Warlock: A powerful wizard. The magicka runs through the veins of a warlock, they can cast blood magic. Many warlocks are necromances.
Invoker: Scholars of magic, The Invoker is a "genius student" of magic, who has studied the subject for years. He practices until he is able to command magic with ease. They are normally called 'magic-users'.
Sorcerer: Holders of an ancient magic, the sorcerer do not get their power through the rigorous study of esoteric tomes, but the magic flowing in their blood, waiting to be channeled and shaped.
Vindicator: In secret temples, away from the bustle of cities and priestly hierarchies, esoteric warriors orders train their beginning on ancient traditions already forgotten
or prohibited by other religious organizations. the champions these orders are called vindicator.
Crusader: A holy knight, crusading in the name of good and order, and is a divine spell caster. A combatant who wields the power of brute strength and magicka knowledge. Cheating death after every fight, they rely on their keen knowledge of restoration to fight yet again.
Guardian: Strong individuals who resort to primitive spirits of nature to defend the natural world of the corrupt or destroy. A guardian can use the power of nature and rocks to protect their allies from danger, while others rely on the early strength within themselves to increase their ferocity and tenacity.
Rogue: Charming when they can be seen, and nearly invisible when in shadow. They use speed in combat rather than brute force.
Scout: A marksman, adept at combat at great distances. Able to take down most foes before they have a chance to draw sword.
Monk: Quick and cunning with the empty hand, they are strong in spirit. They prefer to solve conflict by arrow or by fist.