XCOM scenario


Oct 5, 2004
So is there a mod/scenario based on the XCOM/UFO computer game XCOM: UFO Defence (in the U.S.A) or UFO: Enemy Unknown (in Europe)?

The more I think about it, the more appealing it's starting to look. How would the nations of the Earth cope with the technologically more advanced aliens? The tech-race would be decisive, as this would be the only way for humans to gain access to units as good as those of the aliens, who could be given a separate tech tree. Of course, advanced units couldn't be built without Elerium, so crash-landed UFOs (natural resource) would be very important. The game would end either with the demise of the aliens or with the building of the Avenger (i.e. the spaceship to A-Centauri) - or the fall of the human nations.

It is made for CIV!
I don't know if someone is doing an X-Com mod, but there are some X-Com units already made. Mmmh.

Check CGD, a team develops this mod and a public beta is released overthere.
Yes BeBro made a X-Com mod, can be found in the scenarios or mods forum I think.
Hey, thanks guys. Now I'll have to throw that idea into the wastebasket and start recreating Colonization... ;)
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