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Warhammer Fantasy Mod 2.5


I have a the same problem Leobon has. After about 15-20 turns the game just crashes. No error message, nothing. I use the Windows XP Complete Edition. I really enjoy the mod, but if I can't get that fixed then I can't really play the mod to its full extent. :confused: Help would be much appreciated.
I have not tried to pin the precise turn, and it usually creeps up on me and I can't save in time.
Hey am downloading this mod now, a few technical questions.

My Civ Three folder does not have a conquests folder at all, so Im not sure where to extract to. Is this because I dont have the expansion pack? Do I have to get it in order to use this mod?
If you do not have Conquests or Complete then yes. It does not run you much these days and most (practically all) mods released for the past 4 or 5 years are for it.
you might have to reinstall civ 3 and conquests, if your conquest folder is not there...

my cousin ran into this problem once, apon instal you have to also install gamespy arcade.

No, you don't need Gamespy Arcade for this mod.

You do however need Conquests, as you can read in the first post in the thread.
:cry:I had to re-install Civ3, after a Windows XP issue/reformat.:cry:
When I download the Modpack and the add-ons, I get error messages about missing files.
I have re-downloaded all the files three times with no better luck.:blush:
I have checked and all the files are unzipped and put in the right sub-folders, but I'm at a loss why it won't work.

Is there any chance of an update.
With the mod, the patch, and the advisers all in one file.:goodjob:
(so nothing would be missing)
I love this mod. Best mod out there!

So I'm working on my own fantasy scenario. I'm wondering what the etiquette is own using a few of the unit/building graphics in my scenario, twhich may be released publicly if I ever finish it. Maybe the whole terrain pack.

Is that cool if I thank the appropriate original artists or is it not the done thing?
I love this mod. Best mod out there!

So I'm working on my own fantasy scenario. I'm wondering what the etiquette is own using a few of the unit/building graphics in my scenario, twhich may be released publicly if I ever finish it. Maybe the whole terrain pack.

Is that cool if I thank the appropriate original artists or is it not the done thing?

Yes, you can use the graphics freely to make your own scenario. Pretty much all of them come from this site, whether originally made for this mod or another, they're for modders to use.
does this mod include new victory conditions?:confused:
This is definitely the best mod ever. It's like a new expansion. Now I think civ3 is a mod from WH...
I made the chaotic (ie: Greenskins + Hordes/Beasts of CHaos) and undead factions able to draft 2 units per turn, in order to add a new challenge, especially with the Khemri...
I got tired of not being able to play long CIV4 games on my laptop so I reloaded Civ3. I think I played an earlier version of this mod when I was playing Civ3. I just finished a game as Khemri, got to about midway through the magic age before victory, and I got to say this is a very impressive mod. The level of detail is outstanding.

I don't know if you all are still taking bug reports, but there's one on the civopedia entry for timber, where I got a msg. that the hyperlink limit had been exceeded and it froze the game. Maybe it's just my laptop, not really sure.

Anyway, great work, this is a lot of fun.
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