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Who's NESing in 2013: A Subforum Census - Please Vote -

Are you an NESer?

  • Total voters


Never mind...
Jan 7, 2003
In the past, we used to be pretty good at keeping track of just how many people were active on the subforum. After thinking about it and running a search, I came to the realization that we haven't had a census of our players in over a year. So here we are. If you consider yourself an NESer (you are participating in an NES or are willing join one in the near future), please vote in the poll above to help give our community a better idea of just how many of us there are. :)
I'm definitely still here.
You clearly aren't very observant. :p I recognise all except one (or maybe two) of those people as bona fide NESers.
Only a drunk would make such an awful poll.

Luckymoose, please remake thread except with a better poll. Ty <3
Only a drunk would make such an awful poll.

Luckymoose, please remake thread except with a better poll. Ty <3

You know you are running out of things to troll when it comes down to trying to mock someone doing a simple head count. :rolleyes:
According to my "'exhaustive' data," Luckymoose, roughly 99% of your posts in the past month have been in one of the "big three" NESes -- EQ's, mine, and Terrance's, so it's only natural there are people who are escaping your attention.

For the curious.
Goodness me you've got a good pile of inactive NESers at the bottom of that table, NK. :p
It would be a lot more accurate if I only sampled posts from the last month instead of NESes posted in in the last month, but -- lazy. :p
What a great spreadsheet NK. I wish the NESes I play lasted longer. :(
Well if you'd stayed in a certain NES, it would be going for five not very solid years. :p
Yes, I am well aware of that. :) At that time, though, RL trying to run my own games made it difficult. I have thought about rejoining though.
I put down "I guess", not to be snarky, but just because I'm not actually playing in any NES right now. :) I want Thlayli to continue his NES. Everything else looks kind of tricky to jump into.
I put down "I guess", not to be snarky, but just because I'm not actually playing in any NES right now. :) I want Thlayli to continue his NES. Everything else looks kind of tricky to jump into.

take a look at Immac's NES
I'm here, but I haven't played in any NESes recently.
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