weird cat behavior

Both of the cats we have right now have some weird things they do. Our female cats likes to lick finger, so much so that she could spend minutes at a time licking my fingers. Our male cat lick to lick our hair, so he often grooms us when he is happy.
My male cat does both. For the fingers, my cat does it after I've been eating something salty. For hair, I'm not sure why he does it.
Recently our cat, after having played with her favorite toys, resolutely picks them up and deposits them on the backyard lawn. Why?
We have three cats. I took one for a rabies shot a couple of weeks ago. I carried her in one of those cardboard cat boxes. It took about an hour and she was very well behaved while surrounded by dogs in the waiting room. On the way home I heard the box rattle around and found her in my lap. Here is the box:

Your cat was fairly nice about it. My mother had a 12-pound cat. She had to give up on cardboard carriers because the carrier didn't last until she got it into the car! I use the plastic ones now.
Regarding licking things, my cat is crazy about plastic, the soft kind like plastic bags, cd-wrappers, any kind of plastic packaging.
The ones that make a rustling sound are a top favourite.
Some she'll just lick, others she'll actually try to eat.
And twisty ties used for closing bags. She'll play with one them far longer than any shop bought cat toy.
The good thing is that if I ever need one, I can guarantee to find half a dozen under a couch.
Recently our cat, after having played with her favorite toys, resolutely picks them up and deposits them on the backyard lawn. Why?

Maybe she wants to play with them outside. I'm not too sure though.

My cat always has an obsession with drinking and eating anything that I'm trying to eat but never goes for leftovers, like when they are on the side. Sometimes I think she is just doing it to annoy me :lol: She also loves to drink rain water, even though she has fresh water in her bowl.

It also seems that she always eats, drinks, plays etc. whenever we aren't in the same room as her. One time I stayed in the room she had her food in all day and she didn't eat once, but when I got up the next morning (after sleeping in another room) it was all gone :lol: She either sleeps or tries to get attention whenever we are with her.
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