A Tale of Common Things

From: Empire of Brazil
To: Argentina, Uruguay
CC: Great Britain

On behalf of His Imperial Majesty the youthful Pedro II the government of the Empire of Brazil wishes to accord with the nations of Argentina and Uruguay, as well as the observing party to the original treaty Great Britain, continued respect by all parties of the Treaty of Montevideo and the independence of the Republic of Uruguay. Brazil regards the Treaty of Montevideo, and the relationship it establishes between Brazil, Argentina and the Uruguayan Republic as the cornerstone of its foreign policy and international commitments south of its borders. It is the hope of this government that peace and prosperity may be had between Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay so long as all three parties continue to respect the terms of the treaty and the commitment to peace and prosperity which it represents.

We await word from the governments of the Argentine Confederation and the Republic of Uruguay that they continue to abide by this treaty and respect its terms. The Empire of Brazil continues to have every interest in an independent and self-sufficient Uruguayan state, and will support such an entity as it is bound to do so by the aforementioned compact.
From: Uruguay
To: Empire of Brazil, Argentina
Cc: Great Britain

We agree to continue abide by the treaty and respect its terms and we hope that Argentina agrees so that peace may continue between our three nations.
The Kingdom of Denmark will continue to respect and recognize the neutrality of Switzerland, as agreed upon during the Congress of Vienna.

The Kingdom of Denmark would also like to affirm the Treaty of Copenhagen (1767) and The Danish Russian Treaty of 1773 with The Russian Empire affirming a defensive pact and guaranteeing Danish control over Schleswig-Holstein.

~Fredrick VI, King of Denmark

OOC: So much flowery diplomacy.
From: Peru
To: UK, France, Prussia

In exchange for preferential trade rights and rights to make use of Peruvian port facilities, we request an alliance.
The Haitian Republic, most sublime in her nature, demands the attention of the world stage. It has been three decades of independence celebrated on our paradise. I, the President of Haiti, announce a most world-changing and marvelous commission of artistry. A statue in honor of our independence, and of our founding father Toussaint L'Ouverture, will be erected in the capital. Here, a majestic park will be constructed with the beauty of our island home highlighted in the gardens. Our children will grow up in the shade of trees planted by the inheritors of the revolution. They will play before the figure of my predecessor and humble guide in the form of a masterful statue. Represented in stone will be our victorious founder and the defeated devil, Napoleon Bonaparte. I ask, on behalf of the free people of Haiti, that distinguished minds from abroad come and see what freedom hath wrought.
The Haitian Republic, most sublime in her nature, demands the attention of the world stage. It has been three decades of independence celebrated on our paradise. I, the President of Haiti, announce a most world-changing and marvelous commission of artistry. A statue in honor of our independence, and of our founding father Toussaint L'Ouverture, will be erected in the capital. Here, a majestic park will be constructed with the beauty of our island home highlighted in the gardens. Our children will grow up in the shade of trees planted by the inheritors of the revolution. They will play before the figure of my predecessor and humble guide in the form of a masterful statue. Represented in stone will be our victorious founder and the defeated devil, Napoleon Bonaparte. I ask, on behalf of the free people of Haiti, that distinguished minds from abroad come and see what freedom hath wrought.

I Francisco de Paula Santander President of The Republic of the New Granada and former Vice President of the Republic of Great Colombia, under the late President Simón Bolívar, will gladly come to Haiti to view the unveiling of this new symbol of liberty and freedom for both the Haitian people and all those struggling under the yoke of oppression, may our two nations prosper and continue to succeed in our pursuit of freedom.

-President Santander of the Republic of New Granada
Freedom and Order
From Paraguay
To South American nations

Would any of you be interested in an alliance?

While Brazil is disinterested in foreign entanglements, or conflicts with foreign powers over allegiances to other nations, on behalf of the youthful Pedro II the Lord Regent is willing to offer Paraguay various preferential economic agreements and trade compacts in exchange for free navigation of the Parana and Paraguay rivers by Brazilian ships.

From: Uruguay
To: Empire of Brazil, Argentina
Cc: Great Britain

We agree to continue abide by the treaty and respect its terms and we hope that Argentina agrees so that peace may continue between our three nations.

The continued respect of the treaty by Uruguay has been noted with satisfaction by His Imperial Majesty's foreign office. We look forward to many years of peace and prosperity between the people of our two nations.
I Francisco de Paula Santander President of The Republic of the New Granada and former Vice President of the Republic of Great Colombia, under the late President Simón Bolívar, will gladly come to Haiti to view the unveiling of this new symbol of liberty and freedom for both the Haitian people and all those struggling under the yoke of oppression, may our two nations prosper and continue to succeed in our pursuit of freedom.

-President Santander of the Republic of New Granada
Freedom and Order

The Federal Republic of Central America also supports the Haitian efforts.

Foreign minister Juan de la Cruz
This message was approved by Francisco Morazán
The Treaty of Turkmenchai, with Shahdom of Persia, which recognizes the capitulation rights of Russian subjects in the Persian Empire, and furthermore reserves our exclusive right to navigation of the Caspian Sea, and right to send consulate envoys in all territory under the suzerainty of the Shah.


Mohammad Shah Qajar,
Shah of Persia,
Knight of the Order of St. Andrew of Russia
Knight of the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky of Russia
Knight of the Order of St. Stanislaus of Russia
Knight of the Order of the White Eagle of Russia
Knight of the Order of St. Anne, First Class of Russia
Confirming my presence as the East India Trading Company.

Currently catching up on the thread. Great OverlordMasada please PM me stuff.

Edit: Caught up and ready.
A note, from Amable Guillaume Prosper Brugière, Ambassadeur de France à l'Empire Russe, having been confirmed in his position by the recently-elected First Consul of France, Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte, to the Government of the Russian Empire.

The government of France wishes to inquire of the government of Russia why a treaty guaranteeing the status quo of the Concert of Nations has been inaugurated without two of its major players, if not to cause intentional umbrage towards those Powers who have not been included? That Britain would seek not to involve France owing to the recent upheaval in Paris is understandable, but that it would not consult Russia while signing a treaty with her ostensible allies would imply either willful neglect or a more ominous message.

Being unwilling to spark a major international incident over this affair, we hope Russia shares in our disappointment that Britain has seen fit to dispense so readily with the principles of Vienna, and conveys our mutual regret to London that we have not been consulted on such a momentous diplomatic endeavor.

Damn- you write well Thlayli
A note, from Amable Guillaume Prosper Brugière, Ambassadeur de France à l'Empire Russe, having been confirmed in his position by the recently-elected First Consul of France, Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte, to the Government of the Russian Empire.

The government of France wishes to inquire of the government of Russia why a treaty guaranteeing the status quo of the Concert of Nations has been inaugurated without two of its major players, if not to cause intentional umbrage towards those Powers who have not been included? That Britain would seek not to involve France owing to the recent upheaval in Paris is understandable, but that it would not consult Russia while signing a treaty with her ostensible allies would imply either willful neglect or a more ominous message.

Being unwilling to spark a major international incident over this affair, we hope Russia shares in our disappointment that Britain has seen fit to dispense so readily with the principles of Vienna, and conveys our mutual regret to London that we have not been consulted on such a momentous diplomatic endeavor.

We share your concern over this matter and applaud your interest in maintaining the Concert of Nations, as inimical as your namesake and ancestor might have been to its very ideals and principles. If you were to absolve yourselves of your sins and pledge your loyalty to your rightful king Charles X, then perhaps this notion of justice and peace would do you credit and he would grant you mercy.

The Berlin Treaty as currently constituted as a direct assault against the interests of the Holy Alliance and specifically the interests of the Empire of Russia. Britain has seen fit to approach Russia's loyal allies without our consultation, to sign agreement to principles that fall under our rightful auspices and covered by our pre-existing treaty obligations. That these agreements ostensibly guarantee and maintain the peace of Europe is immaterial and in fact antagonistic, considering the salient omission of Europe's greatest guarantor. That our allies have somehow accepted this outrageous agreement we can only attribute to ill council or clerical error.

We urge the immediate abrogation of the treaty or amendment to include the other guarantors of the Concert of Europe. If Britain's aim to preserve the peace is sincere, we suggest that only the shared consideration of each and every power without alienation of any may see the fulfillment of this goal.

-Karl Nesselrode
To The Empire of Russia


The Berlin Declaration is merely a declaration of understanding between the three powers of Britain, Austria and Prussia regarding pre-existing areas of mutual concern between our three nations, and a commitment to twenty year non-aggression between our same nations in the name of European peace. It is no way abrogates the Holy Alliance that Prussia and Austria have recently reaffirmed.

The fundamental modus operandi of the signatories of the Berlin Declaration, is to maintain and guarantee the status quo in the German Confederation (a matter of concern to Prussia and Austria as leaders of said confederation), and to establish a concord between us to collectively work to the maintain the current European peace from any who would disrupt it, by committing to the maintenance of the sovereignty of the Italian states, and to the defence of the status quo in the Iberian Peninsula and with regards to the Ottoman Empire

We hope as such that Russia can see that this declaration in now way is an affront to Russian interests. Considering, Italian, Iberian and Confederate matters are not matters of Russian concern and fall beyond its sphere of influence, considering the serenity of central and Eastern Europe is already guaranteed by the Holy Alliance, and considering Russia is a peace-loving nation with no intentions whatsoever of undermining the status quo in the Turkish Empire, Russian involvement was quite unnecessary.
We bemoan the utter depravity of the ill council that our once-friends in Austria have fallen under. O Ferdinand, you grew up under the tutelage of a great man and friend of ours in your father Francis II; were you not able to learn by his example?

When your father Emperor Francis II, my father Emperor Alexander I, and King Frederick III came together to create the Holy Alliance, they were united by an ideal. This ideal was of a Europe bound together by legitimacy, a Europe that in peace and prosperity would enlighten the world with its civilization under Christ. You talk of sphere of influence, but to the Holy Alliance as our fathers saw it, there were no "spheres of influence" in Europe, destabilizing as they are to the interest of peace in promoting the rivalry and envy of competition. Instead, their dream was a Holy Alliance which would act in concert as guarantors of Europe, from Iberia to Karelia, in the interest of justice, love, and peace. In our view, the preservation of legitimacy and tranquility in Madrid is as important to this vision of Europe as keeping the peace in St. Petersburg.

Britain, not sharing this view of Europe, rejected this idea out of hand and declined the offer of our fathers to join the Holy Alliance. If, seeing the error of their ways, they were to reverse this position on this course, we would gladly welcome our Christian brothers with open arms as another guarantor of Europe.

But if you continue to insist on playing these old 18th century politics of rivalry and exclusion, then we are at an impasse. You accuse us of meddling in affairs which are not our own, yet presume to police our actions with our neighbors in concert with Britain, on the far side of Europe. In that circumstance, we would consider that you have dishonored the memory of our Father and yours, and abrogated the Holy Alliance between Austria and Russia.
To Russia
From: Austria


It is disappointing that Russia has fallen under the ill-council of the French in this matter, and has so divested itself of the faculty of reason in its relations to Prussia and ourselves. Austria shall continue to maintain the Holy Alliance with Prussia in your absence, that the forces of revolution, the cause of whom Russia has fallen sway too, do not go unchallenged in the west. Austria shall of course welcome a return of Russia to the Holy Alliance if it decides to retract its foolish and unreasonable statements.

~Prince Klemens von Metternich


ooc: You say there is no spheres of influence on the one hand, and yet express concerns about turkey because its in your neighbour in the other (which we are not policing, merely guaranteeing support in the event someone attacks them). Not to mention of course the sphere of influence via the protection of Balkan states Russia maintains.... Russia should be more consistent on its position regarding spheres of influence ;). edit: Also your position regarding the Holy Alliance is disingenuous, since it was installed to promote Christian values (a universal as you say) and secondarily as a compact to act on the basis of "justice, love and peace", both in internal and foreign affairs, in order to "perpetuate the mundane institutions and adjust their imperfection" which is fully in concord with orthodox political doctrines on balance of power, sphere of influence and the like. Nothing in the Berlin Declaration (which has no bearing on the sphere of values and virtue) is contrary to the more mundane aspects of the alliance with regards to foreign affairs, and indeed they seek primarily to "perpetuate the mundane institutions" of the established order. Your objections are quite frankly bordering on the absurdly unreasonable.
To Russia
From: Austria


It is disappointing that Russia has fallen under the ill-council of the French in this matter, and has so divested itself of the faculty of reason in its relations to Prussia and ourselves. Austria shall continue to maintain the Holy Alliance with Prussia in your absence, that the forces of revolution, the cause of whom Russia has fallen sway too, do not go unchallenged in the west. Austria shall of course welcome a return of Russia to the Holy Alliance if it decides to retract its foolish and unreasonable statements.

~Prince Klemens von Metternich

The status of our relations with France and Prussia is not your concern. Our concerns about the nature of the Treaty of Berlin were apparent long before the usurper addressed us. We chastised him sufficiently as is our right.

ooc: You say there is no spheres of influence on the one hand, and yet express concerns about turkey because its in your neighbour (which we are not policing, merely guaranteeing support in the event someone attacks them). Russia should be more consistent on its position regarding spheres of influence ;). edit: Also your position regarding the Holy Alliance is disingenuous, since it was installed to promote Christian values (a universal as you say) and secondarily as a compact to act on the basis of "justice, love and peace", both in internal and foreign affairs, in order to "perpetuate the mundane institutions and adjust their imperfection". Nothing in the Berlin Declaration (which has no bearing on the sphere of values) is contrary to the more mundane aspects of the alliance with regards to foreign affairs, and indeed they seek primarily to "perpetuate the mundane institutions" of the established order.

I said there were no spheres of influence under the purview of the Holy Alliance, but made the comment on the Ottoman Empire under the assumption of your politics of "rivalry and exclusion" to show your hypocrisy even in that regard.

In any case, your abrogation of the Holy Alliance in favor of an alliance with Britain (with the specific idea to exclude Russia when there is no good reason to) is extremely OOC and breaks the very Concert of Europe that Metternich spent all his effort to maintain OTL. I'm sure this wasn't Britain's original intent, given our communications to date where we provisionally agreed that all 5 members of the Concert of Europe would be party to the treaty, but now you've set yourself up for a massive incoming diplomatic humiliation. Enjoy.

Edit: We also gave you the out to admit clerical error or call for our inclusion in the treaty, and you ignored it.
Our concerns about the nature of the Treaty of Berlin where apparent long before the usurper addressed us.

ooc: Which is why of course you only made your concerns known, after Thlayli whispered In your non-literal ear when you had had plenty of time to make known any objections, or a desire to join (indeed you posted yesterday after the declaration was posted, without raising an eyebrow).

I will address your other statements in a private message to avoid clogging the thread.
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