What would You do in A zombie Scenario

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Hijack a yacht from Newport, and sail out into the middle of the ocean where I'd be safe from infection (unless, godforbid, it spreads into the gulls, and we go into a The Birds-esque attack.

And if that doesn't work, assemble the available weaponry, and drive in a northwestern direction to Canada.

And if that doesn't work, find the most naturally fortified building in town, and ride out the siege. Sadly, the pubs are pretty weak in town.
I would hole-up in a huge underground cave with some scientists and a few army guys. Figure I can try to keep the radios working while the scientists try and figure out what to do and the military guys can keep us safe. Lots of booze would be a must so everybody gets along. The most important thing would be to bring in a helicopter for a quick getaway in case things got too rough, but just one pilot please. Any more than that and they start fighting over who gets to fly the damn thing - can't have anybody starting trouble.

What could possibly go wrong?
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