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Tom's Unit Factory

Amongst the animal animations you've got access to is there a tiger?

Also, it might help to relieve some of the burden to post a brief tutorial of the conversion process you use so that others could do some as well.

No Tiger at the Infinitum site... If there is a Tiger used in NWN, I could convert that... I would have to check though. I can also convert the Civ4 Sabretooth Tiger, but I cannot find the Panther KF files (used for animation) in any of my Civ4 directories ?? The Civ4 Sabretooth may be able to just have it's tooth's removed in 3ds Max to make a normal Tiger.

Thank you Blue Monkey... excellent idea!
I will write up a post on how to convert these, it's nothing too difficult to do. It takes me 1 hour 15 minutes to do a full conversion, but with the number of units, doing them solo would take a long time.

The base programs needed to do an Infinitum conversion are Civ3FlcEdit, Steph's SBB, Flicster, a batch file renamer program, SixDice, WavePad Sound Editor, WinRar, graphic program (Photoshop, etc), and good knowledge of creating batch automation processes within your graphic program (are fairly easy to learn), also good working knowledge of creating palettes is good, especially if adding Civ Colours (adding Civ Colours requires use of a Palette Merger program)... Without using Batch Processing the time it would take to do a conversion would take half a day easy (and that is if you are 100% familiar with all programs and the process to do the conversion).

Also, I have an Offset PSD file (I can convert to PSP file also) I use so I can setup the Offsets of the created FLC's without having to start up the game to guess where they go. Each FLC with these conversions needs it's own Offset to be adjusted correctly. And the sound files need to be adjusted to match the animation times. It might sound like a lot, and was a pain as I figured out the best way to do them (you can see the initial conversions are crappy compared to what they would look like now, I will probably redo them all). I can also supply all ACT palette files which are often used (for PCX and for units).

I'll write up a full tuturial (hard to make it brief though, there are many steps :)) and post it here with links to the programs I use. All programs are freeware unless you are using PSP or Photoshop. Tuturial would have to be for Photoshop since I don't have PSP... but PSP does also have ability to do batch processing, I am not familiar with how PSP handles it exactly though.

I don't believe GIMP has the ability to do Batch processing of image files as PSP and Photoshop do, but I think there are plug-in's for GIMP that allow this.

TUTURIAL - Converting units from the Infinitum Site

These Units are already complete and will also be uploaded to this thread:
Tanar'ri, Marilith
Shadow/Greater Shadow (IWD version)

Supa has provided me some very helpful info... This is the one of the easiest and quickest possible method of converting units from Infinitum.

Required Programs:
Any Graphics Editor
JASC Animation Shop
Steph's Storyboard Builder Sandris Version (SBB)

Other Helpful Programs:
Wavepad Sound Editor * Easy program to create, save, and modify sound files
WinRar * Compress your files to Rar format to upload to this site
Tom2050's Helpful Files View attachment _InfinitumConversion.rar (DOWNLOAD these files! They will make the process go much quicker.)

This shows a conversion of the Shadow Thief from Infinitum.


1. Download the GIF file (shadowthief-gif.zip)

2. Extract the zip file of the unit.

3. Inside the extracted directory, create a folder (name does not matter, we will call the folder SThief).

4. From the download above _InfinitumConversion, inside this folder is an Animation Folders; copy these folders (AttackA, AttackB, etc) into the SThief folder.

Find the correct unit size for in Civ3

Open up just one of the GIF's into a graphics editing program. We do this to find the correct size of the final unit.
Open up the OffsetsTemplate.jpg (located in the _InfinitumConversion folder). The OffsetsTemplate shows the Civ3 unit circle with a couple sample units for comparsion.
Resize until you find the size you want. When you have found the right size of the unit, you should be able to see the percentage of the resize. In this case, I decided that the size of 70x57 is a good size, as you can see this is 70% of the original width size. Remember this percentage.

Resizing and setting up the GIF's

Open up each GIF into JASC animation shop.
Hit Ctrl-A to select all frames of the gif. Go to Animation -> Replace color. Old color should be the background grey color. New color will be Magenta (255,0,255) for RGB, or FF00FF for HTML code. Make sure the Tolerance is set to 0! Hit OK.

Go to Animation -> Resize Animation. Select Percentage of Original. Type 70 into the width (we got this percentage above). I used the Bicubic Resample for this unit shown below, but Smart Resize is likely the best, since the edges may come out the smoothest. Hit Ok.

File -> Save Frames As. Select BMP output. I keep Long file names checked, and Append Leading zeros to frame index checked. Save frame number in file name should be checked also.
Save the file in the SThief/AttackA folder.

DO THIS for each gif, and place it in the correct folder. JASC animation shop will remember your settings, so doing this should be very quick and easy.
Attack 1.gif goes into the SThief/AttackA folder
Attack 2.gif goes into the SThief/AttackB folder
Attack 3.gif goes into the SThief/AttackC folder
Death.gif goes into the SThief/Death folder
Get Hit.gif goes into the SThief/Fidget folder
Neutral.gif goes into the SThief/Default folder
Walk.gif goes into the SThief/Run folder

Moving the BMP's into the direction folders for each animation

Now the biggest pain in the butt part. For each folder (AttackA, AttackB, AttackC, Death, etc...), you need to place the correct directions into their corresponding folders. So the SW directions need to go into the SW folder, etc.
The BMP images will be placed in the folder by this setup if your files are organized in alphabetical order.
SW images
NW images
NE images
SE images
S images
W images
N images
E images

You should be able to just highlight the images you want, and then drag and drop them into the folder (this is the same as cut and paste).

NOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Expand Image Canvas Sizes
I still prefer to do a batch canvas resize of all these images. It only takes a couple minutes, and PSP / Photoshop are fully capable of doing these as well as many other programs. You DONT need to do this, but you SHOULD. The advantages are this:
- Doing this makes the Flicster bug impossible since the animation won't be able to hit the right edge (which causes a Flicster smear in the final FLC sometimes), and this bug is very annoying to have in a final result after all of your work.

Irfanview can do this for you in a matter of seconds.

1, Open Irfanview, and go to File -> Batch Conversion/Rename...
2. Under Batch Conversion Settings, set Output format to BMP.
3. Check 'Use Advanced option (for bulk resize..)' and click the Advanced Button next to it.
4. Check 'Canvas Size' and click the Settings button. Under Border dimensions in pixels, make all of them 5. The Border Color should be made Mangenta (255,0,255 RGB values). Click OK.
5. Under MISC: Check 'Overwrite exisitng files', 'Create subfolders in destination folder'. Click OK. Go ahead and Save these settings.
6. For 'Output directory for result files, make it any folder you wish (I put mine right in the ShadowThief-gif directory).
7. Click 'Include subdirectories (for 'Add all'), and then go to your SThief folder, which has the AttackA, AttackB, AttackC, Death, etc folders and click the Add ALL button.
8. Click Start Batch, and it will add a small border around all images, to avoid the Flicster bug, which takes more time to fix than doing this.

Irfanview will make a new folder containing these files. Either overwrite the existing ones with these new ones, or simply use these new ones for the rest of the tuturial. I decided to delete the old ones and cut/paste the new ones into their places.

Creating the Storyboards

Once done, bring up the Sandris Storyboard Builder. Browse and select the shadowthief-gif folder. Click Create Storyboards.

Bring up Flicster and create each NEW storyboard. Make the output directory the SThief directory (where all of your Storyboards BMP's are. Make sure each new Storyboard name is the same as each animation (AttackA, AttackB, etc...).
For each animation, put in the correct dimensions and frame numbers. You can get this info by going into the animation folders and seeing it yourself.

Making the Palette

So here is what would need to be done. 2 ways are shown:


JASC Animation Shop can not make gif's with transparent background. So it cannot be used for this. So everything needs to be done in your graphics editor.

Open an unmodified GIF graphic into your graphics editor (a GIF with the grey background).

Make the grey background transparent (there are several ways to do this, I am not going to explain them all here).

Make sure the image is changed to RGB mode (if it has not been done already).

Resize the image to the proportions you had planned for the unit (this unit was 70%). It's edges should look somewhat blended.

Index the image, load the Shadows palette (ShadowsOnly.act), and select 192 colors (no civ colors here, so last 4 rows are not used) and you have the perfect palette to use for all of your storyboards. It does not matter what the actual unit looks like at this point. The palette is all we are concerned about.

Final Palette, save this palette, apply it to all storyboards.

Some Tuturials on Palettes with GIMP:
How to make a working palette for pcx using the Gimp - Varwnos
GIMP palette recommendation to Varwnos palette info above - Micaelus
Cutting and Pasting with GIMP (Step by step Improvement creation) - Spacer One (has some palette and transperancy help in it)

Some changes may need to be made though, for units with No Civ Colors, 160 colors instead of 254 would need to be used, and the Shadow rows would have to be added in each time for GIMP.

NOT AS GOOD WAY, but works if the above cannot be done:

Don't do any of the steps above for palette method #1.

Do all resizes using the regular Steph's SBB when making the Storyboards (Do NOT use the Sandris version). It resizes in an indexed mode, so edges of units may not be as smooth.

You still need to make the final palette, but no magenta pixel blending doing it like this. First 2 rows need to be the shadow rows, and the next 160 colors are unit colors. I still don't know if GIMP can do this automatically though... ??? I would think it should be able to do both, but seems it cannot from what I have read. I have been unable to find a better Palette editor for GIMP than the one that comes with 2.6 for this purpose. So this is a major time consuming process for GIMP users.



Since the SBB makes the borders as black, I change this color to a Magenta (since black may be used as a unit color in many instances, including this one). Use the Magic Wand to select the border, and then use the Paint Bucket tool to change it to this Magenta color (hex: C000FF, RGB 192,0,255).
Apply the palette we just made earlier to this file and save it as a PCX file under the same name. So for the Default.bmp, save it as Default.pcx (which overwrites the Default.pcx file Flicster created). NOTE: Units with NO civ colors must only have indexed palettes with 192 colors! They can have more but colors 193 through 256 must not be any color that is in the image.
Do this for each Storyboard BMP.

Open up each FXM file in Flicster, adjust the Frame Delay to your liking, and export as a FLC file.

Setting the Correct Offsets for each FLC

Set the Offsets of each FLC using Civ3FlcEdit and the OffsetsTemplate file as your guide.
As you can see in the below picture, paste the 1st image of each animation into this Offsets Template (SW directions work well, so paste the SW AttackA, SW AttackB, SW AttackC, SW Death, etc). Adjust each image so they all are aligned on top of each perfectly (best to make the feet align). You may need to make them slightly transparent to see through them, I set their opacity at 50%. Then measure (as shown in the pic) the width and height from the top left corner of the OffsetsTemplate image to the top left corner of the unit image, and this is the offsets to be put into the FLC in Civ3FlcEdit.

Finishing steps

Now you need to make the Unit32.pcx, Large and Small PCX, and the sound files (which can be downloaded from the Infinitum site as well).
For Unit32.pcx, the palettes are provided to apply to the Unit32 file (for ones with CivColour and ones without). You can open up one of the SE BMP's and just crop/resize it down to 32x32. To keep in form with other unit32's, apply the palette FIRST and then resize.

The PCX.act palette is used for Large and Small PCX. Just load this up for these images and make sure to use all 256 colors. Large PCX should be 128x128 (white backgrounds preferable), and Small PCX 32x32. For these it is better to apply palette AFTER resizing to appropriate size.

Sound files should be save as 22050Hz, 16 bit, Mono. Make sure to setup the INI file properly, add a ReadMe stating you converted this unit, and that it is a Bioware/Interplay unit. Make sure you test the unit in gmae to ensure it looks good.

If any questions, please ask... I still do the units in a slightly different way because I feel the results are a bit better, but it is in essence the same procedure.

The Final unit using this exact procedure looks like this:

The Shadow Thief has been posted here.



  • Aasimar3CivColoured.gif
    34.6 KB · Views: 2,226
They're great, Tom. I'll probably use more than one myself. Are there more than one Minotaur in these fine RPG games ? I converted one myself a while back but I don't remember if it was the only one.

There is a Tiger unit for Civ-3. I don't remember who made it.

There is a Tiger unit for Civ-4, a reskin of one of the panther units. That one's by me. :D
Aasimar (Woman with Knife) (unit conversion and civ colouration)

Aasimar, tieflings' opposite number, are the children of celestials - the inhabitants of the Upper Planes - and mortals. They carry a spark of goodness in their very flesh, yet some of them turn away from their heritage. Though they are generally paragons of virtue, one shouldn't trust them without reserve.

Dress converted to Civ Colors.


Download here... Aasimar3.rar

Unit32, Large/Small pcx, and Sound Files included. Is a Bioware/Interplay unit.

This unit was placed under Civ3 - Renaissance Units in the Database.. I'm not sure where else it would fit?

Thanks for the tuto, Tom.

It's quite complicated but results look very good.

I used to do it a lot more quickly by dumping individual sprites (converted into BMP with an old ACDsee shareware) in direction folders and using Steph's SBB to compile, resize and replace background colors for all of them at once.

But by doing that, I'm bypassing all resizing correction and units look a lot less smooth.
Thanks for the tuto, Tom.

It's quite complicated but results look very good.

I used to do it a lot more quickly by dumping individual sprites (converted into BMP with an old ACDsee shareware) in direction folders and using Steph's SBB to compile, resize and replace background colors for all of them at once.

But by doing that, I'm bypassing all resizing correction and units look a lot less smooth.

That is what I did when I started... but some of them came out looking somewhat pixelized. Some looked good, but some came out looking quite bad. By resizing ahead of time in RGB mode, the edges come out much more smoothly. By having a single palette applied to all Storyboards allows easier changes/recolours in the future. I think Steph's SBB resizes images while they are in a Paletted Indexed Mode, whereas resizing in RGB mode blends the edges.

I figured an extra 15+ minutes on each one is time well worth it in the end. Of course, it's only because I've been doing it now for some months I am used to it, it may be somewhat complicated initially unless someone puts some good time into it.

This unit was placed under Civ3 - Renaissance Units in the Database.. I'm not sure where else it would fit?

My guess would put that dress in the industrial age, actually. It looks very much like a saloon girl with a wide bustle: But the saloon style was based on an even earlier version a little more like the one you posted, so you might find that general style as early as the days of Fanny Hill's London or as Late as Lautrec's Paris - making the time frame maybe 1750 - 1900? Roughly, the industrial age.

Thanks for another very very useful unit Tom!
Hi Tom, thought I'd post a list of requests. Most of these are not particularly urgent. Mostly just stuff I like and will probably have a use for in the future. So if your converting stuff and don't have anything in particular in mind you could do some of these. Otherwise feel free to ignore it.

Fire Giant Elite
Fire Giant (with Hammer)
Fire Giant (with Sword)
Frost Giant
Goblin (with Axe)
Goblin (with Bow)
Goblin (with Axe - yellow)
Goblin (with Bow - light green)
Goblin Elite (with Axe)
Goblin Elite (with Bow)
Goblin Shaman
Goblin Worg Rider
Goblin Worg Rider Captain
Salabesh the Onyx
Red Dragon
Silver Dragon
White Dragon Young

Plus the rest of the animals you haven't already done.

List mostly Giants, Goblins and Dragons. All of which look very cool in my opninion. I am aware that there are quite a few dragons, goblins and giants already in the database, but the infinitum units are different. Expecially, I like their goblins.

* indicates one's that I actually need (still not urgent though).

Cheers for all the hard work Tom. At some stage I'll look at your tutorial, but at present I haven't got much spare time for modding, though I am getting small amounts done on my fantasy mod after being motivated by your animal conversions.

Aasimar (Woman with Knife) ...

This unit was placed under Civ3 - Renaissance Units in the Database.. I'm not sure where else it would fit?
you might find that general style as early as the days of Fanny Hill's London or as Late as Lautrec's Paris - making the time frame maybe 1750 - 1900? Roughly, the industrial age.
& if you think the unit seems too fanciful look into the sordid history of Gallus Mag, Sadie the Goat, & Hell-cat Maggie.

Thanks to the pointers for the other tiger, guys.
Abandoned mods are a horrible thing though, since everything the modder did is pretty much lost if they do not return to the site anymore.


200% agreed. Abandoned mods, even for the most broken of games, makes me lose sleep at night. I actually mod and download mods than actually play the games (vanillas anyway) and my mod folders for all my games probably take up more hard drive space than the games alone. Keep up the good work Tom.
No Tiger at the Infinitum site... If there is a Tiger used in NWN, I could convert that... I would have to check though. I can also convert the Civ4 Sabretooth Tiger, but I cannot find the Panther KF files (used for animation) in any of my Civ4 directories ?? The Civ4 Sabretooth may be able to just have it's tooth's removed in 3ds Max to make a normal Tiger.

This post has brought my imagination to light. And furthermore, I know of a game with a better tiger, (more fitting anyway) than Civ 4. It's a little game from Blue Fang called Zoo Tycoon
The expansion even has dinosaurs that in my view, look more realistic than PTW's!!

So here are some good animations you could look out for.

Grizzly Bear
SuperCroc (It IS in the game)
Polar Bear
American Black Bear
Mandrill ( like a baboon)
Yeti (it's in there too)
Unicorns( don't ask)
Flamingo (don't ask me how you could use this!!)
African Elephant
Asian Elephant
Gray Wolf
Moose (my sister was once bit by one.)
American Bison
Mountain Lion
Komodo Dragon
Can someone else try to download a file from the Infinitum site... I'm not sure if it is a problem with my browser, but I get a different IGN screen other than the regular download screen. The screen doesn't really say anything but has no links for the file, and looks like a general fileplanet link sitemap or something. Unless IGN changed these downloads to paying customers only...

Can someone else try to download a file from the Infinitum site... I'm not sure if it is a problem with my browser, but I get a different IGN screen other than the regular download screen. The screen doesn't really say anything but has no links for the file, and looks like a general fileplanet link sitemap or something. Unless IGN changed these downloads to paying customers only...


Crap! I get the same screen as you Tom. And at the top of the page it says you must have a file planet account to download this file. But it also says you can register for free on the left-hand side of the page. I think I had to register the first time I downloaded one of these units to play with. They did site maintenance recently. Maybe you just need to do the free registration again (if you did it in the first place).

@Balthasar - I moved it over to Industrial... she looks quite similar to the girl you posted!

Blue Monkey said:
& if you think the unit seems too fanciful look into the sordid history of Gallus Mag, Sadie the Goat, & Hell-cat Maggie.

That is not a group I would want to get into a scuffle with! :)

@PredatorFett - Wow... no joking there. Zoo Tycoon has some incredible looking units. I will see if I can find out what format the units are in.. or if anything is available online, and perhaps pick it up cheap somewhere if the units can be converted easily. It seems that there is a editor that comes with it to change or edit units, so it is probably pretty easy. Great info, animals and dinos galore!

Jerry'sGoldfish said:
Coul you make buffalo or oxen. Many battles were won by leading the cattle into the enemy shieldwall. Thank You

If Zoo Tycoon that PredatorFett mentioned has Buffalo and oxen, then it is a definite possibility!

Jerry'sGoldfish said:
Crap! I get the same screen as you Tom. And at the top of the page it says you must have a file planet account to download this file. But it also says you can register for free on the left-hand side of the page. I think I had to register the first time I downloaded one of these units to play with. They did site maintenance recently. Maybe you just need to do the free registration again (if you did it in the first place).

Thanks, looks like I got worried a bit too soon.... it must have just been maintenance. Site is back up. I'm going to d/l all the files just in case. The current method I use to convert is a bit on the complex side. Supa gave me some tips (very useful tips, thanks Supa!) that would cut off an easy 20+ mins to do each one as is, and perhaps more. Plus not near the number of programs needed so it should be all around easier. I am going to do a new process to see how simple/quick I can get it, and repost the tuturial. I could use a simpler/quicker way myself. :) Time saved means more units more quickly.

Ok, I decided to give your tutorial a serious try tonight Tom. If I can make it work I might start helping you get all these units done. Though I think it will take quite a long time to understand as I am pretty dense about these kinda things. Thanks again for the very clear tutorial.
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