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America: Write Your Own History

Election of 1840: Jackson's Sunset

Democratic Party
Hugh Lawson White, Age 66, Tennessee Senator and Secretary of War. Opposed to Jacksonian Democracy, with opposition to the Spoils system (in which the president promises supporters key positions in government) and Jackson's anti-education policies. Wants to return the Democratic Party back to its Jeffersonian roots. Known for being the most punctual senator in history. Wants to continue his policy for war with focus on invasion of Spanish colonies and blockade of British troops while trying to catch up in technology. Wants to focus on scientific institutions. Wants to raise minimum treasury amount to 500 gold. Wants to begin colonization of Oceania. Wants no infringement on state rights to vote on slavery.
Spoiler :

Whig Party

Platform: Continue war with Spanish colonies.
William H. Harrison, Age 67, Diplomat to Colombia and Ohio Representative and Senator. Gained national fame in wars against Natives. Wants to raise minimum treasury to 600. Wants to end war with England as soon as possible, stating Colombia and France no longer need assistance with Britain. Wants to begin colonization of Zimbabwe/Rhodesia. Wants a 50 50 focus on military and scientific institutions.
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Henry Clay, Age 63, Kentucky Senator and Representative. Founder of the Whigs party. Wants to focus on scientific institutions. Wants to continue blockading of British ports. Wants to begin colonization of Oceania and Rhodesia. Wants to maintain treasury minimum. Wants territories to be slave free, and end the slave trade.
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Winfield Scott, Age 63, General. Commander during War of 1812 and various battles against Natives. Wants to work on abolishing of slavery in the entire nation. Wants to colonize Oceania. Wants to continue blockade against the British. Wants 50 50 ratio of military construction and science institutions. Wants to fight against discrimination against Spanish immigrants.
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Campaign News:
In a landslide, the Whig Party has crushed White's run for presidency by agreeing on Henry Clay.

Henry Clay 10
Hugh Lawson White 2

Henry Clay wins with 83.3% of the vote, the largest victory in history since the Era of Good Feeling!

Clay says he will fight slavery expansion into newly forming states, win the war against Spain, continue the blockade of Britain, get America a tech leader, and use economic stimulus wisely. Furthermore, he will fund projects for colonization for freed slave colonies, for corporate resources, and military and trading outposts.

William H. Harrison would die 30 days after Clay's inauguration.
Winfield Scott
Harrison I think we need rifles before taking on the Brits again

Btw could we have an overview of the US and its colonies please?
Harrison I think we need rifles before taking on the Brits again

Btw could we have an overview of the US and its colonies please?

I'll make a note to do that for each term. Basically at the end of this term, the continental US is making military (cavalry minutemen and cannons), a couple are making libraries or observatories, and newer cities are making basics like forges, harbors and levees.
It's 1840, not 1940!
Henry Clay

Despite his support to slavery, the rest are more like my way of view.

BTW, we should make a vote for the minimum treasury, let's snatch some of this executive power here to the forum (reducing inflation with minimum 1000 gold will make our nation skyrocket)
1840-1844: Caroline Affair and the end of the Victorian War
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Inheriting one of the most disastrous wars since the Revolutionary War, Henry Clay vowed to turn the war around and put the United States not only on top for military and economy, but technology as well. His early policies include using state funds to finish the levee in Oregon, a drydock in San Francisco, and working with a team of great engineers (in which he founded the Department of Architecture and Civic Design) to create the Ironforge in Chicago -- a large forge that rapidly made Chicago the center of industry and production in the world.
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The military expedition to the Philippines ran into trouble, as a British fleet attacked the American convoy destroying the frigate. The British ship would later be tracked down by a nearby Man of War and destroyed.
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Meanwhile near Toronto, Canadian infantry would march into Toronto. They were, miraculously, defeated by local militia led by pro-Canadian republican William Lyon MacKenzie -- a man who helped begin the conflict in Canada years prior by leading Canadian rebels financed by Andrew Jackson. Andrew Jackson gave the rebels the SS Caroline, a steamboat, which helped guerilla warfare lessen the superior Canadian troops but strained diplomacy. This would be known as the Caroline Affair, a move which proved to be effective in turning the tables in Canada.
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During this time, Clay knew he needed to make strong allies. He made friends with Peru and Thailand.
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After the Caroline Affair, President Clay made a controversial move to march American troops into Canada against superior arms. This caused a lot of protest from family of the army at home, causing a week-long riot in New York City.
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In the next year, the military expedition to the Philippines made a stop in Vietnam for repair and planning. Scouts had reported that the city of Manilla held 3 divisions of riflemen and one fleet of damaged British navy.
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The cavalry in Canada were soon attacked by Canadian infantry, but commander Winfield Scott's tactics of ambush proved effective against the infantry, with two divisions of infantry being defeated before more reinforcements came and destroyed a cavalry divison. The remaining cavalry returned to the siege of York Factory a national symbol and gave morale to the United States.
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In 1844, the siege of York Factory began. It was a risky move, as the city contained two infantry divisons and a cavalry division. Nevertheless, Clay wanted to take the city to cut off possible naval trade to Britain and take out British forces. The attack began with cavalry running into the city, breaking up enemy lines; the cavalry were defeated, and the grenadiers after that, but at that point the British lines were so broken that riflemen from America took the city. The city was renamed Winfield after the general.
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Meanwhile, grenadiers stormed the beaches of the Philippines, and the American navy blockaded the British Isles. All seemed destined for victory, but as South African forces closed on Mozambique, and with no way of reinforcing the area, Clay declared a peace treaty with Britain. This would further improve the stability of the United States, as the war dragged on and hurt American trade prospects (especially on the west coast where the navy was the weakest). Clay and his administration even got the Empire to pay collateral for beginning the war with Colombia.
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At the end of his administration, the nation showed economic and scientific improvement, completion of several infrastructure projects in the West, and colonization projects underway.
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Ironforge from Warcraft O_O
Election of 1844: Post-Victorian War

Whig Party
Henry Clay, Age 67, President. Former Kentucky Senator and Representative. Founder of the Whigs party. Turned around the Victorian War with the help of Secretary of War Winfield Scott. Wants to continue funding of colonization and scientific institutions. Wants to keep "gag law" which prevents discussion of anti-slavery, while compromising on a 50/50 split of free and slave states created in the territories. Wants to focus on defense and colonization instead of war.
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Democratic Party
James K. Polk, Age 49, Tennessee governor, senator, and representative. Wants to focus on declaring war with Mexico, as Mexican claims to copper fields near California are an act of war. Jacksonian Democrat. Wants to focus on a balance of science and military, with production of ironclads. Wants to raise minimum treasury to 500 gold. Wants to keep the "gag rule" which prevents discussion of anti-slavery.
Spoiler :

Lewis Cass, Age 61, Ambassador to France, Michigan governor and senator, and previous secretary of war. Wants to give states right to vote on slavery instead of letting congress decide, and repeal the "gag rule". Wants to focus on military and science. Supports war with Mexico to gain Texas and regain the copper fields of California. Wants to supply France with diplomatic and economic help for their war with Britain.
Spoiler :

Richard M. Johnson, Age 64, Kentucky Senator. Colonel of War of 1812. Recently fought in Caroline Affair. Married to a mixed race woman. Wants to provide military veterans with a stipend. Wants to repeal the "gag rule" and advocate for abolishment of slavery. Wants to end Indian reserves and integrate them into society through education. Wants to send an expedition to the North Pole to instigate claims of a Hollow Earth filled with Mole People. Wants to focus on scientific investment and refrain from war with Mexico.
Spoiler :

James Buchanan, Age 54, Pennsylvania Senator and Representative and diplomat to Russia. Wants to reduce executive power, repeal the "gag rule", and let states decide on slavery. Claims that slavery is just as humane as free trade, and that slaves he's seen have been treated better than they would in Africa. Wants to focus on military and science, and supports invasion of the Spanish peninsula to end the war and establish a post to control Portugal. Wants to capture a Chinese port. Dropped race.
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John C. Calhoun, Age 62, Former secretary of war, and South Carolina representative and senator. Wants to reduce power of federal government, repeal the "gag rule", and is a supporter of slavery. Says the best way to avoid a civil war is with less federal laws, and would support any state that voted on succession. Wants to give the South more electoral votes as they have less people. Wants to focus on military and science. Wants to war Mexico to defend American integrity and to recapture the copper mines. Anti-partisan. Wants to raise minimum treasury to 1000 gold. Dropped Race.
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Joseph Smith, leader of the Mormons, briefly ran for president but was assassinated.
James Birney, and anti-slavery candidate for the Liberty Party, also ran but did not gain much influence outside of New England.

Campaign News:
Although Clay was defeated clearly in the electoral college, the Democratic Party's National Convention was the center of all the action! With a very close vote, Lewis Class wins the ballot and becomes the nation's 8th president!

Whig Party 6
• Clay 6

Democratic Party 12
• Polk 3
• Cass 5

• Johnson 4

Upon taking office, he gave his promise that he would take away the slavery issue from congress and bring it to popular vote. This caused a schism within the Democratic Party, with antislavery politicians forming the Free Soil Party lead by exiled Jacksonian Democrat Martin Van Buren. Furthermore, he promised to raise the minimum treasury and prepare for war with Mexico. This lead to a strange, fervent support from half of the non-Free Soil Democrats and half of the moderate Whigs.

In the drawing provided, President Cass is #4. Clay, in his retiring address to Congress, states that a war with Mexico will lead to economic strain and diplomatic strain. The best way to deal with the copper mine issue is through influence and culture. However, he does commend Cass on his passion for reducing federal power.
1. Retiring President Henry Clay
2. Daniel Webster
9. Calhoun
21. William P. Mangum
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Spoiler :
Richard Mole Johnson. Holy hell that's funny. We need to immortalize that.
We also got 18 voters. NEW RECORD. DRINKS ON ME.
Lewis Cass. War on Mexico.

Did John C. Calhoun come here from the future?
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