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What is this "gay agenda" that I've heard so much about?

carlosMM said:
cross-dressing AND sex toys are named, you respond without refering only to sex toys.

So, you distinctly said what I quoted you said, you did NOT refer to only one part but even QUOTED both parts (I can get you a screenie if you want...), NOW you claim your post onyl refers to one part..... that makes you a LIAR!

Ever hear of a clarification? Up to this point have I not made it obvious that I was only referring to the sex toys? Have I not made it clear to you?

You most certainly could have asked for a clarification as opposed to flaming away. But that is an option you are unable to make when it comes to me.

If any doubt remains let me make it clear. I was only referring to the sex toy comment. And jokingly at that.
Rambuchan said:
And, pray tell, what would the right idea be? :mischief:

Mardi Gras maybe?:D

IglooDude said:
Meh, I'll do it for free. :p

And to dip my toe in that kettle of vinegar chunk of sub-thread, in my experience lesbians are a lot more familiar with sex-toys than with cross-dressing. Curiously, male crossdressers (and male-to-female transsexuals) outnumber female ones(and f2m's) at least 5-to-1, more like 10-to-1.

Ding! Pardon me Igloodude, but for what its worth, I will claim this as a non-scientific endorsement of my position.:lol:
MobBoss: I think that's the only excuse you'd get away with!

Here's some info on the discussion....

Rambuchan said:
MobBoss: I think that's the only excuse you'd get away with!

Here's some info on the discussion....

And the point of that is what? What relivance does this have to do with the discussion other than spam?
Bozo Erectus said:
I dont think people sneak into forests to have anonymous sex for cultural reasons.

This is the funniest quote in the whole thread! Its going in my sig. :lol:
IglooDude said:
Meh, I'll do it for free. :p

And to dip my toe in that kettle of vinegar chunk of sub-thread, in my experience lesbians are a lot more familiar with sex-toys than with cross-dressing. Curiously, male crossdressers (and male-to-female transsexuals) outnumber female ones(and f2m's) at least 5-to-1, more like 10-to-1.
Counting transsexuals is something that can be done, in theory (and indeed I have heard claims that male-to-female transsexuals are more common, although Wikipedia cites a source claiming it is more 1:1 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transgender ).

However, I'm not sure how one would compare cross-dressing (a distinct issue to transsexualism, it should be noted) - the number of people who identify as cross-dressers? (Although that wouldn't catch everyone who ever does it). The problem is that there are far more clothes which are seen as "women only" than there are clothes which are "men only". So women wearing trousers aren't cross-dressing, but men wearing skirts are, and that alone explains any different.

Indeed, it's rather paradoxial - if the number of cross-dressing men dramatically increased, such clothing would no longer be seen as "women only", and hence the outcome would be a far lower number of men who are counted as cross-dressing. Ironically, far more women than men do what *used* to be cross-dressing, but as a result, we perceive that more men cross-dress.
mdwh said:
The problem is that there are far more clothes which are seen as "women only" than there are clothes which are "men only". So women wearing trousers aren't cross-dressing, but men wearing skirts are, and that alone explains any different.
Who says men wearing skirts are cross-dressing? Thats an insult to male kilt wearers! :p

MobBoss said:
And here is where you perpetrate your falsehood. The number of new heterosexual cases is not resulting in a higher percentage as compared to the number of new gay cases. In fact, those percentages you listed are most likely reversed in the real situation, as opposed to your fantasy.

OK accusing me of being a liar without having any real understanding of what I'm saying is a gauntlet situation I can't resist so here we go.:)

It is estimated that there are now 58,300 individuals currently living with HIV in the UK, over a third of whom (19,700) are unaware of their condition. HIV rates continue to climb. Newly diagnosed cases reported for 2004 stand at 7,275. There is a continuing epidemic among the homosexual community and men having sex with men, accounting for approximately 2,185, or 30%, of new diagnoses in 2004. The main increase, however, is among heterosexuals, the majority of whom probably acquired the virus in Africa, with 4,287 new diagnoses in 2004, accounting for 59% of all new diagnoses. Injecting drug use and mother-to-children transmission continue to remain low, accounting for about 100 cases each in 2004.

Just to clear something up.

Also from a while back when I explained that higher growth rates would mean and eventual outstripping of heterosexuals, Mob Boss you appeared to miss the point about growth rates on two seperate occasions, being as the UK's most recent figures show how heterosexuals now have outstripped at least in new case homosexual men.

Heterosexual transmission accounts for an increasing proportion of AIDS cases in the United States. From 1985 to 1995, the proportion of U.S. AIDS cases attributed to heterosexual transmission grew from 2.5 percent to 15.1 percent.

Here's something I want you to consider as most data we have supplied to you has shown in general that heterosexual growth rates are growing where as homosexual ones apart form small peaks are generally level. I'll show you what this means if growth rates of new diagnosis level off in gay men and increase in straight men as they appear to be doing. Here are some UK figures since we began talking about the UK they are more relevant to the point I was making.


Each year until 1999, there were more new HIV diagnoses in men who have sex with men than in any other group. Since then, heterosexual contact has been the major route of infection in the UK, peaking at 62% of new diagnoses in 2003, and accounting for 53% in 2005.7

At the end of 2004, an estimated 58,300 adults were living with HIV. Of the estimated 29,700 heterosexuals, some 17,700 (60%) were women.3 The male to female ratio of HIV diagnoses made before 1989 was more than 10 to 1, whereas in 2005 the ratio for new diagnoses was around 3 male to 2 female.4
Age group:

People in the age group 25-34 years have accounted for 44% of all HIV diagnoses in the UK, as of the end of March 2006.5

In 2005, 6,725 HIV diagnoses were reported in the UK. Among the 5,282 whose ethnicity is known, 39% were white, 51% black-African, 3% black-Caribbean and 7% of other or mixed race.6
Transmission route:

As of the end of March 2006, it has been reported that 46% of HIV infections resulted from sex between men, 40% from heterosexual sex, 6% from injecting drug use, 2% from mother to child transmission, 2% from blood/tissue transfer or blood factor, and 4% from other or undetermined routes.

Each year until 1999, there were more new HIV diagnoses in men who have sex with men than in any other group. Since then, heterosexual contact has been the major route of infection in the UK, peaking at 62% of new diagnoses in 2003, and accounting for 53% in 2005.7


Taking the statistics from here and the growth rates from above

Male to male sexual contact=18,203

Growth rate= 30%

Heterosexual contact=12,683

Growth rate=59%

Here's what I mean when I said that the heterosexual population will soon outstrip the homosexual population.

But look at the figures for yourself and try to figure out what the totals will be in 10 years, which should be at least fairly accurate given that growth rates stay fairly uniform, although in reality heterosexual growth rates as a trend are going up and homosexual growth rates are levelling off, but let's ignore this for simplicities sake as I want you to follow what I was talking about.

in one year the homosexual population will be assuming the population of homosexuals at an age to have sex

18,203*130/100 or a 30% increase from the base number

=population next year=23,664.0

in one year the heterosexual population will be:-

12,683 * 159/100 or a 59% increase from the base number.

=population next year=20166.0

in ten years what do you think the population would show assuming growth rates proceded to this very simple model?

New cases in gay men=18,203(1.3)^10=250,944.0

New cases in straight men=12,683 *(1.59)^10=1,309,765.0

1.3 is equivalent to 130%
1.59 is equivalent to 159% btw.

OK so if you have a larger growth rate in a smaller populaiton, you can see quite clearly that eventually it will outstrip the smaller growth rate in the larger population.

In order to explain this properly I'd have to use a logistical model, but I think that would stretch your maths too far, if you want me to do so you merely have to ask though, the point is equally applicable in a logistical model, it just shows more realistic trends over long time periods with large populations. I hope that is clear now. By the way maths is absolute and it doesn't lie(my assertions are 100% were 100% absolute) You can argue with the statistics though all you like though that's your look out, but as we've showed before current trends appear to be bearing up, it was predicted about 10 years ago that cases of HIV would outstrip new cases in the homosexual population, I hope you now understand what this means in the long term for over all figures given a simplistic growth rate. In real terms it means in the UK HIV is now a sexual disease not a homosexual one, it also means that targetting homosexuals alone as I said before is a dangerous message and could cost lives.
Sidhe said:
Also from a while back when I explained that higher growth rates would mean and eventual outstripping of heterosexuals, Mob Boss you appeared to miss the point about growth rates on two seperate occasions, being as the UK's most recent figures show how heterosexuals now have outstripped at least in new case homosexual men.

You are confusing "growth rate" among a population with "total number of new cases". Case in point: If homosexuals account for 30% of the new cases, is the homosexual population of the UK 30%? No. Probably not even close. To get the rate within a demograph, you need to divide the number of new cases among that demograph. And I am telling you, if 5% of the population is accounting for 30% of all new cases, their rate will be higher than 95% of the population accounting for only 59% of new cases, especially when you are only talking about just over 7k new cases.

You see, even if the number of heterosexual cases outstrips the number of gay cases its immaterial since the number of heterosexuals will always astronomically be higher than the number of gays. All things consider evenly, why do we see an extremely small demograph like gays accounting for 30% of all new cases for that year and 46% of all HIV infections. If the rates were anywhere near similiar you should see hetero cases at far, far higher than just 59%.

And from what I have seen/read over the last 6 months seems to indicate that the rate is actually increasing among gays while decreasing among heteros? Why? Some assume that it is a false sense of security due to the advancements in AIDs/HIV research.

I also point out that such stats vary widely year to year as they should when dealing with a new populations of only several thousands. So, using any one particular year for your model probably isnt the most accurate assumption.

Good post. I have never said that I dont think the number of heterosexuals cases wont exceed the number of homosexual cases. Given the difference in the demographs I think that fairly obvious. What is not so obvious though is the individual infection rates among those populations. Compared to the heterosexual demograph, the infection rate among gays is still incredibly high. Your numbers dont refute that in any way.

By the way I just noticed the stat is rather incomplete.

If new Hetero cases were 4287 and gay men 2185 with 100 each for woman to child and injection drug use thats only 6672 new cases. What accounts for the 600+ remaining cases? What reason is given for those?
Whoh, what just happened. I thought this thread went back to the depths of the second pages gone and forgotten.
You have to compensate for the larger infection base, which you are not. If the initial infection in group A is 30% larger than group B, then the number of new cases in group A will be 30% larger. Add network theory into it then the numbers will change drastically.
croxis said:
You have to compensate for the larger infection base, which you are not. If the initial infection in group A is 30% larger than group B, then the number of new cases in group A will be 30% larger. Add network theory into it then the numbers will change drastically.

I dont think the larger infection base matters that much in this case. Everyone knows about AIDs/HIV and what steps to take in order to eliminate your risk of infection. What does matter is behavior and risky sexual practices, which of course both gays and heteros can engage in. But from my point of view, regardless of the risks of AIDs/HIV, certain demographs prefer to play dice with the devil in the misguided hope they wont catch the disease.

Now, while I accept that both the gay and hetero demograph can engage in risky behavior, is such risk taking more prevalent in one demograph as opposed to the other? Personally I think so. Which, in my humble opinion, is why you see a demograph with about only 5% of the population, accounting for 30% of new cases in 2004.
ohhhhhhh new word!
Define it for us please.
croxis said:
It is still a factor that can not be ignored, same with the socialsexual (I made that word up!) network which will very much affect how HIV will propagate and how many will be infected.

Well, hazarding a guess, I would be willing to say that your thoughts on "socialsexual" networking would neatly fit in my idea of "behavior" and how it effects the trend far more than initial infection vectors. Initial infection data may have been pertinent at one point, but the information on this disease and how it works is now 30+ years old and still going. As you have said as much yourself, one can safely make oneself have a virtual zero infection risk to this disease by simply controlling ones "behavior".
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