Real Science Pace

Real Science Pace 1.2

New version 1.2 as of 21.02 - Gathering Storm update.

Rise & Fall and Gathering Storm note. This mod works with expansions. However, it does not support any specific R&F nor GS "sciency" features or changes.

Empire size impacts research speed.
Science from population is drastically reduced and it's no more the deciding factor - what matters are Campuses, scientists, alliances with City States, Policies and of course Great Scientists. But there's a catch - every new Campus you build will decrease scientific buildings' output slightly (6%-9%, depending on the building). Science-related bonuses from Policies and City States are mostly halved (e.g. 100% bonuses are now 50%, 10% alliance bonus is 5% now).
You need to carefully optimize your approach to research!

Why this mod?
In Civ6 there is no tech cost scaling based on the number of cities in your empire (a mechanic well known from Civ5). Also, there are no buildings that increase science output by percentage. It would seem that designers wanted to apply anti-inflation approach. All science comes from patiently gathered +1, +2 yields, scientists, etc. Well, they were almost successful.
Unfortunately, there are still mechanism that generate inflation-like effects.
  • Science is generated by population (0,7 yield from 1 pop). Doesn't seem much? Well, this is the main cause of late-game huge science output as it provides more than 40% of your science and even more in wide-empires.
  • Scientists and science buildings provide only 10-15% of total output - shouldn't they be more important?
  • There are huge bonuses like +100% from scientific buildings or +10% from CS when not at war.
  • Last but not least - the more cities you have, the more campuses you build, the more science is generated.
And tech costs still remains the same, doesn't matter if you play tall or wide, peaceful or warmonger-style, etc. This creates huge imbalances. This mod attemps to create more balance in research pace by addressing the above-mentioned effects.

If you want to find out more, see here.

What does it do?
There are a few carefully chosen and balanced changes:
  • Decreased science from population to 0,3.
  • Increased yields from science buildings:
    • Libraries +3, Universities +6 (Madrasa +8), Research Labs +9
  • Number of Campuses impacts science output from scientific buildings. Each one (except the first) decreases their output by:
    • Libraries 6%, Universities 8%, Research Labs 9%
  • Decreased bonuses from Policies and City States:
    • Rationalism gives +50% bonus instead of +100%
    • International Space Agency +5% bonus instead of +10%
    • Geneva suzerain bonus +10% instead of +15%
  • Tech costs are adjusted to accomodate the above changes.
Unchanged: science from scientists, adjacency bonuses and standard bonuses from scientific city-states. These are all singular yields that that need to be activated based on player's strategy and tactics, so they are ok.

What are the effects?
  • You cannot just spam Campuses. After 4-5 of them the scientific buildings will simply become not worth the investment.
  • You can go wide and have big empire, but this will not help much as yields from population are much lower.
  • Start will be tougher. In Ancient Era science will be very scarce. You will treasure every single beaker. +2 science from sending 1 envoy to scientific CS is a big deal. Any tile that can be worked that generates science will be important. Natural Wonders will be of great help.
  • Later on, placement of Campuses will be even more important as adjacency bonuses are more important. 2 mountains with a bonus can be as valuable as a University. But you have to find a good spot early.
  • Also, City-States will be more important as their flat bonuses have not changed.
  • AI is actually quite good at optimizing science output, it never builds more Campuses than necessary (meaning still having decent output from Campus buildings).
  • The tech costs are adjusted to well-performing AIs (2-3 leaders from a standard size game) on Prince. Since AIs get big bonuses on higher difficulties, expect the game to be much more challenging.

Additonal changes
There are a few more changes that were introduced when testing the mod. They positively impact the game balance.
  • Ziggurat is +1 science. With +2 it was OP so early in the game (Gilgamesh built them like crazy). It gets back +1 science in Renaissance.
  • Peter's trait Grand Embassy provides +1 science for every tech/civic he is behind. This time he really catches up and can be quite dangerous.
I highly recommend to use this mod together with Real Tech Tree mod. RTT decreases Eurekas to 35% and fills gaps in tech & civic trees. It makes for a much more balanced game.

This mod uses a script from '8 Ages of Pace' by Olleus to adjust tech costs.
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Last update
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Latest updates

  1. Version 1.2 Gathering Storm

    Version 1.2 - Gathering Storm update.
  2. Version 1.1 Tweak Civics

    Version 1.1 The cost of Civics is not decreased along with Techs, so it shoudn't be possible to...
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