Ask a Mathematician!

Pfft, Physics. Far too useful.
Pfft, Physics. Far too useful.

They have a dedicated math section too! We once had a wonderful and enlightening debate on why the Riemann Hypothesis is or isn't true. I was on the "is" side, of course.
Of course? That's not the mathematical way of thinking. If you can't prove it, doubt it.
Of course? That's not the mathematical way of thinking. If you can't prove it, doubt it.

Ah, but I never said I don't doubt it. It's just my opinion that the circumstantial evidence in favor of RH being true is a lot more extensive than the circumstantial evidence for it not being true. Plus, I'd really like it to be true. But the other side gave off really convincing arguments. Hell, the whole debate was just interesting and fun to take part in.
Circumstantial evidence? Just one counter example would be enough.
By circumstantial evidence, I mean analogs of the Riemann Hypothesis that have been proven. For instance, an analog of the Riemann Hypothesis for finite algebraic function fields was proven by Weil (in the quadratic case) and Deligne (in general). There are other examples, if you need them listed. And until that one counter-example is found, there's no proof that a counter-example does exist either. (And if it is found, I think it's likely that it'll be found by finding a minimum of Re(zeta(1/2 + i t)) above zero or a maximum of said function below zero, both of which have been proven would violate the Riemann Hypothesis, if they happened)
Mmmkay. You're obviously not as drunk as I am ;)
I guess I'm your multiplicative inverse then ;)
About n-ary operators? They are just mappings.

"plus" can be defined as an n-ary operator, like in LISP (programming language), where

(+ 1 2 3 4) = 10.
So you basically provide the operator with the arity needed and that's about it? And what about the operator ?: ? Can you provide it with any arity other than ternary?
Nope, the ternary operator ?: (which is if/then/else for people who don't speak dialects of the C programming language) needs 3 arguments.

a ? b : c

means if a is non zero, return b else return c (in C anyway, in Java I think you can only test a boolean).

EDIT: Syntax for operators is a bit weird in C as well, I've seen the common error

if( a == b == c )

before, it doesn't do what people expect it to do (== is the equality test operator in C). However, a && b && c does work (&& = boolean "and"), with the caveat that it uses lazy evaluation.

EDIT2: Note: 0 == 2 == 3 evaluates to true in C ;)
Does C evaluate from right to left? Damn, I should know these things.
Have you ever done any cryptography? I find that stuff fascinating. But I guess, like most useful things, it's more computer science than maths.
I haven't. There's quite a lot of number theory involved though.
Have you ever done any cryptography? I find that stuff fascinating. But I guess, like most useful things, it's more computer science than maths.
I did, and i really wanted to write my thesis in Cryptography, but there were no good Professor availible, sadly.

Cryptography is treated as a Pure Math subject at my university, and it's really close to Algebra and Number Theory. The methods used nowadays are based on unresolved problems in Math, namely the Discrete Logarithm and the Integer Factorization.
I even think that if you manage to solve this problems you might become kinda famous. Me and my friends used to joke about it that you could use this power for good (become famous) or bad (sell it to the Chinese for a buttload of cash). You could easily amass all money in world, cause all online accounts are protected this way.
I guess after all, it's like with physics. With all the applications you might oversee that fact that all is based on non-trivial Math, and they are lost without us:mwaha:
I don't know if is it me that I'm stupid or that the concept is really hard to get. You see, an operator's arity is a concept easy to get for the most common forms of it (nullary, unary and binary), but it's hard to get when you reach ternary level. I assume that ternary operators work pretty much like a transistor, but what about quaternary or other n-ary operators? And what about a multary (that accept many arities)? I cannot imagine operators like these but maybe you can enlighten me.

Arity is another name for how many operands are used. It's a function that may operate on more than one variable..

For example, we could perform an AND operation on 4 boolean operands*. If all four are true, then the result of our operation is also true.

*Technically this is equivalent to 3 binary AND operations:

(A*B)*(C*D) ,



Alternative example: we could have an operation that takes a list of integers and return the largest value in the list (n-ary example that's comp sci related).

AE2: List of names, return the median name from alphabetized list.
Cryptography is treated as a Pure Math subject at my university, and it's really close to Algebra and Number Theory. The methods used nowadays are based on unresolved problems in Math, namely the Discrete Logarithm and the Integer Factorization.
I even think that if you manage to solve this problems you might become kinda famous. Me and my friends used to joke about it that you could use this power for good (become famous) or bad (sell it to the Chinese for a buttload of cash). You could easily amass all money in world, cause all online accounts are protected this way.
I guess after all, it's like with physics. With all the applications you might oversee that fact that all is based on non-trivial Math, and they are lost without us:mwaha:

With Shor's algorithm there is already a possible solution. There is just nothing that can calculate it, yet.

It is kind of funny that a lot of modern classical cryptography depends on the hope that we won't succeed anytime soon in building a scalable quantum computer.
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