Announce your new/updated Civ4 files for frontpage coverage!

Update posted :).
If something is wrong or missing, then please let me know via PM :).
If something should be added now afterwards to the announcement, then please post it within the next 24 hours and say that you want to have it there.
Caveman2Cosmos Version 22.1 by StrategyOnly

28 Mar 12, 5:30 p.m.

WARNING for people with mature games from earlier versions, that after upgrade you are likely to be overrun with crime (unless they built a lot of the buildings people mostly used to avoid before). Capitals and large cities will quickly head for 1000+ crime levels due to lack of crime fighting (that WOULD be there in a game played under v22 from the start), at which point they will more or less be in a state of effective revolution and probably incapable of building the crime fighting buildings until half their population has died off.
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