109 Fallout-based resources


The folly of Man
Apr 22, 2002
Monster Island black-sand beaches
I created this resource file for the Fallout Mod being developed on CDG. It contains 109 objects of a various nature from the Fallout Game series.

A few of the less fallout-specific resources have been added to Optimator, and the Easter Egg has been added to the Godzilla scenario as a Strategic resource to build Mothra.;)

I should make it clear that I am not directly involved with the Fallout Mod, and I have no idea which, if any, of the resources I have come up with will be used in it. I just made it without them even knowing and gave it to them. And now you.



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Thanks. I think some of them are too big, and most of these would be hard to use outside of the Fallout Mod. To give people some ideas I will share how I am using some of these.

The ones I am at least considering using are (#s are the slots shown):

1. Ancient Shrine - Optimator has a tech called Study Of Ancient Civilizations which allows this as well as pyramids, Stonehenge, Sphinx, ancient statues, and destroyed city resources. These very rare strategic resources give a minor boost to gold only (tourist attractions), but allow a City Improvement - a Museum specific to that resource that generates a fair amount of culture.

15. Wastelands - An Optimator 'Bonus' resource which subtracts 1 from food, gold and shields from the hosting terrain.

17. Nuclear waste - A Godzilla ROTK Strategic Resource - required for building the King of all Monsters himself! -2 to all.

18. Agave - An Optimator luxury resource that will only be available to certain civilizations. +2 to gold, and will allow the building of a tequila distillery (which creates 1 happy face).

24. Hard Lumber - An Optimator resource required for some large wooden buildings and ships. +1 to gold and shields.

75. Mothra Egg - A Godzilla ROTK Strategic resource only available to the Kaiju. Required to build Mothra. +1 to gold and shields.

103. Flint - A possible Optimator resource whose exact use has yet to be determined.

Some other ideas would be to use any of the bottles to represent glass, any of the herbs for native american or fantasy mods, any of the creatures for fantasy mods, and either of the people to represent indigenous people. Of course a post-apocalyptic mod might be able to use quite a bit more of these...
I'd like to see the mod which can find a way to make use of such resources as Jimmy Hats' specially ribbed condoms or a child's Richard Nixon doll. Or a severed ear, or a Cat's Paw blue magazine, or a deflated blow-up doll, or a set of "Tragic the Garnering" cards. Oh well.
Yes I plan on selectively resizing some of the resources at some point, but not until I get around to some other long-awaited fallout graphics done.

Yeah some of these resources are goofy and unusable in a non-comedic game, but you can always just cut out the ones that ARE usable in a standard-type mod;)

I currently use a handful of these in my mods and no more. But hey options are never a bad thing, and Kudos to anyone who CAN make a mod using all of those resources:crazyeye:
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