuffer.append(NEWLINE);
+			GAMETEXT.getEspionageString(szBuffer, ((PlayerTypes)widgetDataStruct.m_iData1), GC.getGameINLINE().getActivePlayer());
+		}
 		if ((GET_PLAYER((PlayerTypes)widgetDataStruct.m_iData1).getTeam() != GC.getGameINLINE().getActiveTeam()) && !(GET_TEAM(GC.getGameINLINE().getActiveTeam()).isAtWar(GET_PLAYER((PlayerTypes)widgetDataStruct.m_iData1).getTeam())))
 			if (GET_TEAM(GC.getGameINLINE().getActiveTeam()).canDeclareWar(GET_PLAYER((PlayerTypes)widgetDataStruct.m_iData1).getTeam()))

Thank you for your hard work and your time :)


I for one would definitely appreciate this change. I play mp usually and espionage is like playing blind. You can only try to infer enemy espionage spending from the cost percentage you have with the enemy.

Thanks again for your hard work Bhruic!
Yeah, they REALLY need to put that into the civilopedia. I didn't know what it was either and had to ask where they were coming from, and I often see others who don't know. Does anyone know if this is documented anywhere?! In the game, in the manual, in a read me file, or on a post from someone from Firaxis that isn't an answer to the question "Where the hell are these hammer coming from"?

Civ just happens to be a somewhat poorly documented game. On the surface, since you have things like the civilopedia you might get the impression the game is well-documented, ... but many/most of the finer details are not described anyway. For example, how combat works (this was always explained in previous incarnations of the game), how production/commerce multipliers work, how unit healing works (something I looked into), how overflow works, how inflation works etc.

To answer your question, no.. I don't think this is documented anywhere.
Civ just happens to be a somewhat poorly documented game. On the surface, since you have things like the civilopedia you might get the impression the game is well-documented, ... but many/most of the finer details are not described anyway. For example, how combat works (this was always explained in previous incarnations of the game), how production/commerce multipliers work, how unit healing works (something I looked into), how overflow works, how inflation works etc.

To answer your question, no.. I don't think this is documented anywhere.

Yeah, but with healing/production/commerce your still pointed in the direction of how to improve those things even if you don't know the exact way it's happening. The apostolic palace doesn't even hint that it does anything related to production.
While I am one of those who are always lambasting firaxis for the quality of the civilopedia, they did try to document this stuff for BtS. Sadly they did not fix the Civilopedia itself - not even for the new entries, but rather hid it under BtS Concepts. If you read carefully it tells you now:
Civilopedia said:
All members receive a production bonus for every Temple, Cathedral, Monastery, and Shrine they own of the Palace's religion.

Sadly but expectedly this text is not inline with the Patch change log:

Changelog said:
Updated Apostolic Palace civilopedia text to show that all members receive the religious building production bonus, unless they defy a resolution.
So what is it - do you lose your bonus if you defy a resolution or not - the Civilopedia says not the changelog says yes :gripe: :)
Hasn't anyone come up with a mod to update the civilopedia yet? I know Sevo was doing some work, but I have no idea if he stopped, or what.
The Sevopedia has not been updated in a long time. The problem is that you would have to write quite some text because the errors are not in the xml files querried by the civilopedia but in the civilopedia text files themselves and those are easily a hundred pages of text and tags that would need to be looked through for each language - I would not do that without being paid by firaxis...
The Sevopedia has not been updated in a long time. The problem is that you would have to write quite some text because the errors are not in the xml files querried by the civilopedia but in the civilopedia text files themselves and those are easily a hundred pages of text and tags that would need to be looked through for each language - I would not do that without being paid by firaxis...

That would be a real labor of love. I thought about doing just the English version (Sign language doesn't translate well to the written word :lol:) and others could handle the different languages. Sounds daunting. Plus, I have no idea where to even begin. :lol: :crazyeye:
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