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While We Wait: Writer's Block & Other Lame Excuses

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I just tried Civ 5 again considering Beyond Earth looks to be based on it. 1UPT really destroys that game, everything was designed around it and the AI can't handle it or the bottlenecks that it creates.

Really, I do not think a huge and varied army occupy the same space. Furthermore, we can use tactics like flanking or encircling the enemy.

Also, bottlenecks are a valid strategy. Ask the Spartans :D

However, I've never played Civ 4, so I do not know how it works. But through AARs, I could see that the graphics are a bit troublesome. They kinda hurt my eyes. Not that I usually judge a game by its graphics, but the hexagons are actually missing. These squares do not contribute for a beautiful coastline on the map, and limit our strategies.
He obviously signed his soul over to Satan in order to survive the Canadian winters.
I just tried Civ 5 again considering Beyond Earth looks to be based on it. 1UPT really destroys that game, everything was designed around it and the AI can't handle it or the bottlenecks that it creates.

1UPT fixes the main problem with Civilization: doom stacks. Now you actually have to strategize beyond throwing a hundred units at a city.
Collateral damage would fix doom stacks. A lot of things would fix doom stacks. The main issue appears to be programming the AI to have more tricks up its sleve than doom stacks.

IE the Civ5 combat AI is still poor, and only able to beat the player by cheating its tech progress and artifically gangbanging the player on multiple fronts, just like it was in Civ 2. So I'm told :)
1UPT fixes the main problem with Civilization: doom stacks. Now you actually have to strategize beyond throwing a hundred units at a city.

Relevant strategies were nerfed over patches and expansions due to AI's inability to deal with them. Besides how much of a strategy is melee units front, fire support back, special units with bonuses in the middle?

1UPT led to lower production and faster tech to accommodate the little room you have to manoeuvre your own units. (and indirectly why later eras feature long turn times as AI has to call to base for every unit it moves in relation to one another and it likes to move all of them and determining where to place them just breaks the damn thing)

So you spend most of the game clicking next turn to build enough units to take a city properly without grievous losses (surrounding it best you can which with 1UPT without hex-switching is a joy to orchestrate) because cities got a massive defensive buff again for reasons of crappy AI. Game still comes down to masses of units except the AI can't pose a credible threat.
Relevant strategies were nerfed over patches and expansions due to AI's inability to deal with them. Besides how much of a strategy is melee units front, fire support back, special units with bonuses in the middle?

1UPT led to lower production and faster tech to accommodate the little room you have to manoeuvre your own units. (and indirectly why later eras feature long turn times as AI has to call to base for every unit it moves in relation to one another and it likes to move all of them and determining where to place them just breaks the damn thing)

So you spend most of the game clicking next turn to build enough units to take a city properly without grievous losses (surrounding it best you can which with 1UPT without hex-switching is a joy to orchestrate) because cities got a massive defensive buff again for reasons of crappy AI. Game still comes down to masses of units except the AI can't pose a credible threat.

I'm going to ask what difficulty you play on and in what manner you use the units. You can't play CIV 5 in the same ways as CIV 4. On lower difficulties the AI is useless, true, but that's always been the case. On higher difficulties they will routinely take cities from you and overwhelm you. You have to be cautious about where your units are in relation to others. Of course, if you came in to the game expecting the same old doom stack easy street you'd be disappointed. CIV 5, in all ways, is a superior product to any prior Civilization games.
Hmm, well I assume Lucky wouldn't support the game lightly. So I guess it really must've improved since its initial release and all the negative reviews it got from civ vetereans - though I recall it had more positive views from people new to civ, which is also what put me off somewhat - I want a hardcore civ game :)

Planning to get a more powerful, actual modern PC in the <$800 range so I'll finally be able to play these games. I have a laptop with 6GB ram for adobe / 3D modelling aps, but the graphics card struggles with Minecraft :/ (Battlefield 1942 still runs like a biatch though ;) )
Arrow Gamer said:
Is it just me or is 50% of this thread Symph?
He has interesting stuff to say, shocking isn't it?

Ophorian said:
He obviously signed his soul over to Satan in order to survive the Canadian winters.
He's a biologist. Nuff' said.

Daftpanzer said:
Collateral damage would fix doom stacks. A lot of things would fix doom stacks. The main issue appears to be programming the AI to have more tricks up its sleve than doom stacks.
Most of the time doom stacks are the optimal strategy. Hell when faced with collateral damage, I just build larger doom stacks.
Hmm, well I assume Lucky wouldn't support the game lightly. So I guess it really must've improved since its initial release and all the negative reviews it got from civ vetereans - though I recall it had more positive views from people new to civ, which is also what put me off somewhat - I want a hardcore civ game :)

The bad reviews were initial, as the base game was rather lackluster. Gods and Kings added so much great content, and Brave New World upped the game to god tier. It really is the most fun Civilization game I've ever played, and I've been playing since Civ II.
I'm going to ask what difficulty you play on and in what manner you use the units. You can't play CIV 5 in the same ways as CIV 4. On lower difficulties the AI is useless, true, but that's always been the case. On higher difficulties they will routinely take cities from you and overwhelm you. You have to be cautious about where your units are in relation to others. Of course, if you came in to the game expecting the same old doom stack easy street you'd be disappointed. CIV 5, in all ways, is a superior product to any prior Civilization games.

For that game (Huge map, max civs, Earth map, Domination) it was one above Monarch or was it King? The first where they get slight bonuses because I only played with BNW mechanics once before. I remember Deity being winnable with a fistful of cities in vanilla. The new mechanics don't seem to change that, just give you more options for money and happiness management. Also the spy system is beyond disappointing.
Naw, dawg. Harper is trying to reclaim Canada for Christ.
I just tried Civ 5 again considering Beyond Earth looks to be based on it. 1UPT really destroys that game, everything was designed around it and the AI can't handle it or the bottlenecks that it creates.

Play on Deity! fun times
Collateral damage would fix doom stacks. A lot of things would fix doom stacks. The main issue appears to be programming the AI to have more tricks up its sleve than doom stacks.
They tried both collateral and several other solutions in SMAC, Civ III, and Civ IV and it did absolutely nothing to fix the problem and if anything made it worse, so...

e: I'm sad that this apparently crushes tick count on servers:

Link to video.
They tried both collateral and several other solutions in SMAC, Civ III, and Civ IV and it did absolutely nothing to fix the problem and if anything made it worse, so...

I liked SMAC's artillery effect on stacks, that's kinda what I'm getting at. But I think I see your point in that, with the defensive artillery duelling, it still made sense to stack your attackers + defenders + arty. +Anti Air. +Terraformers. +Agents. On the same tile :)

So what you need is stacks sharing damage from any attack, with some units doing extra collateral damage. Not to the extreme of Civ 1 & 2 (where you could kill a whole stack by winning one combat), but stil significant damage being done. Artillery duels and anti-air could be triggered with adjacent units so they don't have to be on the same tile, and while aircraft could be blocked outright, artillery will always get through to do some damage.

Combine that with combat bonuses for attacking when you have units surrounding an enemy on mutiple sides, as in the Battle Isle series. And attrition damage when large stacks move through enemy territory, just like Rise of Nations.

We can still use Hex, just not enforced 1upt... It could work. I know it can :)

e: I'm sad that this apparently crushes tick count on servers:

Well Minecraft has certainly moved on. Redstone Engines and Auto Crafting Tables are the height of technology in my single player world.
So what you need is stacks sharing damage from any attack, with some units doing extra collateral damage. Not to the extreme of Civ 1 & 2 (where you could kill a whole stack by winning one combat), but stil significant damage being done. Artillery duels and anti-air could be triggered with adjacent units so they don't have to be on the same tile, and while aircraft could be blocked outright, artillery will always get through to do some damage.
And now you've made attack almost always superior to defense, which was another problem SMAC had, only sometimes negated in the very toughest defensive positions. So now you have to introduce defensive modifiers, defensive tile structures, units, and buildings to balance out how heavily things have just been tilted in favor of the attacker. Massive artillery/bomber stacks/spreads are also core features of Civ III, Civ IV, and Civ V, and remain the main way to win in all of them.

I think SMAC was unique in that far and away the most OP unit was helicopters. Cloak/Blink hovertanks were a distant second.
Isn't attack supposed to have a small advantage over pure defense? And don't we win wars today by simple superior firepower? The critical units and infrastructure of Serbia were brought down pretty effectively, especially with that classified anti-transformer munition.
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