Action Chatroom Development Thread: Now with only 10% added sugar!

Without commenting on anything else, why would you need plural spreadsheets? That's... not a thing. Just make more tabs.

Welcome to St. Iggy's Academy, the most prominent highschool in North America and home to promising future leaders, scientists, and you guys. St. Iggy's is a very well funded boarding school outside of Providence, Rhode Island. Through academic excellence, family money, legacy or pure luck you have found yourself as a student in this prestigious school and since then you have been living and learning there.

You've probably made some friends in your first year of highschool and some enemies too, worried about things that in retrospect really didn't matter that much. But now you are in your sophomore year and as such clearly far above the level you were at as a freshmen and you certainly won't make the same mistakes again.

For all your differences though there is one thing you have in common: You are all members of St. Iggy's Paranormal Club. It isn't actually a serious club, rather it was created as a way to get around the school's requirements that every student must be part of a club. Whether or not you joined it to get out of the requirement or not is up to you though.

Of course it can't be that easy. During the first mission the players will uncover a secret that opens them up to the paranormal creatures in the world. They will have to balance not getting eaten by paranormal creatures, avoiding government agents, and school life throughout the AC.


The trauma sheet, used whenever a player's sanity reaches 0. It is glorious, worship it, love it, fear it.
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Character Creation:
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[b]Name:[/b] What is your name. Include any nicknames.
[b]Sex:[/b] You know the drill.
[b]Age:[/b] As a sophomore you should be between 15-16 years old. Younger due to grade skipping is allowed within reason.
[b]Description:[/b] What do you look like?
[b]Sanity:[/b] Will be given to you by the GM
[b]Interests(classes): [/b] Pick two classes that would interest your character, they can be anything from a core class like math to an elective like auto shop.
[b]Interests(extracurricular):[/b] Give me two activities that your character does outside of school.
[b]Grades:[/b] You start with a B in everything except for an A in the classes you have set as Interests.
-Some Science:
[b]Bio:[/b]The more interesting you make your character the more likely I am to pick it.


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[40.252611, 58.439389]


Although I am ready to start this AC I think I will wait until there are less ACs running to launch it. It will either be run on a Thursday or on a weekend.
Dammit, stop taunting us poor Europeans with these ACs.
"Not even the gods, gifted with compassion, managed to forgive the choice made by the Blacksmith.
If he only knew the deal he made with Soshokrn... if only he hadn't sold his soul to a dragon."
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I have no release date, but it is a fantasy universe. And yes, my other AC will continue on hiatus.

I will bring more information as I go along in working with the mechanics of the AC.
Some mild linguistics comments: Generally, realism and ease of pronunciation are better than trying to force something that sounds "fantastic," especially since forcing something that players would associate with fantasy/sci-fi elements generally results in either (a) really simplistic clichés or (b) unrealistically impossible-to-pronounce phrasings that just look way too try-hard.

Also, based upon your place names along, I'm seeing what is most likely 6-10 languages. And that name you list at the beginning, Soshokrn, would be *extremely* unlikely to occur - only a very few real-world languages would permit a syllable structure like that (Tamazight is the first one that comes to mind), and it's not actually a viable name phonetically in any of those languages that I can think of.
Some mild linguistics comments: Generally, realism and ease of pronunciation are better than trying to force something that sounds "fantastic," especially since forcing something that players would associate with fantasy/sci-fi elements generally results in either (a) really simplistic clichés or (b) unrealistically impossible-to-pronounce phrasings that just look way too try-hard.

Also, based upon your place names along, I'm seeing what is most likely 6-10 languages. And that name you list at the beginning, Soshokrn, would be *extremely* unlikely to occur - only a very few real-world languages would permit a syllable structure like that (Tamazight is the first one that comes to mind), and it's not actually a viable name phonetically in any of those languages that I can think of.

Thank you, I really appreciated the help. I'll redo the map. I'm really bad with naming. :crazyeye: I'm working classes and spells right now and I intend to create something like this:
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Warlock: A powerful wizard. The magicka runs through the veins of a warlock, they can cast blood magic. Many warlocks are necromances.
Invoker: Scholars of magic, The Invoker is a "genius student" of magic, who has studied the subject for years. He practices until he is able to command magic with ease. They are normally called 'magic-users'.
Sorcerer: Holders of an ancient magic, the sorcerer do not get their power through the rigorous study of esoteric tomes, but the magic flowing in their blood, waiting to be channeled and shaped.
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The magic works differently for the three classes. Warlocks rely on poison, curses and blood magic; Invokers launch powerful attacks using the elements; while the Sorcerer defend themselves with healing and powerful control spells.

Vindicator: In secret temples, away from the bustle of cities and priestly hierarchies, esoteric warriors orders train their beginning on ancient traditions already forgotten
or prohibited by other religious organizations. the champions these orders are called vindicator.
Crusader: A holy knight, crusading in the name of good and order, and is a divine spell caster. A combatant who wields the power of brute strength and magicka knowledge. Cheating death after every fight, they rely on their keen knowledge of restoration to fight yet again.
Guardian: Strong individuals who resort to primitive spirits of nature to defend the natural world of the corrupt or destroy. A guardian can use the power of nature and rocks to protect their allies from danger, while others rely on the early strength within themselves to increase their ferocity and tenacity.

Rogue: Charming when they can be seen, and nearly invisible when in shadow. They use speed in combat rather than brute force.
Scout: A marksman, adept at combat at great distances. Able to take down most foes before they have a chance to draw sword.
Monk: Quick and cunning with the empty hand, they are strong in spirit. They prefer to solve conflict by arrow or by fist.
I updated the main post with new games and the like. Yes I can actually be productive, stop acting so surprised.

In any case, the major cause of me finally doing what I'm supposed to do is that I'm working on a new AC, whose current working title is TrekAC. Obviously it is not set in the Star Trek universe, but from the name you can easily figure out what sort of game it is.

TrekAC is a science fiction AC where the players are senior students in not-Starfleet academy (Obviously this game is inspired by the Trek series and I don't have any important names yet :p ) who are taking part in an internship of sorts by serving as co-officers on board a starcruiser, where they will be supervised by the actual officers on board and finish their training to become officers in not-Starfleet.

Gameplay wise, this will be a stat-light game, mostly based around roleplay with noncombat missions a regular occurrence. Each mission will be mostly self-standing, like an individual episode of a TV show, meaning that it will be very friendly to those of you with irregular schedules, and solo missions can be expected as well. You will not need to be present for every mission, though it'd be nice if you were. ;)

In addition to the mission structure, I'm also using a system similar to the one Patchy introduced in GhoStory, where in between missions the players send orders to determine what their characters do between missions. This can be anything from regular duties to self-improvement and even a few plot-essential missions once in a while.

If you have any questions, contact me via PM here or try to catch me on AC or IOT chat. It's not going to be ready to run for a while, but I'll be posting updates on the development when I get the chance. Stay tuned! :D
Bit of news:

Getting a new phone and my dad is changing phone plans and internet and a whole bunch of details to move from MiFis in my parents' house onto phone-based hotspots. What this means?

I'm going to have internet in my home now.

This means that the "schedule change" I referred to in FantAC is about to happen. I have a buttload of free time at home on weeknights, and I would love to use it to run an AC. While I am not planning to resume FantAC(I've honestly forgotten everything I was intending to do with the game; downsides of not being a 'note-happy' person) I do have a good half-dozen ideas I'm mulling over. These are, in short form:

-High School spies(KidSpies)
-A superhero game as the sidekicks, in a sort of "Young Justice" or "Teen Titans" kind of organization
-A new "classic" kind of superAC in a totally different universe from Saviors or TNG
-A new TLPAC, though I'm not enthused about this idea since I don't have a specific theme for it
-A game as NATO vampire hunters in the Cold War

Of course, that's just scratching the surface of the millions of ideas a day I have for ACs, but those are the ones I consider runnable at the moment. It'll also give me the ability to participate in any AC that doesn't run on Wednesdays or weekends, since those are my days/evenings with the wife.

Cheers. Speak up about what you think of my proposals, and I'll take all your opinions into account. Sorry I've been absent, but such is life.
Sidekick AC or Vampire hunters seems cool. Glad to have you back LH!
Superheroes, naturally!
Yeah, I probably remember more of the plot points in FantAC than you do. :p Of the listed options, I like the sidekicks idea most, since the others either seem too similar to current/upcoming games or I just generally don't feel like they would work out for various reasons.

Yeah, my vote is for the sidekicks game too, though I do really like the Spykids and Classic superhero game and will be happy to participate in those.

And it's great to have you back, Lighthearter :)
So uhh, I made an AC. I think it's cool. You should check it out.

I don't know how much overlap this has with IOT (I see some familiar faces) but I'd just thought I'd plug my game Regicide Roulette, which has some elements similar to a Mafia game though with some interesting added features! If this is the wrong place for this, please let me know ><
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