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why are famous people treated like gods???

Dawgphood001 said:
I look up to certain celebrities as exceptional people, but because of their talent, not their image. Nor am I obsessive.

Jimi Hendrix-Guitar Virtuoso.
Miles Davis-Jazz Legend.
Frank Zappa-Artistic Icon.
Pancho Gonzalez-Tennis Genius.
Richard Pryor-Groundbreaking Funnyman.

I see no problem with admiring (not obsessing) such people for their talents. For their image, yes that is rather frustrating.

Nice list and nice way of wording it.

I love when I say "How do celebrity glamour channels like E! stay on the air? People are too damn nosey!" Thewn someone, like my mom, responds with "I don't get it either." But guess what she changes the TV to when she has the remote. That's right, Freakin' E! :mad:

Because people are worthless and must look up or look down to celebrities to make themselves feel better
Perfection said:
If famous people are treated like gods, then I must say that being a god is overated.
Indeed. I never figured that people trying to photograph you with your clothes off was part of the whole divinity deal.
Slavic Sioux said:
It seems sickening how famous people are treated like gods and goddesses could someone expalin to me how that we are a Christian society yet can still treat them as dietys and let them get away with crimes that normal people would be imdeiatly arrested for what is the logic behaind this???
I'm in a christian society? Nah, the UK is a multi-cultrual society, I know more athiests than Christians. Yet still the worship of celebrity. I figure alot of this is down to people having, to be frank, boring lifes. Stuck in 9-5 jobs they get there pleasure from following the trivial persuits of famous people, wishing that they could be like them.

Oh, and it's big bucks for tabloid papers, thus it is promoted by the media.
Slavic Sioux said:
.. yet can still treat them as dietys ..

Is it because they're usually thin?

Stylesjl said:
.. people are worthless ..

I think far more feel themselves to be worthless than actually are worthless.
Guys isn't it obviuos celebrittys ARE gods/goodesses!!!!
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