What video games have you been playing III: You're gonna need a bigger boat.

Strongly suggest you just charge straight through Fallout 3's main quest as the content there is strongest. Then go play New Vegas DLC which is mostly Very Good.
Shooting my way through the American frontier these days as John Marston in Red Dead Redemption. It's a lot of fun. The horseback-riding mechanic is really good for a video game. I'm staying on the right side of the law for now. But we'll see if it lasts. Some things are a little over the top though, but you know Rockstar..
What did you think? I loved that game, and I even started reading the comics after, which I've never done before.

It came off like a sort of cross between L.A. Confidential and American Gods. I liked the cel shaded comic book art style, not something many games that tried to attempt, the only other game I played with that style was Prince of Persia from 2008. I was expecting there to be more puzzles, as I played the earlier Telltale games, but that might be a good thing as I never got stuck in the game.
Strongly suggest you just charge straight through Fallout 3's main quest as the content there is strongest. Then go play New Vegas DLC which is mostly Very Good.

You know, by what I heard about Fallout 3's DLC, they're great. However, it seems they lack.. a common theme, let's call it. In New Vegas DLCs there were hints thrown around in Old World Blues about Ulysses and Elijah, then in Dead Money we got rid of Elijah, may that bastard lie down one of the toxic vents in the Vault, then Ulysses, who was annoying.

In Fallout 3.. It's more like "Hey, look! Aliens! Call of Cthulhu! Chinese!" as far as DLCs go. They seem disconnected.
You know, by what I heard about Fallout 3's DLC, they're great. However, it seems they lack.. a common theme, let's call it. In New Vegas DLCs there were hints thrown around in Old World Blues about Ulysses and Elijah, then in Dead Money we got rid of Elijah, may that bastard lie down one of the toxic vents in the Vault, then Ulysses, who was annoying.

In Fallout 3.. It's more like "Hey, look! Aliens! Call of Cthulhu! Chinese!" as far as DLCs go. They seem disconnected.

Agreed (though the order of the NV DLCs was DM, HH, OWB, and LR). The Fallout 3 DLC sucked. Ulysses was indeed annoying, which was something of a let-down because the DLC had all built up to the final confrontation with him. He just rambled about bears and bulls and symbols. Little of what he said made sense. I think the devs wanted to show the NCR in a really negative light and try to make you feel guilty or something with weighty talk and images of the destruction you allegedly caused, and wanted Ulysses to seem very symbolic, philosophical, and able to make you question the morality of your actions.

Spoiler plot spoilers :
If that was their goal, they failed. Firstly, there's no proof you actually blew up the Divide; there's just Ulysses saying so. Even then, he alleges that all you did was carry a strange package into the area, hardly a crime, and that this device somehow set off dozens of warheads. I can't imagine why the US (or the Enclave?) would have made a device to do that. Ulysses claimed there was a community growing up in the Divide before the blasts which had some promise to be better than Bear or Bull because something something something symbols. And he's not really in any position to condemn you for doing something whose consequences couldn't possibly have been predicted; I mean, Jesus, look what he did under the Legion!

That said, LR could still be fun with all the cool toys, especially the various types of Riot Gear and the ridiculously OP ED-E. I enjoyed fighting the Marked Men, too. And nuking the Legion.
I really enjoyed how you navigated around in LR. It's a pity it was the last DLC - would love to see that in vanillia game.
I picked up Knights of the Old Republic on steam sale a few days ago.

Lets just say that the plans I did have for what I was going to accomplish got thrown right out of the window.
KotOR is also on GOG.com, which is probably a superior experience than to Steam's offering.
KOTOR is great. I haven't played it since whenever, but it's one of my all-time favorites. I can't remember if I played the sequel.

My holiday sales haul:
Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut
The Long Dark early access
Far Cry 3
Planescape Torment

...and all for the price of one, new-release game.
KotOR is also on GOG.com, which is probably a superior experience than to Steam's offering.
Why would that be? The only issue I have with the game is an inability to play the movie cutscenes due to my graphics drivers for some reason crashing whenever it tries to. Nothing I saw in my research on resolving the problem gave any indication GOG had a version without that problem.
The GOG version comes without DRM, which is inherently superior, but I'd imagine that the game builds are otherwise identical.
I think I might be the only person on CFC who doesn't have PC as a main gaming platform.

edit: Scrub that, there might be a few in the civrev directories
I think I might be the only person on CFC who doesn't have PC as a main gaming platform.

edit: Scrub that, there might be a few in the civrev directories
I mean, it is a forum dedicated to a PC game. :p
I think I might be the only person on CFC who doesn't have PC as a main gaming platform.
Linux gamers FTW. *makes victory sign*
I use a Babbage Analytical Engine. :smug:
I'm having a blast with Arkham Asylum which I picked up during the steam sale. I was always interested in the game, but Games for Windows live was a dealbraker. Now that it got excorcised via patch there's no reason for me to not play a millionare who puts on a tacky costume to hunt poor people. So much fun to watch and hear them panick as their group gets smaller and smaller.
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