6-7 New Beta Version

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the big question is how many cities have converted to Islam, that has a big impact on passive pressure.

that said, your holy city pressure does look low to me if you have already converted your cities.

It's not that I don't gather that there is passive pressure. There are a lot of them, I think it was 34 cities all in all when I gave up on this. I don't have the game up now but there was a religion on the other continent that had 26 cities following it and they had at best half the pressure she had in their holy city. Perhaps the more prudent question is more along the line how does a Progress/Statecraft civ with a fairly horsehockey religion and no pressure builders manage to have 77 pressure in their capital when every other faith and fealty civs with one or two extra faith/pressure buildings on the planet has at best half or even a quarter of that pressure (in the non-holy/capital cities it's even worse). If the passive pressure have gotten that great then what is the point of fealty and those buildings. It was not like Dido was first on the religion picking either (she was third as I recall it now). Those images was all on the same turn, so it was the turn after I inquisitored about 2/3 of my empire (fanning out from the holy city) and in that one turn people was already flipping back (I didn't inquisitor the holy city).

But if nothing was done then sure I'll chalk that one up to some freak accident and move on.
Did something radically change or is something wrong with the religious pressure calcs? I have fealty, I have two picked religious buildings, I have all the faith generators and I'm getting faith crushed by an AI that doesn't send any missionaries (we have been at war for about 80 turns so far) or have trade routes to me. They don't have any extra religious buildings, they don't have any special buildings that increase pressure, they can't as noted send either missionaries or trade routes to me due to the war. They do have Orthodoxy so it should spread faster and further but as noted it shouldn't double pressure me since we don't have trade routes. They don't have fealty (they are progress, statecraft). They could have a few spies here and there but that not enough to cover all my 14 cities.

I had this exact same problem a little while ago, see https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/quick-questions-quick-answers.573489/page-380#post-16106972. The leader with excess pressure was also Dido in my case.
I would think a large reason the wonders are delayed is the new spy system, getting hit by the disrupt local production can massively drop your production, I have lost 700-1000 hammers etc when building a wonder in my capital (marathon, deity).

I replayed a similar religion game, with the one posted on the last page, and picked Orthodoxy and I am seeing the same "insane" numbers comparable to what Dido had. My capital/holy city has 70 pressure, Portugal has 44 in Lisbon, Iroq has 48p in Onondaga, Song has 47 in Jenne ... I'm starting to think that it's something with Orthdoxy that is double dipping or something. It was the same picks, double building, fealty etc so the change in large is picking Orthodoxy.
I've been seeing some strange pressure too.
This is from an older version but I didn't see any major changes related to pressure in the new version threads.
Why is there no pressure whatsoever for sikhism despite there being a few Sikh cities in the vicinity, AND religious buildings that the AI probably did buy?
Netherlands is a non-founder so he's sitting on thousands of faith by this point most likely, so I see no reason why he wouldn't buy the buildings.
Rotterdam and Amsterdam also have 0 pressure for Sikhism.
Perhaps the issue that others are seeing is not because of Dido's huge pressure, but other religions having abnormally low pressure for whatever reason?
Yeah they don't seem to offer straight up GPT for anything anymore, they also seem way less likely to suggest luxury for luxury trades.

They do offer upto 8GPT and sometimes even 12GPT in classical. 8 city tradition Arabia or 2 city warring Mongolia and generally war like civs offer nice GPT.

The new wonder system is good to play with. Snagged the Great Library on turn164 and used it to rush Steel.
Spoiler Nice wonder rush :



Also like the neat little feedback loop in Apostolic tradition that helps spreading with less religious civs
I meant they don't make offers. They do still purchase the luxuries, but they don't contact you asking to buy them.

I have noticed this as well, there is less aggressive trading. The AI will deal, but you have to go to them a lot more often now.
Losing the ship that is conquring an enemy city as polynesia. whichever ship takes the city will disappear.
Losing the ship that is conquring an enemy city as polynesia. whichever ship takes the city will disappear.
I've noticed that the ship is still there (I can select it in the unit list on the side (I'm using EUI)), and can be moved on the next turn. On the turn I captured a city though, the ship seems to not give the city a defense bonus and disappears from the map.
Standard / King / Milae's map / 3+4 UC

India / Tradition / Statecraft / Rationalism / Freedom: CV turn 316
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I founded very early with a Wine monopoly + faith ruins, though having the Celts underneath me essentially nullified my chances of ever establishing dominant religion over the continent. I've already stated how I like the new flip mechanic, but I think it just needs a smidge more to help kick off; right now I still have to tip-toe around settling / growing in the early game, instead of just letting er' rip from the get go, and it feels a bit counterintuitive. Even with a tremendously great religious start (I think I founded on turn 65!), this is the (underwhelming) lead my pressure was able to establish once all 5 religions had been founded.
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I had great terrain for growth, and was able to secure several key wonders early (Pyramids, Petra, Artemis), alongside forging DoF's with my Dutch neighbor to the west and Askia across a northern sea. Though initially friendly, it wasn't too long before Boudicca attacked with her Pictish Warriors, but I held off her UU with my own advanced army of UU archers and long/swordsmen. I had no intentions of conquest, but her city of Douglas was settled in a prime choke that she'd originally beat me to, so I decided to push my happiness / weariness into the danger zone in order to claim the land + a CS quest. Once secure, the game was relatively clear sailing. I paid up for the Celts to become my voluntary vassal, and then it was simply a matter of diplomatic peacekeeping / management, while praying the Songai remained complacent for as long as possible (we signed a DP after I became the Celts' master, yet Askia took my friendly Dutch neighbor and turned him into a threat with voluntary vassalage, so I had to kindly dissuade him from ever declaring by keeping control of several CS buffers and maintaining firm borders with advanced military presence).

The other continent had Spain's religion engulf their lands, while she sporadically fought with China / Korea / Germany. China was actually neck and neck with me after the WC was established, but she was immediately sanctioned and I began to pull away once deep into the Rationalism tree. Isabella was not a big fan of me either, but she knew that I'd be good protection for her flank, considering I was also top dog, so she proposed a DP that we rode throughout most of the late game. I eventually help remove sanctions on China because she is the last civ to influence, and near the end she backstabs me with a denouncement + Askia denounces me, but it's too late... I've got a 5+ tech lead on her and the rest of the field, and Jewelers Corp is amassing me +200% GPP; I'm spitting out GP of all kinds alongside crazy yields from a gargantuan capital in perma GA. A few writers + Eiffel help me zoom throughout the last 30 turns.

General notes:
  • I was actually going DV this game, but CV is still over-tuned a touch, so I pushed hard for that in the last 50 turns. Though the same turn I won CV, I'd reached the required votes for hegemony and needed 1 more tech to reach Fission (to unlock hegemony vote). I'd just built the UN, so with another vote to pass Ideology, then the turns until the hegemony vote, it's probably another 20 turns before I could've realistically won DV.
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  • Stalker has pointed this out before, but it seems CS friendship/ally are maybe not highly prioritized by the AI in the early/mid game. I got lucky this game that only Dutch went Statecraft, and I already established dominance on the surrounding CS, but it's definitely something to still look out for. I wanted to experiment with such a massive religious lead, so I used my 2nd Prophet to spread on the 4 CS to my north which buffered me from Askia and his religion. It was a complete waste... they didn't accrue enough followers (I think it's also bugged, so I used IGE to "fix" it), and Songhai just spammed missionaries anyways to convert them after.
  • Statecraft finisher "receive yields every WC based on how many controlled delegates" needs a buff, and it's not the first time I've noticed this. I was vote leader by a good margin + host, but considering how sparse the trigger is (I think there were about 7 sessions total before game conclusion), I feel the yields are too low. Here's the first (I had 10 votes) and last (40+ votes) WC before the game ended, and you can see how the yields start off pitiful, while eventually my WC dominance is getting me around 1 turn's worth of GPT, half a turn's worth of my science, and about a third of my culture per turn. It's not like those yields are trivial in the end, but these are yields at the high end of the spectrum, as most times civ garner way less. Whatever the base yield is for this, I'd prefer it to be increased a bit.
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  • Scientist bulb with 5 Academies + Rationalism bulb % boost was getting me between 50 - 60 % worth of a tech from Industrial onward -- I think with those conditions, a bulb in the late game should be worth a free tech's amount of beakers. I know they were nerfed recently, and with good reason (I'm an advocate for less yield bloat if possible), but maybe the Acadamy scaling could be buffed back up a bit, otherwise I'm probably just not going to waste planting more than 1 or 2 GS in any given game.
  • Same thing with Merchants, but I think it may be just bugged; I had like 4 or 5 planted, but was only getting 10 WLTKD on expend. I'm pretty sure base turns is supposed to be 10 + # towns planted, so I should've been getting 15 turns. WLTKD is confirmed bugged in another form though, as I've already seen mentioned in quick questions thread, but you will not get any more WLTKD quests if you already own every lux.
  • I just joked in another thread about how Jewelers was an auto pick over 2Kay (the food corp) despite playing India, but I ended up growing so much that my happiness did dip below 50% for a bit during the last 50 turns or so. A perma GA and round of Public Works helped recover, and I was actually forced to select a couple tenets that granted happiness, which I rarely ever have to do with tall / Freedom.
  • I still hate that creating a landmark in CS territory results in such low influence. Also, unless the mechanics were changed (I actually hope this is the case), then Archs might be bugged, as I was allowed to excavate Dutch artifacts despite him not taking my open borders because I was imminent CV. If a civ is letting me into their lands, then I should be allowed to dig; I hope this stays. There's even a counter: I was digging in Korean lands with 2 turns until excavation, and Sejong sent his own Arch to override mine, scooping the treasure for himself while I had to move on.
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  • I was getting rinsed in the mid game, with civs executing mainly gold missions against me, but I never flinched considering my wealth, and mainly had spies rigging CS the entire game. Spy notifications are buggy, but one thing I found funny was that an opposing unidentified spy could perform a successful action, but it would still show their name and I'd then realize who's spying on me (e.g., robbed by spy "Kim" while playing against Korea).
  • Refrigeration is a pretty empty tech now. Stadiums and offshore oil... YaY?!?
  • Didn't have to build / buy a single Naga Mala or aircraft this game... lol
You can dig without giving Open Borders now; that's intended.

AI archaeologists can always override yours no matter where you are, and that's definitely not right.
Not sure it is this beta exactly but early naval units seem rather over powered compared to cities. My size 5 city on flat land got literally one shotted by a dromond. It makes water based maps rather awkward to play, the AI struggles with sea combat so if it comes with a proper attack or not is a bit random too.
I think the great wall wonder also applies 5 damage each turn like the minefields now?
Is it intentional that the free jetfighters from The Pentagon spawn with 0 experience?
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