Your Super Power


Mustard Enthusiast
Feb 16, 2009
The Empire State
You can have only one. And, no, it cannot be to have more superpowers or to have multiple wishes. It can be anything from super-strength to the ability to create ICBMs in Civ4 with your mind.

Myself, I wish I could airbend, just like in the Avatar Series.
I would take Professor Charles Xavier's powers.
The ability to make the world explode by raising my left hand.

Wait that's probably not terribly useful.

Maybe the ability to teleport like they do in the original Batman TV show, with the music they play at every scene change and my head flying towards the screen and then back again.
I want the ability to put my hand in my pocket and pull out the right amount of money I need for any situation.
I'd go for telepathy including mind-control.
I could make anybody do anyhing, anytime.
The first two or three years I'd just use it to have sex, then when this get's old I'd try to take over the world (of course!).
I want the ability to put my hand in my pocket and pull out the right amount of money I need for any situation.

pro-awesome proness. ;)

I think it'd be pretty awesome to have Dr. Manhattan's super powers, though the omniscience might get a little depressing after awhile.

Ozymandias's powers were pretty cool too (I know, not really "super powers", but I'd call speed enough to catch a bullet AND high intellect, quite superb)

And yes, I have read Watchmen recently, how can you tell :smug:
I would like to have superpower that everyone will do what I order him.

I know thats evil :satan:
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