• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

America: The Ironclad Oath

Ignore it. It was an impetuous comment that doesn't deserve even the slightest recognition as it was rude and classless.
I'm pretty sure he didn't mean it that way, or at least I hope he didn't. Even if he did, ignore it, as I have learned over on NES.
Part 1: True Faith and Allegiance
1827-1845: Divine Providence

The Mountains Grand

"Come on son, it's almost time to leave!" As the family was bustling to gather their few items, young Nathan Bedford Forrest practiced in the shades of the trees on the small estate in Virginia. Lacking agility and finesse, he often found his stabs and swings unbalanced, and they did little to scar the bark of the tree.
Nathan had been born to a poor family, and him with his twin sister, Fanny, were the oldest of blacksmith William Forrest's twelve children. "It'll be better. There is more opportunity across the mountains." said Nathan's mother, holding his hand.

The trip across the Appalachians was dangerous. William Forrest constantly patrolled for wolves, or scouted the horizon of the snow-capped cliffs for a possible avalanche. The seasons took their tolls, and it was during the migration that the Forrest family gained an aptitude for adaptability. Sitting around the campfire at night, Nathan contemplated what he wanted to do when he was older. As of any man, he wanted greatness, and he wanted to make his father proud. He vowed to stay a religious man, true to his heart and his family.

Arriving in Tennessee, many months were spent building the forge. Most customers were either from the major city of Saint Louis, or from the French territories to the west. Now and again a Native would come by and bargain for a tomahawk. "Watch your back with these Indians, son. They act all innocent and quiet, but in the end they only want to rid us off the Earth. They are below us, in character and intelligence."

Spoiler :

Nathan's father died when he was 17, in 1838. "I won't let you down father. You will be proud of me." He was then deemed the head of the family, and with his family in mourning and without a clear purpose, he told them that he would join his uncle in Mississippi and restore the business. That night, he road alone to Chapel Hill. Sitting alone under the stone and the painted glass, he got down on his knees and prayed from his heart high above. "Give me the strength, the strength to protect those I love and smite those that come across me. I will not fade into the void. I will be strong. Give me an opportunity, and I will act upon it."

A Matter of Brotherhood

In Mississippi, Nathan worked tirelessly day and night with his uncle. Hammering scalding steel, he created weapons, ammunition, and materials for steam boats requested by President Van Buren. Many customers, now from the American state of Louisiana, traveled far across the river to admire his fine craftsmanship. "All this without the help of a Negro. How do you do it all yerself?"

Spoiler :

Four years past, with his stature, physical strength, ambition, and prestige growing. Now at the age of 21, he was referred to as a man, and his responsibilities and aspirations grew day to day. One day, returning from gathering lumber from the local woods, he heard a gunshot. Dropping the logs, he dashed towards his house. There in horror he witnessed his uncle, gunshot through the chest, covered in blood and clawing towards the sky. "What happened uncle? Who did this?! Hang in there!" His uncle had been killed in an argument with the large Matlock family a few acres beyond the farm.

Cheer and feasting was heard from the glowing Matlock estate. The sun had just went down the horizon, and the two brothers laughed and ate chicken wings; juices dripping from their mouth onto their leather jackets. Nathan Bedford Forrest crawled from the top of the hills, rifle in his hand, assessing the property. There were two slaves working off in the distance, but of course they wouldn't try to protect their vicious masters. Inside, two sisters and a wife were cleaning and preparing dessert. Sliding down the side of the hill, he crept into the estate.

With a tremendous kick to the door, Nathan Bedford Forrest burst in and shot a brother dead in the chest. Before the other brother could stand, he was shot past the neck and bled out on the floor. Hideous screams and wails came from the wife and sisters as they frantically ran towards them, checking for their pulse. Forrest, calling things even, proceeded to walk back to his house. Coming around the corner, the two slaves threw a sharp butcher knife at Forrest. Dodging the knife, he ran to pick it up and chased after the slaves. Tackling the first slave, he viciously stabbed again and again. How could this person save a man who was so cruel to him? Did he not have dignity? Clearly Forrest was the better man. His hatred turned to realization, that these men were not capable of adequate thinking. They were animals, with the loyalty and intelligence of a dog. Seeing the last slave disappearing in the distance, he then followed him throughout the night. Arriving to a small campfire in the night, he slit the slave's throat. Again, things were even. Things were just.

Return to Chapel Hill

Nathan Bedford Forrest returned to Chapel Hill that month. The sun was rising, but his blood still boiled. His hatred for the Matlock family dwindled, as he assessed a possible argument and the need to keep honor for every man. Perhaps his uncle had stepped out of line. But those slaves! They were animals. They nearly killed Forrest, who was only seeking vengeance on their wicked owners. Cursing at them, he looked up and meditated on tranquility.

BOOM! He heard the most rambunctious, foreign sound outside the chapel. Walking down to the scene, he spotted a large mechanical device rusted and broken on the cliff side. A man, dressed in foreign clothes and glasses stepped out. Bewildered, he dashed inside for his gun before continuing talks.

The man was utterly insane. Proclaiming he was from a different world, an apocalyptic world but similar to our own. He demanded he give up his firearm, and the insane man did. He was perplexed by the firearm. It looked better designed than any firearm he had ever seen. Testing it, it fired ten times stronger than his rifle, nearly ten times as fast, and one third the size. "This gun. Do you know how this works? Where did you get this?" "Well, I'm not an expert on them. But I think that, if you can provide me with food and shelter for a while, that I could take a look, study it, analyze it, and come to a great conclusion on how to improve your firearms. I'm sure it would really help the family business." Forrest, furrowing his brows, paused and looked at the man. He seemed honest.

"Show me."

Royal Tenenbaum's

Link to video.

Spoiler :
Disclaimer: All of this post except for areas marked as "OOC" is in-character and does not reflect my actual views on any of the subjects discussed in this post. Any potentially offensive statements are those of the character, not me personally, and they are solely used for the purposes of making a realistic story.
Nice! :D Cannot wait! :)
And how would you add them in when the time comes? Would you WB them in, or just start a new game?

EDIT: According to this post, adding these extra civs might not be possible. (Not to mention that a SA expansion doesn't even exist yet.)

Oh no I was saying I won't add them in in this story.
Great choice of music!
In the group there are now three new threads:
Chapel Hill Den: For Klansmen to talk in-character
Chapel Hill Tavern: For anti-Klansmen to talk in-character
Grand Council of Yahoos: Off-topic
wait,what tone did you thought i used?

Probably the one described by Caterpillar King.

I would like to remind people about VGL being a foreigner like me, in a country where english is not as mandatory as in old english-speaking colonies or places where english is the official language. So I would suppose he didn't know how the tone of his words would most probably be interpreted.

Anyways, he should defend his real tone and learn with this (that's what I try to do everytime I know/feel someone misinterpreted my words).
Very good character description.

Updates: Should have the second update done by Money (Will get through to the end of the Civil War).
Added a new screenshot to the first chapter.
I plan on having the third chapter done in about a week, and in that chapter the KKK will be formed and roleplaying will begin.
Wait, I'm supposed to describe my character?
Wait, I'm confused! Didn't that first spoiler'd screenshot originally show France still controlling New Orleans? :confused:
Wait, I'm confused! Didn't that first spoiler'd screenshot originally show France still controlling New Orleans? :confused:

Yes, but that was taken around 1780. Now I could take a proper screenshot at the appropriate time.
That was so freaky :lol:
Added backstory.
Here's a redo of my application, so it's more consistent with the others on the first page:

Character's Name: Jacques Pamplemousse
Date of Birth: February 17, 1829
Place of Birth: Dijon, France

Jacques was born into the aristocratic Pamplemousse family in Dijon. Wholehearted supporters of the slave trade, Jacques' branch of the family perceived an even greater profit could be made by buying and selling slaves in America. At the age of 17, Jacques, his father (Jean-Paul Pamplemousse), and his younger brothers Horace and François moved to Louisiana looking to profit in the business.
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