What Music are You Listening to, #68: Bring Some Flowers in Your Hair

The new Bad Bunny is pretty nice. I was gonna skip it until I read the title of the album and saw its cover and then knew it'd be at least pretty good. I always love when the big budget artists with the most attention spin their new albums just right.
The Emptiness Machine - Linkin Park

I didn't know this 90's band was still going with Mike Shenoda :eek:

They got a new lead singer Emily Armstrong who can scream-sing pretty good. :goodjob:

Here is a calmer song for productivity.
An hour plus of electronica. :)

Lee Burridge

"There is no dark side of the moon, really. Matter of fact, it's all dark."
I finished The Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd yesterday, and every single song was at least good. There were songs like Us and Them, The Great Gig In The Sky, Brain Damage (and Eclipse of course) that shook me to the core. I'd say The Dark Side of the Moon is even better than OK Computer.
I was alive during the back end of that, so I've almost certainly heard some of it before.
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