I just finished entirely reimplementing settler and war maps and then defining the new maps themselves. Like other maps, they are now defined as CSV files outside of the Python code. The general principles behind them are the same but I changed the range of numbers and some aspects of what they mean.
Settler values still also control stability. They range generally between 0-20. 1+ means historical area. The AI will not settle any tile with values below 2. The higher the settler value, the more the AI prioritises the tile.
War values range between 0-5. Values greater than 0 means that AIs will be more likely to declare wars on civilizations controlling these tiles, and will prioritise conquering cities with high war values.
This also means that the colour coded tile stability categories on the map have changed:
- Core Area (cyan): cities in this area contribute to how much population you can control before becoming unstable
- Historical Area (green): settler value > 0, cities in this area make you less stable but at a significantly reduced rate, founding and conquering cities here grants a temporary stability boost
- Conquest Area (yellow): settler value = 0 and war value > 1, cities in this area fully contribute to making you less stable, conquering cities here grants a temporary stability boost
- Foreign Area (red): settler value = 0 and war value < 2, cities in this area fully contribute to making you less stable
That's it. There is no "contested" category anymore - that distinction basically did not make a meaningful difference in DoC 1.17 and displaying it was more confusing than helpful. Conquest area is new concept but the effect itself is not new - in 1.17 is only took effect in your historical area though.
You can look at all the current
settler maps and
war maps on google sheets.
I also fully recreated the colour coded png stability maps which will attach here as reference (foreign in grey for better contrast). This is just the first iteration of these maps to make the game functional, and there is definitely room for improvement in the details. I have already noticed some things that I want to correct, and plan to give them more attention later on.