War Elephant Flavour Units


Jan 2, 2007
Here's some Ethnically Diverse War Elephants - choose what ones you need and download ;)

Chinese War Elephant Download!

Japanese War Elephant Download!

Arabian War Elephant Download!

Egyptian War Elephant Download!

Native War Elephant Download!

African War Elephant Download!

Credits to White Rabbit for the torch model, and the texture for the black scout, to SeZereth for the Japanese hat, and to the guy that made the cool Arab worker texture. The other models/textures/re-boning were made by me.
Thanks! They're not exactly realistic but I like to think that if the Aztecs or the Japanese had access to elephants they might have looked something like that...

Who cares if they are realistic? :confused: As you say if the Japanese and Aztecs had of had access to Elephants like they can in civ they probably would have looked like that. So again great work :goodjob: :p
Top notch, mate. And you want us to choose from them? ALL of them are to be used of course!!
They look very serious, the skin of the egyptian elephant with the symbol
is very greatfull

I will use them, too :D
this is awesome!!!

the Chinese one looks kinda like Vietnamese elephant...
ho yes, splendid ! :goodjob:
These are great! The canopies rock! Your African elephant looks more fitting then the one that shipped with warlords.
I frown down on your Asian elephant riders though; one must ride a big smelly beast half-naked or else some of the overall effect is just lost.
Awesome work Chugginator, I especially love the Asian carriages you made. :goodjob:
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