Altered Maps XIV: Cartographical Consistency

^ I've edited the post and replaced that graph by a map (since it is "Altered maps", not "Daily graphs" - sorry).

BTW - as the previous map shows, Ancient Turkey was da best in Philosophy.

However, Murica is da best overall!: :)

Good grief, what useless maps, particularly the magicians one. So, only three magicians are known worldwide and they're all North American? Obvious bias is obvious.

What/who are they even defining as extremists and, again, why are they almost exclusively American?
So, only three magicians are known worldwide and they're all North American?

I guess the website is quite Western-centric. Probably that's why they don't know other magicians.

What/who are they even defining as extremists and, again, why are they almost exclusively American?

This is apparently the list of extremists from the map:

There are no famous world leaders, who would be "globally known", and I'd take a safe bet that half of those people are unknown outside "the West".
Good grief, what useless maps, particularly the magicians one. So, only three magicians are known worldwide and they're all North American? Obvious bias is obvious.

What about Merlin and Hermes Trismegistus?

(And that about exhausts my knowledge of magicians.)
There's also Gandalf and Harry Potter, but none of them are North American. Hell, three of those are British!
This website is absolute crap.
This website is absolute crap.

This is how it works:

(...) Data Source 1:

The Pantheon 1.0 data was curated by the creators of Pantheon and gathers information on the 11,340 biographies that have presence in more than 25 languages in the Wikipedia (as of May 2013). This dataset is not restricted to any cultural domain or time period, including all biographies that are present in more than 25 different language editions of Wikipedia.

The creation of the Pantheon 1.0 dataset included connecting each biography to a location using the country where the city of birth is presently located. Biographies were also connected to their date of birth—or an approximate date of birth when an exact date was not available—and a cultural domain, based on a categorization we developed specifically for this dataset.


Data Source 2:

Human Accomplishment. The pursuit of excellence in the Arts and Sciences, 800BC to 1950. By Charles Murray (2003) [4]

Human Accomplishment is a book and a data compilation effort containing information on 4,002 eminent individuals from the arts and sciences who made a significant contribution prior to 1950. The inventories were constructed by Charles Murray using linguistic records—such as encyclopedia entries—from a number of different languages and sources. Human Accomplishment connects each of these historical figures to a location, time and cultural domain, albeit does so using a different methodology than the one we use for the Pantheon 1.0 data.

During the data compilation face of the Pantheon project we connected both datasets at the level of individuals—a.k.a. historical figures.

Details about the data in Human Accomplishment, including its limitations, biases, and validation can be found in Murray’s original book, and hence, will be not discussed here.


Biases, Limitation & Validation
General Description

Measures of Global Historical Popularity

The Pantheon 1.0 data measures the global popularity of historical characters using two measures. The simpler of the two measures, which we denote as L, is the number of different Wikipedia language editions that have an article about a historical character. (...)

So its crapness reflects the crapness of Wikipedia. :p

Here are the Top 20 countries in their Global Ranking for period 4000 BC - 2010 AD (I'm shocked that China has only 99 people):

USA Number One even though they did not exist for most of those 6000 years between 4000 BC and 2010 AD:


BTW - people are allowed to help in expanding their database, if you are interested:

If you find that there is a resource that is missing, please be constructive and send us an email with a reference or link to the resource together with a brief summary of the contribution. That way, we can add it to this page. You can reach us easily at pantheon(at)media(dot)mit(dot)edu.
Could we not link to that abomination ever again ? kthxbai
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