buck beach
Thank you 45
45°38'N-13°47'E;13632879 said:Revision number (rev) can be seen hovering your mouse over the flag next to minimap. Current rev is 867. It's been reported that someone is not able to found cities on some peaks while it's possible to found on some others. I need to look at the code when I have time, I suspect I know the reason but it could depend on the terrain below the peak (if it's desert or ice, you can't found a city there), or if there's fresh water access. And it's anyway probably a dll problem.
Hi and thanks. You'll probably try yourself when troubleshooting, but I tried changing the terrain below the peak and adding a river, and tried several peaks on the same map.
I am in the industrial era and i have Free Market as my economic civ but i cant build free ports. it says i dont have lighthouses built. I looked in my coastal city and lighthouses were not listed as a built or something that could be built. I changed the buildinginfo.xml to remove the lighthouse as a requirement and then i could build free ports. I am on Rev867
45*, do you want to add the trello doc to the OP of both bug report threads?
It might be a good way for users to track the status of bugs after they report them.
I found that when I grant independence to some of my cities, it caused all of my vassals to break free and then it made me declare war on everybody. This doesn't seem like a feature.
We have carefully coded this to bother everyone hereI found that when I grant independence to some of my cities, it caused all of my vassals to break free and then it made me declare war on everybody. This doesn't seem like a feature.
Wouh. Ugly bug. Added to the bugtracker. The game literally freeze here.Obviously 2 problems: Hang on double clicking city and Firepit needing 7+million turns.