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why are famous people treated like gods???


Philosophy of Poverty
May 20, 2006
It seems sickening how famous people are treated like gods and goddesses could someone expalin to me how that we are a Christian society yet can still treat them as dietys and let them get away with crimes that normal people would be imdeiatly arrested for what is the logic behaind this???
I must confess that I am mystified. I think celebraties are treated more important than they are worth. I don't care if x couple breaks up or has a baby. Or if x singer is a pedophile, or a rapist. If you like their products, buy them, if they are criminals, let the law deal with them. I don't need to know their every move.
Two reasons:
1. Money
2. Absolutely Shagadelic (Jessica Alba)
3. Both 1 & 2
Well, who are we to depose them. If they are born into money or make money for themselves then fine. I could personally not care if anything happens to them.

We just follow them so much because they show us our human shortcomings.
-Social Status in socety. They are at the top. (Because of money ;))

People look up to them because they are living at the top of society. Being a social creature, humans see these people as alpha males/females.
Slavic Sioux said:
It seems sickening how famous people are treated like gods and goddesses could someone expalin to me how that we are a Christian society yet can still treat them as dietys and let them get away with crimes that normal people would be imdeiatly arrested for what is the logic behaind this???
What are you talking about? The worship of saints? I am sorry but Christians, especialy Catholics, do not worship saints as gods or goddess. When we pray to saints and Marry. We are asking them to intercede for ourselves and on behalf to others. Intercessory prayer is a pention made towards God on behalf of others. If a believer prays for her children, freinds, enemies, and leaders. Then that believer is interceding on behalf of another. The justification for calling upon a saint in prayer is that saints are both close to God, because of their holiness and accessibility to humans.
Why can they get away with crimes? They've got the high priced attorneys. F. Lee Bailey and Johnnie Cochran didn't work for peanuts.
CivGeneral said:
What are you talking about? The worship of saints? I am sorry but Christians, especialy Catholics, do not worship saints as gods or goddess. When we pray to saints and Marry. We are asking them to intercede for ourselves and on behalf to others. Intercessory prayer is a pention made towards God on behalf of others. If a believer prays for her children, freinds, enemies, and leaders. Then that believer is interceding on behalf of another. The justification for calling upon a saint in prayer is that saints are both close to God, because of their holiness and accessibility to humans.

Um actually I don't think anybody at all said anything about saints. He's talking about actors and singers. :confused:
Becka said:
Um actually I don't think anybody at all said anything about saints. He's talking about actors and singers. :confused:
Now if were talking celiberaties. They just crave attention and just love it to death.
One more thing do you think that many of the most famous singers and or actors have no merit when it comes to singing or acting and only are liked because of there looks and or money????yes I am just talking abougth singers actors and ect.
Slavic Sioux said:
One more thing do you think that many of the most famous singers and or actors have no merit when it comes to singing or acting and only are liked because of there looks and or money????yes I am just talking abougth singers actors and ect.

Look at the rappers now:
They sound like trash, they have personalities and backgrounds of criminals, they like to take off their shirts and work out, and they are rich.

Celebrity worship is something I'll never understand. Why should I care who marries who?
Slavic Sioux said:
It seems sickening how famous people are treated like gods and goddesses could someone expalin to me how that we are a Christian society yet can still treat them as dietys and let them get away with crimes that normal people would be imdeiatly arrested for what is the logic behaind this???
its more like they are the American Aristocracy. They have the money and the means, so they are the ones everybody knows.
Think about the aristocracy of the past, for example, the Duke of Nromandy. Everybody would know who he was at the time, because he's the Duke of Normandy! He has a position that allows him a great deal of public attention, and he has the means(money) to be elaborate and continue the tradition of decadence ( for that's surely what sybaritism/hedonism is) that his forbears did. These people are merely continuing the breakdown of society in the paths of their forebears.
I wouldnt say they are Gods so to speak, i mean i dont think people sit down at night and pray to Tom Cruise to guide their soul to heaven, or kiss statues of Angelina Jolie. They just seem to find themselves 'above the law' as it were. I think its crap.
MobBoss said:
Because they can get on Oprah...
But Tom Cruse killed her!! :eek:.
I look up to certain celebrities as exceptional people, but because of their talent, not their image. Nor am I obsessive.

Jimi Hendrix-Guitar Virtuoso.
Miles Davis-Jazz Legend.
Frank Zappa-Artistic Icon.
Pancho Gonzalez-Tennis Genius.
Richard Pryor-Groundbreaking Funnyman.

I see no problem with admiring (not obsessing) such people for their talents. For their image, yes that is rather frustrating.
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