A New Dawn Bug Reports and Feedback

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45°38'N-13°47'E;13632879 said:
Revision number (rev) can be seen hovering your mouse over the flag next to minimap. Current rev is 867. It's been reported that someone is not able to found cities on some peaks while it's possible to found on some others. I need to look at the code when I have time, I suspect I know the reason but it could depend on the terrain below the peak (if it's desert or ice, you can't found a city there), or if there's fresh water access. And it's anyway probably a dll problem.

Hi and thanks. You'll probably try yourself when troubleshooting, but I tried changing the terrain below the peak and adding a river, and tried several peaks on the same map.
Hi and thanks. You'll probably try yourself when troubleshooting, but I tried changing the terrain below the peak and adding a river, and tried several peaks on the same map.

Revision 844, so a bit old. I remember why I have that... because it has Giant Earth...
I am in the industrial era and i have Free Market as my economic civ but i cant build free ports. it says i dont have lighthouses built. I looked in my coastal city and lighthouses were not listed as a built or something that could be built. I changed the buildinginfo.xml to remove the lighthouse as a requirement and then i could build free ports. I am on Rev867
I am in the industrial era and i have Free Market as my economic civ but i cant build free ports. it says i dont have lighthouses built. I looked in my coastal city and lighthouses were not listed as a built or something that could be built. I changed the buildinginfo.xml to remove the lighthouse as a requirement and then i could build free ports. I am on Rev867

I think that's my fault. I folded Lighthouses into the Port line and forgot about Free Port. I think it's best if we just take Lighthouse out of the Free Port requirements. Ideally, I'd like a different civic building. As it is, coastal cities get the big benefits from Free Market.
I found that when I grant independence to some of my cities, it caused all of my vassals to break free and then it made me declare war on everybody. This doesn't seem like a feature.

It did this on 894 or something, so I upgraded to 902 and it still does this.

I can't find a log file anywhere, hopefully you can reproduce this. I attached my save file.


I found that when I grant independence to some of my cities, it caused all of my vassals to break free and then it made me declare war on everybody. This doesn't seem like a feature.

Well, that's tastefully understated. :lol:
I found that when I grant independence to some of my cities, it caused all of my vassals to break free and then it made me declare war on everybody. This doesn't seem like a feature.
We have carefully coded this to bother everyone here :D *joking*
I'll look at the issue.
I tried clean game with mod, 1C-russian and CivFanatics-russian versions, but military advisor still broken in the mod with non-english language :(
Could you show me some screenshots please?
This "strategic advantages" with russian language turn on:

This - off:

Clean steam-version (beta-unsupported) with AND2-mod, start game with launcher, ver.901.
Win 8.1 x64
(I can't see your screenshots. Please modify the marker to
to publish an image.)

EDIT: I've set my PC to russian and the panel is broken. I add this to the bug tracker.

EDIT2: Fixed ! It will published in my next revision.
The revision will be released in a minute :p
SVN 902 just installed thru updater. Started game played till turn 33, Epic, Prince, PM Huge 12 AI.

Noticed Cahokia (Capitol) had (70803xx) turns till Firepit (1st culture bldg) would be finished. (See screenshot). When clicking on City game freezes/hangs.

Save and screenshot below. No minidump.dmp file created.

Obviously 2 problems: Hang on double clicking city and Firepit needing 7+million turns.

Obviously 2 problems: Hang on double clicking city and Firepit needing 7+million turns.
Wouh. Ugly bug. Added to the bugtracker. The game literally freeze here.
No the game freeze and there are no python or DLL error. This one is hard to find.
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