AND2 and SVN Bug Reports - A New Dawn 2 ONLY

Got this weird visual bug were ballista's are showing up as ballista elephants. Changes back to normal when I click on them but reverts back to weird bug when unselected.
Which civ?
Okay, now I'm getting this error. I'm assuming something got corrupted somehow. How do I fix?



  • upload_2021-1-9_13-38-15.png
    56.4 KB · Views: 99
NVM, I made a post about Movement Limits breaking possibly being connected to Random Seed on Reload but upon loading my game today it's broken again with that option unchecked so that doesn't seem to have anything to do with it.
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NVM, I made a post about Movement Limits breaking possibly being connected to Random Seed on Reload but upon loading my game today it's broken again with that option unchecked so that doesn't seem to have anything to do with it.
Several times I managed to "fix" ML by tinkering with CivilizationIV.ini file. (I have archived it into a rar file with all my preferred settings, so when I switch between mods I can easily restore game start options)
What worked for me most of the time was either replace the actual ini file with the archived one OR delete it and let the game create a clean one.
Success is not guaranteed but worked for me most of the time :)
Spoiler :

I got this weird bug where about 2 turns after that save (about the very next turn after portugal starts searching their next technology) the end turn never ends and I'm left with the world globe turning forever. I stopped it (or so it seems) by getting away from the barbarian city I was sieging and soon after I saw a ballista coming, so I made the hypothesis it was a conflict with barbarian spawning on the place my units were, but I have no certainty about this.


  • jonathan soon bugged J-C..CivBeyondSwordSave
    2.9 MB · Views: 115
My games are crashing whenever I try to load - it happens right after "setup players". Any ideas?
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I've uninstalled and reinstalled AND and experimented with a few different map sizes and save file sizes - no luck. The only difference it makes is that smaller saves crash sooner. Crash is an instant CTD, no discernable hang, no error message. It did create a memory dump in the program folder though?

I'm on Windows 10, with 10 GB of RAM and a 4.2 ghz processor. Latest version of AND, from the SVN repo.

E: Memory dump says error 0xC0000005: The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access
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I've uninstalled and reinstalled AND and experimented with a few different map sizes and save file sizes - no luck. The only difference it makes is that smaller saves crash sooner. Crash is an instant CTD, no discernable hang, no error message. It did create a memory dump in the program folder though?

I'm on Windows 10, with 10 GB of RAM and a 4.2 ghz processor. Latest version of AND, from the SVN repo.

E: Memory dump says error 0xC0000005: The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access
Are you running the game with administration rights?
Try posting a save file anyways.
Yes, admin rights enabled as well. I've attached a save file, but this happens with any save I load.


  • test.CivBeyondSwordSave
    647.8 KB · Views: 122
Not sure what happened but it seems to be working now! Must have been your good vibes :lol:

Thanks for checking!
Hey. I downloaded RAND at last again.. last time I Played this was about -12 or -13.
But now I have a problem that I've never experienced before. Game crashes after few turns and an error window "Bad memory allocation" pop's up. How the hell I can fix this ? I've been trying to search info of this thing, but can't find anything that helps me.

Help me pls!
I always play gigantic settings with 25 Ai's. But I've never have had this problem before. It's only with RAND..

I Don't have any saves, cause it crashes before I can really start the game.
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