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What is this "gay agenda" that I've heard so much about?


Take it like a voter
Retired Moderator
May 9, 2005
In the many and numerous threads we have here that are obsessed w/ homosexuality, I often see the term "gay agenda" tossed around loosely. Typically, I (or someone else) will reply, "what is the gay agenda?" to be met with silence.

There seems to be all kinds of "agendas" these days, besides the gay agenda, there's the liberal agena, the activist court agenda, the neocon agenda, the liberal media agenda, etc... The idea behind attached "agenda" to your boogeyman of choice is that it infers that whatever the issue is you're talking about that there's some other dastardly thing that's driving or motivating it.

So, when we speak of the "gay agenda", what, exactly is the big evil thing that they are really up to?

So far as I can tell the "gay agenda" amounts to some or all of the following:
*not having the crap kicked out of you (or worse) just because you're gay
*being allowed to marry the person you're naturally attracted to.
*just being treated decently in general

Please try to post civilly and reasonably. Discuss the points, not the people.

I'm truly curious if people really think there's some sneaky plot at work here or if the "gay agenda" is just another straw man/disinginuous argument to invoke fear.

AND PLEASE, try to be individuals and not droids. Try not to preface your comments with such junk as "well as a <church/philosophy of choice> I feel blah blah blah".
"The Gay Agenda" is that put forward by two groups; "The Maoist, Pinko People's Syndicate" working in alliance with "The Godless, Anarchist, Terrorism and Enivronmentalism Lobby."

As far as I know, this agenda is directly handed down by Satan and, unsurprisingly, serves his ends and no one else's. Not even that unholy alliance's. It is therefore entirely within reason to call such an agenda "Evil".

Hope that answers your question :)
Rambuchan said:
"The Gay Agenda" "The Godless, Anarchist, Terrorism and Enivronmentalism Lobby."

Jeeze I've never been described so succinctly.

But really the gay agenda involves converting everyone to homosexuality(or bi)...we don't really have a reason we just think it'd be sort of cool.
The gay agenda is for gay people to not be discriminated against legally or socially because of how they conduct their personal lives.

Sounds fine to me.
Just wait until your children stop hating people.

You shall rue the day.
.Shane. said:
I'm truly curious if people really think there's some sneaky plot at work here or if the "gay agenda" is just another straw man/disinginuous argument to invoke fear.
The "gay agenda" is just another straw man/disinginuous argument to invoke fear. You're totally right about this. It's also a sentence I never heard from anyone living outside the United States where such catchphrases have become business as usual in political discussions. It makes it sound as if there's some vast conspiracy to promote gayness. It's just dumb.
I've heard it used by certain hardcore anti-gays who think that gays are trying to convert non-gays to homosexuality.

In reality, I suppose it's just thier desire to be treated like the rest of us.
Pyrite said:
Rambuchan said:
"The Gay Agenda" "The Godless, Anarchist, Terrorism and Enivronmentalism Lobby."

Jeeze I've never been described so succinctly.

But really the gay agenda involves converting everyone to homosexuality(or bi)...we don't really have a reason we just think it'd be sort of cool.

Being gay or Bi is of course a disease, usually caught but sometimes inherited that if left unchecked spreads throughout society, the gay agenda seeks to expose as many people as possible to said disease, which is transferrable in three ways, by listening to gay propaganda and then talking or mingling freely with gay people, by sitting on toilet seats just vacated by gays, and by sexual intercourse with gays, although the first two remain controversial as means of disemination of said illness, you can be sure that the third is a sure fire way of contracting this disease and should be refrained from by the heterosexual community. The gay agenda is opposed by Right wing fundementalist pressure groups such as YSGTBH and OEEISIOCORI or Your So Going To Burn in Hell, Overating an Evil in Society Instead of Concentrating on Real Injustice. Needless to say both groups have no scientific stand point, no will to meet half way, and no ability to persuade liberal thinking human beings who have some sort of moral compass, or people who just don't give a rats arse as their are better things to worry about, like what to watch on TV this evening, you know real issues of concern that actually impinge on your conciousness :D
From what I gather, the gay agenda is closely linked with: the politically correct brigade who want to ban Christmas, the bleeding hearts liberals who support terrorism, the atheists who want to stop our children from being able to pray (think of the children!), and men made of straw.
"Well, at 5:00 we will have a symposium on interior decorating. At 6:30 we will go find a church and turn everyone there gay. Then at 8:00 we will have dinner and watch the Judy Garland Film Festival. It's going to be fabulous!"

Yes, I've done this joke before. I don't care.
It is only a diversion from the real attack. Cant you yanks see that lazytown is a euro conspiracy to take over the US, all of them being trained by the Icelandic Special Forces.
The Gay agenda is invented by mainly the uber-Conservative political factions who are homophobic towards homosexuals. If there is a Gay Agenda, where are the Streight Agenda activists? There is a stealth Streight Agenda which comes in the form of homophobia and opposition of homosexual people.

1. Gather receipts to complete tax returns.
2. Pick up laundry from the dry cleaners.
3. Call Mom.
4. Get oil changed.
5. Water lawn.
6. Pick up milk, eggs, and a pint of vanilla ice cream at the store.
7. Take cat to the vet.
8. Pay electric bill.
9. Get stamps at the post office.
10. ???
11. Profit!
.Shane. said:
So far as I can tell the "gay agenda" amounts to some or all of the following:
*not having the crap kicked out of you (or worse) just because you're gay
*being allowed to marry the person you're naturally attracted to.
*just being treated decently in general
Hey, all these things sound reasonable. But the devil is in the details as they say. How do you implement these things? How to promote tolerance?

Turns out that includes things such as gay parades. It worked for the Irish in NY in the 1800's, why not homosexuals? Of course the Irish didn't dress as the opposite sex and wear sex toys outside their clothing (atleast to my knowledge, I wasn't there).

Of course, you also have to reach the next generation. Now a child can't be expected to know if they are gay, and if they are gay they shouldn't be put in a situation where they are treated differently. Parents can't be trusted here. Therefore, there must be mandatory gay sex education for all children in public school. Everyone confortable with this?

Also, the military figures prominently. Gays should be able to serve openly and equally is what the gay agenda says. To the typical person this might not seem like a big deal. To someone in the military, the problems with this are very evident and include the extremely close quarters and lack of seperate showers in most situations. Able to be overcome? Maybe. Worth it? I doubt it.

Most insidious is the perpetuation of the greco-roman myth of love. Are we to be led around by swellings of emotion? "The heart wants what the heart wants." Slaves to love. But love is not like this. It is a willful choice, accompanied by emotion, which leads to action on the part of the lover. Now, this might not be on any agenda sheet, but it is a necessary part of promotion of the gay community. With the greco-roman myth, what happens when the emotion is not there? Or when the subject feels 'love' for something else? Well, in the gay community you get multiple short-lived sexual partners evidenced by the horrific spread of AIDS through said community. In the hetero community you get adultery and families torn apart from divorce. The gay community (atleast not the current one) didn't create this myth, but they certainly have done their share to promote it, as excepting the recent drive for gay marriage (which I doubt is that supported in the gay community), it is a core part of their lifestyle. One which they seek to make near universal and therefore without critics.

Disclaimer: I fully realize that there are exceptions (maybe even many) to what I, for convenience sake, refer to merely as gay community.
History_Buff said:
I've heard it used by certain hardcore anti-gays who think that gays are trying to convert non-gays to homosexuality.

Some of them are.

The idea that no gay people are trying to convert heteros is fairly absurd.

Just as some hetero men try to convince virgin women to be sexually active. It happens. I have an aquaintance that goes by the moniker Gay Tony and he openly tries to convert hetero people, but that is because he is truly convinced that everyone is actually bisexual. He does nothing more than use rhetorical means, so don't get too upset and think I mean something more forcing. That is his personal agenda, but it is certainly not shared by all gay men or women.

I agree that in general the Gay agenda is nothing more than gay people wanting to be treated fairly as human beings and given opportunities that any other person would want. But, it is used by anti-gay people and other homophobes to mobilize people, generate revenue and manipulate things politically (like getting out the ultra conseravtive vote in Ohio).

I say if anyone can find love in any form, we need to encourage that, so long as all parties are consenting and aware of their consent.

So long as no one (hetero or homosexual) is forcing themselves on a person that is not old/mature enough to understand the consequences of their behaviors, I think its all good.

And can even be a lot of fun.
Stile said:
Turns out that includes things such as gay parades. It worked for the Irish in NY in the 1800's, why not homosexuals? Of course the Irish didn't dress as the opposite sex and wear sex toys outside their clothing (atleast to my knowledge, I wasn't there).
The main thing that I dont like about these gay pride parades is that it only reenforces the negative steryotypes of homosexuals not being modest, sexualy active, and promiscuous.

Stile said:
Of course, you also have to reach the next generation. Now a child can't be expected to know if they are gay, and if they are gay they shouldn't be put in a situation where they are treated differently. Parents can't be trusted here. Therefore, there must be mandatory gay sex education for all children in public school. Everyone confortable with this?
Not I, I would not be confortable with this if public school starts to teach gay sex ed for all children. If that ever happens, I will pull my child out of public school and eather put him/her in a private Catholic school or homeschool my child. I dont want my child to be exposed to that kind of stuff while he or she is still young.

Stile said:
Also, the military figures prominently. Gays should be able to serve openly and equally is what the gay agenda says. To the typical person this might not seem like a big deal. To someone in the military, the problems with this are very evident and include the extremely close quarters and lack of seperate showers in most situations. Able to be overcome? Maybe. Worth it? I doubt it.
Personaly, I would be very uncomfortable being in close quarters with a homosexual since I am afraid that the guy
will hit on me and will make me very uncomfortable enough to file sexual harassment charges.
******s (ie Gays) are flat out screwed up. It is wrong religiously & secularly. They [fags] should got to Anartica or the wastleland & make a fag nation. I bi-sexual (your ethier stright or not IMO) broke up my sister's (#1) marrige; abused my Sister (#1) and then my other sister (#2) introduced her to a married man whom my that sister (#2) had an affair with; the bi-sexual broke his marrige up & the affiar. Bad for the familiy. I hate how those sisters think so is sooooo good looking. She is uglier than a wood picket fence; I could name almost any woman pretier than her. ******s are bad...trust me.
William GBTW said:
******s (ie Gays) are flat out screwed up. It is wrong religiously & secularly. They [fags] should got to Anartica or the wastleland & make a fag nation. I bi-sexual (your ethier stright or not IMO) broke up my sister's (#1) marrige; abused my Sister (#1) and then my other sister (#2) introduced her to a married man whom my that sister (#2) had an affair with; the bi-sexual broke his marrige up & the affiar. Bad for the familiy. I hate how those sisters think so is sooooo good looking. She is uglier than a wood picket fence; I could name almost any woman pretier than her. ******s are bad...trust me.

You might want to reconsider that title under your user name with an attitude such as you posted.

Just sayin.
CivGeneral said:
Not I, I would not be confortable with this if public school starts to teach gay sex ed for all children. If that ever happens, I will pull my child out of public school and eather put him/her in a private Catholic school or homeschool my child. I dont want my child to be exposed to that kind of stuff while he or she is still young.


Very funny that you would prefer to have a closeted gay Catholic priest molest your kids than a regular gay person.

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