2020 US Election (Part One)

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It would be nice if we could move off the phrenology discussion. We don't need to debate how asiatic or mongoloid her features are.

when she looks in the mirror she's looking at a blue eyed blonde Scandinavian.
but she's a Dem so she gets a pass.

Wow, the disconnect here. . .
your fuhrer has gotten a pass for serial tax evasion, multiple housing violations, campaign finance violations, and so far collusion with a foreign power. Buts he's a repub now so he gets a pass. . .All she did was use the system to get some assistance in college funding, if the system had any wits about it people who qualify (academically and such) wouldn't need to game the system for every little thing.

Moderator Action: Please don't insinuate that people are Nazis. It's not nice. --LM
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Elizabeth Warren just finished and interview with Rachel Maddow on MSNBC.

It is not a question of health records. It is a question about aging. At that age your brain and body are much worse than they were a decade or two earlier. good health in your 70s is very nice, but it is not enough to overcome the deterioration of everything else. Bernie and Joe might make excellent VPs, but I don't see them viable choices for a four year term let alone eight years in Office.

BTW, I think women age better, slower, than men given good health.

So age isnt a problem if it is an old woman. Sounds a bit bizarre.

As noted, bernie is the one candidate the actual base and activists and youth are inspired by. I think that those here who dont want him are trying to hide their fear of his leftist policies by speaking of age or even stranger stuff like race. Bern is a jew anyway, and again sane and critical re israel and not a puppet or warmonger.
So age isnt a problem if it is an old woman. Sounds a bit bizarre.

As noted, bernie is the one candidate the actual base and activists and youth are inspired by. I think that those here who dont want him are trying to hide their fear of his leftist policies by speaking of age or even stranger stuff like race. Bern is a jew anyway, and again sane and critical re israel and not a puppet or warmonger.
No, I just give women an edge of a few years over men in the aging department. I don't have any problems with Bernie's policies; I just think that at 77 he is too old for the job. Let him be VP.
No, I just give women an edge of a few years over men in the aging department. I don't have any problems with Bernie's policies; I just think that at 77 he is too old for the job. Let him be VP.

Remember which of the two main dem candidates had serious health issues in 2016?
Including multiple seisures on camera.
Your claim isnt backed by info, let alone this isnt about the overall population but specific individuals :)
Wow, the disconnect here. . .
your fuhrer has gotten a pass for serial tax evasion, multiple housing violations, campaign finance violations, and so far collusion with a foreign power. Buts he's a repub now so he gets a pass. . .All she did was use the system to get some assistance in college funding, if the system had any wits about it people who qualify (academically and such) wouldn't need to game the system for every little thing.

So Trump's Hitler because he evaded taxes and I'm a Nazi because Warren masqueraded as an Indian? Yes, the disconnect here is just...wow. She took a job away from an actual Indian and I said that was worse than Trump avoiding the Vietnam War, I never said Warren's 'gaming the system' was worse than Trump's illegal business activities. On the contrary, I've said all along Trump's illegal business dealings will be his downfall.

It would be nice if we could move off the phrenology discussion. We don't need to debate how asiatic or mongoloid her features are.
Who mentioned her intelligence or cranium? Fact: she doesn't look Indian, therefore she never suffered the discrimination faced by Indians. For her to advance her career as a Cherokee did a dis-service to the actual victims of discrimination. Is someone arguing she looks asiatic?
Yeah, neither. You really need to stop relying on Breitbarf and Alex Jones for your info.
Disclaimer: It's a crude meme. It's also not my fault and sort of relevant to the point:

Spoiler :
Spoiler :
You could google "side of beef".

I'm not sure if it's a right wing conspiricy.
But it's vast allright.
So Trump's Hitler because he evaded taxes and I'm a Nazi because Warren masqueraded as an Indian? Yes, the disconnect here is just...wow. She took a job away from an actual Indian and I said that was worse than Trump avoiding the Vietnam War, I never said Warren's 'gaming the system' was worse than Trump's illegal business activities. On the contrary, I've said all along Trump's illegal business dealings will be his downfall.

Yes that was hyperbole towards you not Trump. It feels like you would support him no matter what he does or has done.
I dunno.
In Minnesota at least, the only people who turn out on Tuesday evenings for caucusing or Saturday mornings for the district conventions in the middle of winter are by definition the base.
Sure, Sanders won in Minnesota the people who show up to vote in Democratic primaries and caucuses are the base of the Democratic party. If the base of the Democratic party voted for a more moderate candidate, that is what it is.
Frankly, in 2016 Sanders did exactly what I was hoping for him to do and swing the party to the left. The 2016 Democratic Platform was the most progressive in economic issues it has been in decades and glimmers of that shown through when Clinton was talking policy.* Given the alt-reich's effective seizure of the GOP, do you really want to see what they would have done during the campaign to an elderly Jewish socialist?

*Unfortunately she went with a "who do you trust more" campaign against His Trumpiness - bad choice.
I suppose we'll have to see. I suppose the gist of my recent comments is just "don't count him out yet."

Trump didn't consult a doctor until the dawn of the election if I recall correctly. That doctor signed a note delivered by a guy in a limo stating Trump had magically lost 20+ pounds and gained 2 inches in height. His next doctor was an alcoholic pill popper with a propensity to pass out Percocets like Pogs at my 11th birthday party.
I don't think it's a bit uncharitable that Bernie would stoop to that, or at least that he wouldn't be better at keeping his doctor's incompetency
No, I just give women an edge of a few years over men in the aging department. I don't have any problems with Bernie's policies; I just think that at 77 he is too old for the job. Let him be VP.
I'd say let him, Liz and Joe get check-ups from the same respected doctor and see how it pans out.

In any event, let's move on from health:

What do you guys think of the big four pre-Super Tuesday Primaries at this point, assuming every serious contender piles into the clown car?

I would probably give Iowa to Biden, NH to Bernie, SC to Harris, but I don't really see anybody whose base is the clear plurality in Nevada.
Yes that was hyperbole towards you not Trump. It feels like you would support him no matter what he does or has done.

If Trump = Hitler and thats not hyperbole, why would it be hyperbole to call his devoted supporters Nazis? What exactly have I supported him on? Criminal justice reform, a change in foreign policy to extract us from our war on terror, and renegotiating trade arrangements. I thought Dems would be happy with all that. But nope, now only Nazis support such things. You hate Trump so much he can do nothing right...even when he does things right. And therefore people who dont share your hate become Nazis cuz he's Hitler. I dont know any holocaust survivors personally but I cant imagine they'd appreciate the comparison.

No, she gets a pass because she didn't do a single thing you accuse her of.


She advertised her Cherokee heritage as part of her 'resume' and the DNA test didn't show any. She let a family legend go unchecked before relying on it. In the big scheme of things that may not matter when her opponent is Donald Trump, but her reaction to "Pocahontas" didn't show character.
If Trump = Hitler and thats not hyperbole, why would it be hyperbole to call his devoted supporters Nazis? What exactly have I supported him on? Criminal justice reform, a change in foreign policy to extract us from our war on terror, and renegotiating trade arrangements. I thought Dems would be happy with all that. But nope, now only Nazis support such things. You hate Trump so much he can do nothing right...even when he does things right. And therefore people who dont share your hate become Nazis cuz he's Hitler. I dont know any holocaust survivors personally but I cant imagine they'd appreciate the comparison.


She advertised her Cherokee heritage as part of her 'resume' and the DNA test didn't show any. She let a family legend go unchecked before relying on it. In the big scheme of things that may not matter when her opponent is Donald Trump, but her reaction to "Pocahontas" didn't show character.

./sigh my point was that it was hyperbole towards you and your blind defense of this administration. Which seems insanely consistent to me, maybe I'm wrong. I wasn't comparing him to trump, I was comparing you to a blind footsoldier. . .in a gesture of hyperbole, calm down.

I supported Trumps signing of justice reform it was long overdue I agree and would have only ever gotten through a republican congress to get signed (otherwise dems would have been destroyed in ads as weak on crime). Its the only thing he's done in two years that was any sort of governance and he had almost nothing to do with it. His children did that bill.
A nothingburger, which says nothing.

She advertised her Cherokee heritage as part of her 'resume'
Saying the same wrong thing over and over again just shows you have nothing correct to say. She mentioned her ancestry only in the faculty directory, hoping to meet other Native Americans.
and the DNA test didn't show any.
DNA tests are not specific enough to distinguish Cherokee from other native American ancestry. The DNA test showed Native American.

She let a family legend go unchecked before relying on it.
She went looking for "Other Native Americans." I don't know how much "reliance"that is.

In the big scheme of things that may not matter when her opponent is Donald Trump, but her reaction to "Pocahontas" didn't show character.
If you're saying that she was naive to believe Trump's promise to donate $1M to the charity of her choice if she'd take a DNA test to prove her Natine American ancestry. I agree with you. Trump lies and breaks promises all the time.
I notice you continue to rely solely on character assassination :backstab: and make no mention of her policies.
A nothingburger, which says nothing.

This whole Elizabeth Warren kerfuffle has really revealed the degree to which white liberals are willing to ignore and dismiss the concerns of Native Ameican people which is disappointing but not surprising

She took a job away from an actual Indian

Unlikely in the extreme; she did however allow Harvard to use her as a prop to silence critics of its hiring policies.
This whole Elizabeth Warren kerfuffle has really revealed the degree to which white liberals are willing to ignore and dismiss the concerns of Native Ameican people which is disappointing but not surprising
What is there to be done about it? How many more of our own do we have to sacrifice at the PC alter? How much more ammunition do we have to feed the right?

Yeah it was stupid. Yes Native Americans get a raw deal. We don't have to link the two issues and expend energy and political capital punishing Warren over it.
What is there to be done about it? How many more of our own do we have to sacrifice at the PC alter?
I don't think this is simply a matter of political correctness. There's a long and sordid history of white people with tenuous Indian ancestry position themselves as representatives of Indian communities, either to appropriate or misuse Indian land and resources, or to push through unpopular and damaging policies. (Many of the now-controversial blood quantum policies on tribal membership where introduced to prevent just this sort of abuse.) The issue is a centuries-old legacy of powerful white people representing themselves as Indians, to the determinant of Indian communities, rather than any sort of offended sentiments.
Hmm I must have missed where EW was accused of any of those things.
I don't think this is simply a matter of political correctness. There's a long and sordid history of white people with tenuous Indian ancestry position themselves as representatives of Indian communities, either to appropriate or misuse Indian land and resources, or to push through unpopular and damaging policies. (Many of the now-controversial blood quantum policies on tribal membership where introduced to prevent just this sort of abuse.) The issue is a centuries-old legacy of powerful white people representing themselves as Indians, to the determinant of Indian communities, rather than any sort of offended sentiments.
I mean ok, what can we do about it? Is she entirely to blame for that situation? What does anyone gain from tearing her down?

At the end of the day the list of terrible things white people have done is huge. Why does Warren have to die on this particular hill?
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