A Brave New World Part 2

Plus, there goes any kind of balance to France. How boring.

OOC: Well, you know, if you want balance, I happen to know this lonely guy we've all kinda forgotten who shows a lot of potential. And he's only South of you. Real easy to talk to.
I seem to remember some Jacobite saying he would never join the co-axial pact, that it was they who set them up during the UNSA crises, it was they who screwed New England over time and time again.

Screwed New England over? When? You mean the time we cooperated in joint operations in Africa again and again? Or India?

Jason The King said:
out of character

Interesting because many of our nations are fictional, just about. The best judge of what is in-character for the Republic of New England, having played it since 1830, is none other than TLJ. Same goes for you with respect to Virginia, or Iggy with respect to the Metis.

Jason The King said:

NESsing, like history, is full of imbalance and unfairness. I'm sure the Warsaw Pact thought NATO was cheating by using all of their money to buy more and better things than them!

There were no balance complaints when Russia had more than twice the economy of the next highest bidder, and only lost a war because their at-the-time leader didn't do the simplest thing and spam infantry.
Quebec can no longer remain a protectorate of New England if said nation enters the Co-Axial Pact.

To Quebec
From New England

New England would highly recommend that Quebec reconsider this action, especially the economic, political and military ramifications therein. Were Quebec to take such an action, they would not be protected under the umbrella of the New England military in the event that any of your neighbors, in particular any countries who have been drastically increasing the size of their army and air force in the past few years, invade your country.

To Virginia
From New England

Our decision to join the Co Axial Pact was reached after much deliberation and is the result of many factors. Firstly, our attempts to set up a similar alliance in North America was heartily rebuffed by almost everyone we invited. Secondly, France has been the only other power willing to help New England in the battle to suppress the string of vicious colonial uprisings that have been instigated across the globe.

OOC: Thirdly France bought us a really pretty diamond necklace and told us they were sorry for what happened before and promised that it would never happen again. I mean who are we to judge? Sure, they hit us a couple of times before, but France was drunk at the time and it was ages ago, so it doesn't count right? Plus, if we don't date them, they'll just start dating that slut Italy again, and there's no way we're gonna let that tramp steal our man.

Oh, and France promised to pay off our credit card debt, so SHOPPING SPREE! WOOHOO!
Screwed New England over? When? You mean the time we cooperated in joint operations in Africa again and again? Or India?

I was talking about the UNSA crises. I suggested both NE and Virginia join the Co-Axial pact at that point, but TLJ said he would never work with the Pact, especially France, because he had been screwed over so terribly.

Interesting because many of our nations are fictional, just about. The best judge of what is in-character for the Republic of New England, having played it since 1830, is none other than TLJ. Same goes for you with respect to Virginia, or Iggy with respect to the Metis.

Suppose. But over months of playing, a country can be considered an entity of fiction of itself (I know I consider France something different than I consider Crezth).

NESsing, like history, is full of imbalance and unfairness. I'm sure the Warsaw Pact thought NATO was cheating by using all of their money to buy more and better things than them!

I never said anything about cheating. I was just saying its much more fun when the world is divided into multi great powers, instead of just one or two (may be fun for the big guys, but the little guys get quite bored). That is not cheating, just a matter of opinion.

There were no balance complaints when Russia had more than twice the economy of the next highest bidder, and only lost a war because their at-the-time leader didn't do the simplest thing and spam infantry.

There were complaints.

Anyways, sorry for the rant, I was just surprised, a little drunk, and upset. Back IC:

To New England
From Virginia

New England spearheaded the formation of the American Congress, which got widespread support. Other than that, Virginia never heard about any other efforts to form a new alliance structure in North America. Good luck joining the alliance of former-Georgia and Lisist France, who care of nothing else but strengthening their own dictatorial states at the expense of their allies.
Rashid Arabia
Absolute Monarchy: King Rashid IV
Capital: Riyadh
Stability: 8
Economic Power: 11/0:
Research: Industrial (35)
Manpower: 31 (+5)
Army: 93 Infantry Brigades, 4 Cavalry Brigades, 19 Artillery Brigades, 8 Anti-Air Brigades, 9 RADF-01 Brigades
Army Quality: 3
Navy: none
Navy Quality: 0

- mine
But we all know who started the UNSA crisis.:mischief:

To Quebec
From New England

New England would highly recommend that Quebec reconsider this action, especially the economic, political and military ramifications therein. Were Quebec to take such an action, they would not be protected under the umbrella of the New England military in the event that any of your neighbors, in particular any countries who have been drastically increasing the size of their army and air force in the past few years, invade your country.

TLJ is physic!:p
To: Virginia
From: France

A similar offer was extended to Virginia in the past and they have rejected it. That being said, France has no territorial designs on North America. Our goal is to punish Pennsylvania, to put it plainly. They must learn that consequences have actions.

We are incredible proponents of peace! We have even spearheaded the new global initiative for an international congress to decide international disputes in - in fact, we are even seriously considering allowing the SUSA to join! Our act against Pennsylvania cannot possibly be territorial because, strategically, it is unsound, being surrounded by powers hostile to the rebirth of a French empire in North America. We do our best to guard our friends, however, at least those of principle and race - we won't allow New Jersey to fall by the wayside because a bunch of mongrels were protected by their misguided neighbors.

We want peace. If Pennsylvania pays a modest 10 EP in reparations to New Jersey for damages done and production lost, and if we can come to an official agreement on shipping lanes, and if New Jersey's complete and unconditional independence is guaranteed with recognition on all of our parts' certain, we will sign peace with Pennsylvania.

OOC: Of course, Jason, we all have fits of madness. I was not in the best humors yesterday, myself.
To: Pennsylvania
From: France

Perhaps if the belligerent Pennsylvanians had agreed to the peace and compromise proposed by New Jersey, there would be no tensions. Next time, Pennsylvania should think twice before she acts like the rabid bastard nation she is.

We have invested in New Jersey and her French population appeals to our sensibilities. Quebec has long since fallen from grace, as has Louisiana. Moreover, we seek justice for our comrades abroad, and will not let communist sympathizers such as yourselves do as you will without the appropriate repercussions.

To: France and Virginia
From: Pennsylvania

If France is perhaps suggesting that they have dropped their terms that we must pay reparations to New Jersey, then we are now willing to begin discussing terms for peace. We will not accept anything that does not insure our protection from the further agression and insanity of the New Jersey leaders. Therefor, we have come up with two possible solutions.

1. New Jersey will become a protectorate of Pennsylvania. They will not be required to pay any reparations to Pennsylvania for their past agressions. The current leaders will be removed from office to avoid further agression against Pennsylvania, and new ones will be elected. As our protectorate, New Jersey will recieve financial aid in order to repair damages done to their country.

2. New Jersey will pay Pennsylvania 6EP in reparations over the next 3 years, to repay for their agressive behavior and the lives lost in our invasion. A ten year NAP will be signed. New Jersey will recognize the Delaware River as the territorial waters of Pennsylvania. New Jersey merchant ships will be allowed to travel it tax free, according to our past agreement, but New Jersey warships will not be allowed on the river. This will make sure our shipping is protected from any New jersey agression.
OOC: Italy doesn't cheat...she's just a courtesan. A high priced, intellegent, expensive courtesan. And hey there's enough of France to share :p

From Italy
To Co Axial Pact

Welcome New England!
From Italy
To Pennsylvania

We are very disappointed you ignored the most recent statement by our allies the French. This is simple aggression based in no actual threat.
To: Virginia
From: France

A similar offer was extended to Virginia in the past and they have rejected it. That being said, France has no territorial designs on North America. Our goal is to punish Pennsylvania, to put it plainly. They must learn that consequences have actions.

We are incredible proponents of peace! We have even spearheaded the new global initiative for an international congress to decide international disputes in - in fact, we are even seriously considering allowing the SUSA to join! Our act against Pennsylvania cannot possibly be territorial because, strategically, it is unsound, being surrounded by powers hostile to the rebirth of a French empire in North America. We do our best to guard our friends, however, at least those of principle and race - we won't allow New Jersey to fall by the wayside because a bunch of mongrels were protected by their misguided neighbors.

We want peace. If Pennsylvania pays a modest 10 EP in reparations to New Jersey for damages done and production lost, and if we can come to an official agreement on shipping lanes, and if New Jersey's complete and unconditional independence is guaranteed with recognition on all of our parts' certain, we will sign peace with Pennsylvania.

To: France
From: Pennsylvania

We still wonder about your insistence on us paying reparations. We acted out of self-defense, and if New Jersey didn't want their countryside destroyed by war, well then they shouldn't have aggrivated us. They are the agressors of this war, and we see no reason for us to pay reparations to them, especially ridiculously high ones like those. They should be paying us reparations. However, we will agree to the following.

New Jersey remains independent. A 10 year non-agression pact is signed between New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and Pennsylvania and France. Either New Jersey agrees that the Delaware River is our territorial waters (as said before, their merchant ships will still be allowed tax free travel, but armed vessels will not be allowed) or they agree to not stop any Pennsylvanian merchant ships in their territorial waters.

We think you will agree that this is a fair peace. New Jersey will remain independent, and Pennsylvania will be assured of the safety of their merchant vessels.
From Italy
To Pennsylvania

I really doubt that New Jersey was the aggressor. Your ships were merely inconvinienced, never threatened or harmed. No property was taken from them. And yet Pennsylvania invaded New Jersey over a minor inconvinience. Yes I can see why you would fear those millions and millions of New Jersey soldiers on your border.
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