Altered Maps ΙΓ: To make a map larger than what it maps.

Huh, I always thought they upscaled Europe, which always annoyed me. Good to see that its a bit more in line with reality.

Europe does depend on projection, on some projections it appears larger, on others smaller, which leads to a whole bunch of debates I don't need to get into. Still, you're right, it is smaller than I expected.
What annoys you, exactly? The ability to actually see the little states?

Yes, if Europe gets tiny little states, so should the rest of the world. I'm no fan of Eurocentrism.
So we're all agreed we should split up the U.S. of A.?
Yes please, the Pacific northwest, whatever part of California votes liberal and the Northeast can join Canada, and the rest can go be ruled by Texas O.o
I would not be against such additions to the country.

The main problem as I see it is that each new province has too many people in it, especially I think New America. So that would really shift representation in a completely new direction. The political views of the new Canadians wouldn't be so radically different than that of Canadian norms, so that shouldn't be a problem at least, but basically these Americans would have to be Canadianized in stages. So that by the time Baja Canada joins the country, New America is already addicted to Tim Horton's and playing hockey in the streets wherever possible.

Quebec might have a big problem with the addition of so many anglophones to the country, and people from California might have a problem with having to learn French.

I also like that special care has been made to exclude Gary, Indiana from Canada. As per our constitution this must never be allowed to happen.
Why is SoCal split in half? I demand California gets it's own republic!
All of California is split down the center in that map.
This is a division of America along cultural-regional lines that makes the most sense. You will only appreciate it fully if you had read the book, though.


Bigger, coloured version:
Spoiler :
It's that whole French connection thing. Cajuns are descendents of Acadians.

And that has what implications for modern culture exactly?

I'll even note that neither Cajuns nor Acadians form a majority in the areas where they are most concentrated.

And Quebecois are demonstrably not Acadians. Even on the most fundamental question of nationhood, the notion that the Quebecois constitutes a nation, French-speakers inside and outside of Quebec have totally different vews.
I wasn't saying I agreed with the map, I was just saying where the person who made it must be drawing inspiration from. Doesn't mean they're not wrong.
I wasn't saying I agreed with the map, I was just saying where the person who made it must be drawing inspiration from. Doesn't mean they're not wrong.

Fair enough :)

That map was posted before here, actually. IIRC, Dachs noted that the author seemed to think nothing of consequence culturally happened after the early 18th century.

Edit: oh hay, does this mean Civ'ed gets the new thread

Please don't use Greek numerals this time
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