holy F tell me that was a typo! I guess you are like me, easy to put on a moderate amount of fat when drinking /eating unhealthily but able to put that into muscle mass when stringent and exercising regularly (oddly enough muscle mass that was "lost" is in my experience at least 5 times easier to rebuild than to build from scratch and some stored fat seems to facilitate this even more.
But 15 pounds? I repeat myself when I say: holy F! In 3 months? <insert profanity>
It's not!

- I try to eat six times a day (if you count the protein shakes it's 6)
I hit up the gym for 25 minutes In the morning ( not counting the warm ups to get my heart rate to 135)
6 hours later
and 6 hours after that.
I do one muscle a day and 30 sets of 10 reps on that one muscle.
.... You gotta remember thou putting muscle on for me is easy because my I have the exact same body type as my dad but, I've never really hit the gym the way he told me too. He squats 390 easy and I can barley do 200. I reckon if I can put on another 20 lbs of muscle I will level off into my "ideal size"