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A Brave New World Part 2

From Italy
To Pennsylvania

I really doubt that New Jersey was the aggressor. Your ships were merely inconvinienced, never threatened or harmed. No property was taken from them. And yet Pennsylvania invaded New Jersey over a minor inconvinience. Yes I can see why you would fear those millions and millions of New Jersey soldiers on your border.

To: Italy
From: Pennsylvania

The French being your masters, we can understand that they do not allow you to hear much of the real events that take place in the world. Does Italy forget that becuase of New Jersey agression, several innocent civilans, as well as their boats and cargo, lie at the bottom of the Delaware River. We do not claim to be that familiar with the Italian way of life, but in most places, sinking merchant vessels and killing civilans is seen as agressous behavior.

To: The World
From: The SUSA

The Socialist Union of South America hereby proposes the Treaty of Everlasting Peace. All signatories agree to the following clauses:

1. New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Canada, and Quebec can blow each other to hell for all we care.
2. Upon researching nuclear weapons, we will be sure to use them first upon these powers and just get rid of 'em so we can go about our business.

We believe this treaty can ensure peace and stability on a global scale. We no longer have to be brought into conflicts on a global scale due to these feuding regions.
To: Pennsylvania
From: France

If Pennsylvania doesn't want to pay reparations, we'd be happy to repay the favor she paid New Jersey.

Ball is in your court again. Accept our offer, or have war. Out of the kindness of our heart we are reducing the mandated reparations to 8 EP.
What have I ever done to you?

Fought 4 wars, created two world wars (technically), been a pain for over a century, there's the worst rivalry between two peoples in the world, and I feel like genocide for the fun of it.:devil:
Fought 4 wars, created two world wars (technically), been a pain for over a century, there's the worst rivalry between two peoples in the world, and I feel like genocide for the fun of it.:devil:

Aren't you mature enough to realize it's not polite to blame your wrongdoings on someone else?
OOC: Well Italy has to kind of thank Qubec and its insanity for giving us the ability to unite the nation, of course it also can't be too mad at the French cause they gave it up easy enough.
true but see the great thing about quebec is that everyone gets to hate them
To: Pennsylvania
From: France

If Pennsylvania doesn't want to pay reparations, we'd be happy to repay the favor she paid New Jersey.

Ball is in your court again. Accept our offer, or have war. Out of the kindness of our heart we are reducing the mandated reparations to 8 EP.

To: France
From: Pennsylvania

We are most amazed at your insistence upon this matter. Despite the clearness that Pennsylvania has no reason to pay reparations for our act of slef-defense, you insist on continuing. While I'm sure New Jersey is appriciative of your bargining for them, I'm not so sure they'll be happy about the tactics you use. You seem to forget a key point. Pennsylvanian troops still occupy New Jersey. If you insist on starting a war of such a small matter, especially when a fair peace that includes New Jersey independence has already be suggested, then you will have to take New Jersey from us. Not only will this delay New Jersey's independence, but it will also mean that New Jersey, now slightly damaged by war, will become a totally destroyed country. Property will be destroyed, cities damaged, and civilans killed during the fighting. I would think that the New Jerseyains would rather gain independence now, have a country that can easily be repaired and not gain reparations, than have independence delayed, and inherit a war torn country that will take years to repair. Will you really insist on war if this is all they are going to gain.
To: Pennsylvania
From: France

You cannot blackmail us. To make an omelet one must break a few eggs. As you can see, we have made more than our share of omelets and broken just as many eggs.

This is a matter of principle. If the New Jerseyans get no reparations, it sets a dangerous precedent - that Pennsylvania (and perhaps even New Jersey) may act with impunity and suffer no consequences for their actions. You must be punished.
To: Pennsylvania
From: France

You cannot blackmail us. To make an omelet one must break a few eggs. As you can see, we have made more than our share of omelets and broken just as many eggs.

This is a matter of principle. If the New Jerseyans get no reparations, it sets a dangerous precedent - that Pennsylvania (and perhaps even New Jersey) may act with impunity and suffer no consequences for their actions. You must be punished.

While the SUSA has no interest in becoming truly involved in the conflict, couldn't the same argument apply to New Jersey? That they should be punished in some degree for their hostile activity? Requiring them to repair the damage done would be adequate punishment.

Now with that said, if you all will excuse us, we're going to crawl back under the rock from which we came.
If SUSA really had no interest in becoming involved in this conflict, she would have said nothing.
I think Virginia and Georgia had a much better feud.

Here here!

To Pennsylvania, France, New Jersey
From Virginia

We are still insistent upon a cease fire and full withdrawal of Pennsylvanian forces from New Jersey before peace talks can commence. Virginia suggests we have peace talks between Pennsylvania, Virginia, France and New Jersey, and offers Dover, Delaware as place at which we will host such talks.

But again, Virginia insists that there is a full withdrawal before peace talks can commence.
From: Sébastien "Bras-de-Fer" Bonpense (Leader of the Devils)
To: Anyone and Everyone

I, on the behalf of the oppressed New Jerseyan people, hereby declare the posting of a 300,000 Franc reward on the head of the leader of the nation of Pennsylvania. The New Jersey Devils want him alive so we can dispatch him from this planet ourselves and hopefully bring a quicker end to the evil Quaker government. We urge Quakers to take this challenge up, for should he be handed over to us, the potential war dead by the collective obliteration of the nation of Pennsylvania might very well be avoided.

Act quickly, for my comrades will be searching for him as well, and should we find him first, we keep the money and get all the joy in destroying him.
To: Co-Axial Pact
From: France

Attention comrades! In light of the new demographics of the Axis, we hereby announce the Pluralization Procedure. This is a light but comprehensive initiative to help induct the New English into our ranks. Hitherto, the official conductive language of the Axis has been French. However, that is no longer appropriate given our alliance with an English-speaking great power. The Pluralization Procedure will officially add English as a primary language of the alliance. As before, Italian and German will remain secondary languages, with appropriate concessions provided.
To: Pennsylvania
From: France

You cannot blackmail us. To make an omelet one must break a few eggs. As you can see, we have made more than our share of omelets and broken just as many eggs.

This is a matter of principle. If the New Jerseyans get no reparations, it sets a dangerous precedent - that Pennsylvania (and perhaps even New Jersey) may act with impunity and suffer no consequences for their actions. You must be punished.

To: France
From: Pennsylvania

Really we do not see how this is up to you. New Jersey can negotiate by themselves, and I'm sure they'd rather do that then have you negotiate for them. Especially since right now, you are only going to delay their independence and completely ruin their country, over a small matter like reparations.

And if this is a matter of principle, how does New Jersey not being punished for their agressive behavior set a good precedent. Once again, I'm sure that the people of New Jersey would rather become free now and not get reparations, then have their independence delayed by sevral months or more, and have their country completely ruined by war. Perhaps you should let New Jersey determine what they want for themselves.

To Pennsylvania, France, New Jersey
From Virginia

We are still insistent upon a cease fire and full withdrawal of Pennsylvanian forces from New Jersey before peace talks can commence. Virginia suggests we have peace talks between Pennsylvania, Virginia, France and New Jersey, and offers Dover, Delaware as place at which we will host such talks.

But again, Virginia insists that there is a full withdrawal before peace talks can commence.

To: Virginia
From: Pennsylvania

We do not see how our withdrawl from New Jersey is necessary for peace talks to commence. Peace talks have been ongoing, and have been delayed by France's unreasonableness, not the fact that Pennsylvanian troops still ouccpy New Jersey. New Jersey has already been offered independence at very fair terms.

From: Sébastien "Bras-de-Fer" Bonpense (Leader of the Devils)
To: Anyone and Everyone

I, on the behalf of the oppressed New Jerseyan people, hereby declare the posting of a 300,000 Franc reward on the head of the leader of the nation of Pennsylvania. The New Jersey Devils want him alive so we can dispatch him from this planet ourselves and hopefully bring a quicker end to the evil Quaker government. We urge Quakers to take this challenge up, for should he be handed over to us, the potential war dead by the collective obliteration of the nation of Pennsylvania might very well be avoided.

Act quickly, for my comrades will be searching for him as well, and should we find him first, we keep the money and get all the joy in destroying him.

Well, we'd say the same thing about New Jersey's leaders, but luckily we already have them locked away. And you know, they might very well end up the dead ones if peace isn't reached. ;)
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