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Action Chatroom Development Thread: Now with only 10% added sugar!


Total Freakin Besties
Dec 2, 2007
Welcome one and all to the next generation of the Action Chatroom Development Thread! Much like the old one , this thread will be for the creation and organizing of Action Chatrooms, a text-based game not unlike a simplified tabletop game involving dramatic dice rolls, gripping adventure, and the occasional signature-worthy innuendo. Proposals for games, current games, and finished games will all be archived here for future reference.

Current Games:
Starlight: Turning Point [GMed by KaiserElectric]
Cloudchaser [GMed by Dem Taqat]
* m.A.A.d City (Magical Burst) [GMed by Patchy]

Planned Games:

* Game is fully or partially closed to additional signups.
Italics indicate that the title is a working title or a placeholder for a real name.

Props to Lighthearter for being the founder of this genre. :thumbsup:
I don't know if this is the right place to put this, or if I should keep it to chat, but I'm just going to state my thoughts on the current supervillain AC, as well as other superpowered ACs in the past, and ACs in general. Also note that at the time of typing this sentence, I have no replacement ideas. Do not expect for me to suggest fixes. If I think of one, I'll say it, but this will mostly be negative.

Spoiler :
I play ACs for three things: my friends in the ACs, the gameplay itself, and the role play/plot. All three of these are fun, but my main problem is with gameplay. You see, as it stands, the two ACs I've participated in have been superhero types, where a die is rolled numbering from 1-20. The outcome determines the success or lack thereof in relation to your orders. This number is modified by mainly two things: feats and your 'stats'.

The 'beef' I have with this system is that it is, at it's base, glorified gambling. Yes, choices you made prior to the game's beginning determine the outcome, but the game itself is betting that you get a good roll, modifiers or no. Now, this is of course fun, but has many a time led to situations where a seminal moment has been decided by whether the RNG spit out a 1 or a 20. This leaves me, the player, who has invested hours of their time in this mission, feeling helpless and unimportant to the overarching game.

Additionally, the dice are often unreasonable or silly. In a recent AC mission, RedSpy, playing as an practiced illusionist failed to create a small snake in a no pressure situation. This is ridiculous, but not the least of the problems that spring up from the system. A notorious example, which I've heard much about (I wasn't around when it happened), was someone ordering to shoot at the sky, gambling that they'd get a low roll. Humorously, they did, and somehow missed the goddamn sky.

A third problem with this method of running an AC is that the game can turn into a meaningless firefight, with players spamming the same action until they get a high roll. Not only does this make the game boring, it summons the same problem mentioned earlier: players are left helpless, and the game loses import.

One redeeming factor is that this gambling allows for rich role playing, as people can say and do mostly whatever they want, with everything turning out fine as long as they score high rolls. This is a mixed bag, though, as their actions become secondary to the rolls. Of course, character relations is a big part of RPing, but I am mostly referring to other types. For example, one could say "whack someone with a fork, in order to knock them out." If they got a high roll, the fact that they just tried to knock someone out with a dinner fork doesn't matter. Instead, their 18/19/20 takes the forefront, and they knock the person out. Similarly, the same could be tried with a war hammer, and if they got a 3, they'd still miss. Of course, this can be altered by GM, but the underlying foundation leads to it.

Thinking about it, I believe the best solution would be a game more based on RP. Most actions would be judged to either succeed or fail by the GM, according to the plot, the player's powers, and the situation they're in. If it is a high pressure hostage negotiation, a character's persuasion magic may fizzle, but if someone is conjuring a sword to impress party guests, it would work consistently.

Obviously, this has major flaws. However, I would probably enjoy playing it more because my choices have more impact beyond wishing for a certain roll, and RP takes center stage over gambling. Much of an AC like this would come down to the GM, but it would be worth a try.

I somewhat agree with Arrow on this. I like the d20 method, but there should be situational modifiers which are bonuses or penalties added onto the roll depending on the situation.
I somewhat agree with Arrow on this. I like the d20 method, but there should be situational modifiers which are bonuses or penalties added onto the roll depending on the situation.

I want to say two words to you, just two words; 'Circumstance Modifiers'. :p

In response to what Arrow was saying, the problem with leaving everything to the GM is that you, and everyone there, has to accept that the GM's story makes sense. For example; if two people with equal stats were in a fight then the GM would be arbitrarily declaring a winner, whereas using the usual system the fight is actually decided by something other than how the GM feels at the time.

Those people who played UtM will remember that a GM trying to tell a story in which NPC actions were determined by something other than rolls constantly lead me to be changing my mind and retconning things when they acted out of character, even when players couldn't see anything unusual going on with it. Admittedly this may be, as you qualify, simply the requirement of a better GM than me, but that, unfortnately, is something beyond my ability to control. :p

Where were those situational modifiers that time (those times? I only recall one at the moment, but there's surely been more :p) when I was pinning an enemy to the ground, ordered to shoot him, and MISSED? :p
Probably lost due to you being in a grappel with an enemy. :p After all, if he can fight back then there is no garuntee that you can shoot him.
Moving on from that, I've had an idea:

Each player gets a goal or the name of another player in a PM. Throughout the course of the game, they must either accomplish said goal, or help the player they've been told do so. I don't know what the goals would be, but I think it'd be an interesting idea.
Please Enter the System has begun, although due to its unusual nature I can't actually tell you what its about. :p

Edit: It has also died, alone and unloved in the darkest corners of a complete mind screw.


Alright, I don't have the time to run this yet, but I hopefully will soon, and wanna know if I'll be wasting my time with a premise nobody wants, or if there's some interest.

3 words: Cthulhu. Mythos. Parody. Whaddaya think?
So, there was some post-mission talk in Nuke's chatroom, and I can't quite remember what got me started, but I decided to make something that could damage on imput from GMs, to make their job easier. This is the end result. It is an excel document that calculates damage based on the classical RPG formula; x dy + z.

If you want to utilize it, you will have to copy-paste it from the link to an Excel document of your own. Note that you have to copy the code of B1, B8, J2-13, and K2-13. Initially, you will also have to put it in exactly the same places as where you copied it. However, once everything has been set into place, you should be able to move things around without anything happening.

Basically, you tell the document seven things; how many dices it rolls, how many sides these dices have, and how much damage is added regardless of the dice rolls. In addition to that, you also tell the document when the attack crits, and, if it crits, the same three things as if it were a normal attack.

Note that due to the nature of the function used, damage will be recalculated every time anything is edited in the document.
I have no idea what you're talking about Sam. Besides, B7 is empty, not B8.
So hey folks, how you doing today? Got a couple questions.

At the moment, I have about a half dozen AC ideas knocking around in my head and I'd like you people to tell me which ones you'd prefer and in what order. No formal "One vote" or anything, just gimme your opinions.

This doesn't mean Forgotten is going to be canceled after the Season 1 finale tomorrow night, but I'm definitely taking notes on what to do next. And by NO means are these all of my ideas - they're just the ones that have finalized rules and plots and stuff.

What it is: The game is just like the movie Pacific Rim, but set in the Atlantic and with a slightly different plot. Giant human-made fighting robots, called Jaegers, vs Kaiju from a breach at the bottom of the Atlantic.
What’s unique about it: Co-op system. Since the Jaegers require two pilots, PCs can either invent NPCs to co-pilot with them or pair up as 2-PC Jaegers. 2 PCs have extra funds to build their Jaeger, but the downside is that they have to agree on all actions their Jaeger takes in battle.
My Personal Rank: Tied for #1 with Agents of J.U.S.T.I.C.E. I’ve never seen the actual movie start to finish but I’ve watched a lot of scenes online and I really, REALLY enjoy the copilot system in the Jaegers and how I incorporated it.

What it is: An AC set in the world of the old game Evil Genius, with the players functioning as a multi-agency team of spies and soldiers working to topple the self-styled evil organizations around the globe.
What’s unique about it: It’s my first attempt at a spy/secret agent thriller AC with a humorous and self-deprecating tone. Kinich would love it.
My Personal Rank: Tied for #1 with Atlantic Rim. I’ve been playing a lot of Evil Genius lately and I would really enjoy a game set in that ‘verse. Plus I’ve never done a(n intentionally) humorous AC before and I think it might be fun.

What it is: The Next Generation, my non-Saviors superhero AC, left off after Mission 8 of 20, and I could resume it to complete the second half of the plot and kick off another superhero universe.
What’s unique about it: It’s a game already in progress that I could resume. Plus, superheroes. Everyone in ACing loves superheroes.
My Personal Rank: #4. Continuing TNG would be very, very fun, but I left at exactly the wrong moment for dramatic effect, since a big reveal was coming in the next mission and since there’s been such a long delay I don’t think it’ll have as much dramatic effect. Also, managing the “stat loss as damage is taken” was very hard and I don’t fancy doing any more of it. On the flip side, I could simply remove THAT system.

What it is: It's another TLPAC. Joy. This one is set 6 years before Forgotten, before any of the events of the actual books, and the team plays as vagabond Gyrean Rangers wandering the wilds and fighting slavers to save the innocent. Alternatively, I had an idea for an AC AS slavers or even slaves themselves, so call out if that sounds more interesting.
What’s unique about it: Well, it's a much, much more classic fantasy kind of AC than Forgotten, and it uses the 5th Generation Superhero AC stat system combined with a D&D esque Feat and Magic system.
My Personal Rank: #3. I like the concept but I don't know that I want to return to the Last Prophecy universe immediately after Forgotten.

What it is: Either it’s Saviors 4 or a completely new IP, but it’s a superhero AC that functions on a rebalanced, new set of fifth-generation rules that iron out a lot of the balance issues with previous superACs and remove deadweight functions.
What’s unique about it: An all-new superhero game. Nuff said.
My Personal Rank: #2. I have no outright plot ideas for this game, beyond some nebulous concepts, but I really like the 5th Generation Rules and want to use them if there’s interest in another superhero AC.
I'm torn between Agents of J.U.S.T.I.C.E. and the completely new Superhero IP, personally. :p
I have already stated a preference for TNG resumption. I also want it to be known that until the first post is updated I consider this thread an illegitimate child of the original dev thread. :p
Oooooh, mechs. We already have a superhero AC, so my vote is on fighting kaiju. :P
Im not much for superheros, so my vote is on Atlantic Rim.

also subbing
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