What does your Surname literally mean?

A specific day of the year, not a day of the week :p
I share a name with a Saint, who is not at all related to the day that shares his name, which occurs only once a year.
classical_hero said:

We have a winner. Extra marks if you can figure out its proper spelling :)
little foot
son of Fifty
son of Fifty

Fifty versFiftyson. :goodjob:

Mine is some generic first name from my original ethnicity. Probably also the name of some podunk town from the country of my original ethnicity.
Surname: "Descended from Donal"

The first means "God is Gracious"

The middle one was given in honor of Boris Badenov's sidekick.

My parents were nut cases. :crazyeye:
"Saints" for the name I got from me pop.

"A place in Navarre, which in turn was earlier named Aurelianus" for the name I got from me mum.
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