US stands up for gay rights at the UN

If there's anything we've learned from the gay marriage debate's its the fact that it is perfectly legal and morally inobjectable to be in love or be married without planning to procreate. If we're going to protect the well-being of the unborn, then instead perhaps it should simply be illegal for relatives to reproduce, if that would be possible to legislate. There are alternative ways for them to have children.

Of course, but how do we prevent them from having biological children?

The bigger issue in my eyes is that, particularly in close relations, one individual often holds considerable power over the other (the parent/child relationship is probably most like this, but often further apart as well). This often exists to the point that individuals wouldn't have a reasonable ability to resist if incestuous relationships were legal and acceptable.

This is a true concern that goes beyond the possibility of disabled children argument.

As for polgamy, I am all for it as long as something is done about the taxation issue. The bg problem right now is that groups that practice polygamy have a history of marginalizing and abuse of women. Most notably fundamentalist Mormon groups (such as Bountiful, BC).

These need to be addressed, yes. Polygamists should be able to claim only one partner, at least for now.

For instance, someone shouting for the execution of homosexuals, but is unable to get this to happen, might vote for the same person I'd vote for. They are still an idiot, but their vote isn't the problem, because its utilization is far more limited then what they'd like to do.

I still think we'd be better off without social authoritarians. :p

I wouldn't agree with that, though I do support tax breaks for having kids, since they are the future of society.

Non-romantic cohabitation is good for the budget. Why?

When two or more people stay in one location, they split the expenses between them. This lowers their chances of going into debt, which in turn leaves them as a) better consumers and b) less likely to require government aid.

You do know how ironic this is coming from you right?

It's only ironic if you interpret "family unit" as how most people who spout the term put it.

I don't consider it one man, one woman, and whatever number of biological spawn they have. I consider it (ideally) two parents - but one or possibly more than two if necessary - in a stable, loving relationship, with any children they may have(either biologically or via adoption).

A single parent is far better than being an orphan. We just benefit from putting emphasis on forming families.

I don't understand your meaning. Being illegal /=/ going to jail even now, and we overuse jail a lot currently...

What I meant was that there are people of the same thought - that incest requires psychological help - who'd use the force of law to mandate that same help. This shouldn't be the case.

What's next? The US doesn't veto a condemnation of Israel?

You'll jinx it!
Of course, but how do we prevent them from having biological children?

Why do we need to prevent them from having biological children? So they won't get genetic disorders? What about people with current genetic disorders? Should it be illegal for them to have sex also?
The UN doing something else it has no power to do. How will they be enforcing this now, Economic Sanctions? Trade Sanction? Because they worked wonders on Iran and North Korea. Because Iran is of course no longer working on a Nuclear program and North Korea doesn't have nukes nor is trying to taunt South Korea, no, no, of course not. Coughbullcoughshcoughitcoughcoughcough. And of course Backwater dictators will still kill gays just for the heck of it. They'll just ignore it like everything else the UN has spewed out.
So after we've conquered gay rights, are we going to tackle disabled rights or will I still not be allowed to have children by the moral authority?
The UN doing something else it has no power to do. How will they be enforcing this now, Economic Sanctions? Trade Sanction? Because they worked wonders on Iran and North Korea. Because Iran is of course no longer working on a Nuclear program and North Korea doesn't have nukes nor is trying to taunt South Korea, no, no, of course not. Coughbullcoughshcoughitcoughcoughcough. And of course Backwater dictators will still kill gays just for the heck of it. They'll just ignore it like everything else the UN has spewed out.

This is a valid point, but at least this one is ACTUALLY TARGETING totalitarian regimes instead of the US and Israel.

So after we've conquered gay rights, are we going to tackle disabled rights or will I still not be allowed to have children by the moral authority?

You're disabled? In what way?

Also, I don't think anyone is seriously suggesting disabled people shouldn't be allowed to have kids.
This is a valid point, but at least this one is ACTUALLY TARGETING totalitarian regimes instead of the US and Israel.
So we shouldn't work to improve what is in our ability, and content ourselves by saying 'Life may be sucky here, but at least it is better then [insert totalitarian hellhole]?'
So we shouldn't work to improve what is in our ability, and content ourselves by saying 'Life may be sucky here, but at least it is better then [insert totalitarian hellhole]?'

We should certainly improve, but the UN shouldn't pretend like we are some evil totalitarian hellhole. That's why we shouldn't be in the UN, they hate us.
We should certainly improve, but the UN shouldn't pretend like we are some evil totalitarian hellhole. That's why we shouldn't be in the UN, they hate us.

I think the reality is that America Hates the UN because they do not like to be "bossed about/around" and its frankly childish.
We should certainly improve, but the UN shouldn't pretend like we are some evil totalitarian hellhole.
And they don't believe that. Or are they not free to criticize our foreign policy?
America is the sole remaining superpower, is it that wrong for the rest of the world to expect us to behave like that rather then acting like some jumped-up military adventurers?
That's why we shouldn't be in the UN, they hate us.
No, they don't.
Remember, on the whole the rest of the world likes Americans, the just have less then stellar opinions of our foreign policy.
America frankly wins no allies with it's condescending and "screw y'all" attitude to Foreign policy. Brits are becomming increasingly agitated and hostile to the US.
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