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What are your goals for 2024?

My theme is Purposeful Growth

In 2023 in many ways I was cruising on autopilot. Days kind of blended into each other, I lived in modest comfort but aimlessly. I had aspirations but they compete for my attention so I end up just putting them off. So that's what I'm hoping to change in this year.

I did a bit of Purposeful Growth last year, going back to therapy to work out my various ✨ I S S U E S ✨ and changing the way I communicate with people, firstly I want to keep up that effort and not fall back into self-destructive habits. A big part of this is slowing myself down and keeping my perfectionism in check, something I think I will always struggle with just because of how my brain works. But I have support and I should get better at it over time.

Secondly, starting to build up skills and experience doing little things that lead up to bigger projects I want to accomplish in the future, eg. learn Japanese to prepare for a trip to Japan, read more books on Australian history to prepare for some kind of project teaching people about Australian history, sketches more different poses and backgrounds so I can draw more ambitious stuff, and so on and so on.

Thirdly, and probably the hardest task would be to eliminate clutter in my physical and mental spaces so I can actually do the first two goals. Ironically for me this involves doing more things on impulse, and not overthink about the end result. Overthinking leads to procrastination leads to mindlessly browsing social media feeds. Luckily, I already have a bit of an impulsive personality (see: my eating habits) so it's a matter of cultivating that and letting it out more, and trusting myself that I won't fudge things up if I do.
I plan some of the usual, and some of the less usual:
  • get stronger (min 150 kg deadlift, min 130kg squat)
  • run the local 10km again
  • Keep the weight below 85kg, aim at 80 (that didn't work too well last year...)
  • keep up with friends
  • have 2 dates (that might be aimed high...)
  • visit Rome and Pompeji
  • maybe finally see the Louvre
  • get that last manuscript from my PhD published
  • get my contract prolonged
  • get that photo collage for my wall here done. Didn't manage the whole last year lol
  • Organize my photo backups
I've written a lot of fanfic, but none of it has been posted on a fanfic site. I intend to change that this year.
Find some way to combat the weight gains caused by my transplant medication. Move closer to minimalism by purging more. I did well in 2023 getting rid of a lot of books that I never touched, reading those I hadn't read and letting them go. Finally, finish coursera classes on Python and SQL. The latter is more important in my line of work. Continue developing a local history project I started working on back in December. Actually do what I said I'd do last year, and start attending the historic society meetings in adjacent counties to improve my understanding of my region's knit-together history. (I'm a local history librarian, so I also want to develop better and purposeful connections.)
I hope to:
- find a purpose in life
- get friends (i lost some recently)
- try to make myself happy
- climb up from the depths i ended up in by the end of 2023.
* Publish my stories
* Continue expanding my school
* Start a new family
* Find a new flat and settle in
* Attend some darts tournaments, get better at throwing darts
* Find sport's buddies for table tennis/darts/badminton and reduce time at PC
* learn video editing and make some videos
* improve my Lithuanian skills, I plan to live in Lithuania for a month
* learning new languages is always nice. In no particular order - Greek (I took one semester in Uni), French (self-taught a tiny bit), Italian (very little), Norwegian, Icelandic, Faroese (if I get good penfriends), Spanish (unlikely), Estonian (I have a book I need basic skills for to read it).
My goal is to cut down my weekly whiskey intake.
Some days it feels like my stomach is on fire.
-Get the 'big three' gender-affirming surgeries (bottom, BA, and FFS)
-Get my voice to at least androgynous audio quality
-Survive and prosper at my new job
-Move to a decent new home in southern NH
-Help ensure Trump is not the President-Elect at the end of the year
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