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Beneath the Jade Moon (pre-NES)

I certainly agree with your impressions of region 4; I imagined the islands and coastal bays in the north of that region as being the main holds of the various pirate factions currently plaguing the Mariner's Solace and the southern trade route.

The plains themselves would be relatively uninhabited and maybe even pseudo-tribal.
The lands beyond The Jaws have for a long time been mostly sparsely inhabited, only few wished to live in the unknown lands, but those who came found rich farmlands for olives and grapes. For a long time to two houses of Hanin and Minno ruled their respective lands as the House of Dyre ruled the northern mountains and the fork.

Yet peaceful existence did not remain and the war of the emperors brought great changes. The first change was in the population. As the war raged in the east and north thousands moved to the unknown lands, where much less fighting took place if any at all. The Hanin sided with the true emperor while the Minno sided with the forgotten emperor. As their battles waged on the hilly fronts, the main farmlands were not harmed.

With support from the Dyres of the north the Minno nearly crossed the Hanin River but very early in the war were eventually eliminated by the Hanin with the support of the true emperor's naval forces. All of the Minno family was executed by the Hanin, who were very interested in taking over the entire of the Minno realm, yet that never happened.

With the collapse of the Minno and later the Dyres the lands of Minnowood were forever changed. The larger, now massively populated, cities begun to self-rule themselves and answered directly to the true emperor. The best known case is the council of Godmmos, a rich populated city with massive trade possibilities for wine and grapes. Even today under the Assange the Godmmos council is still in control over the city, but now they answer to the Assange.

Other than the cities the houses of Niiv and Cropps took over most of Minnowood but left the hills (and interestingly the iron mines) unattended. The Hanin went to fight in the east to support the true emperor (they were later part of the force to help bring down the once powerful Dyre House) and eventually gave up on trying to take over the Minnowoods. They did expand in the north-west towards the Dyre and took most of the north-eastern hills of Minnowoods.

The story of the Assange begins in 1301 A.R. with the birth of Assange the person. Assange was born to a merchant family that lived in the Pale City and his father supported the forgotten emperor, but as soon as he turned 18 Assange turned against his father and in 1313 managed to bring his father to death and declared to his family that they now support the true emperor. Being the oldest male in the family (and the reasons for his father's death were not really fully discovered) all agreed and the family left the city in a single night on the beginning 1314. A rich merchant family, or at least used to be, Assange used his family's money to get to the lands beyond The Jaw. He sent small amounts of money to the true emperor to support his war and first landed in the Hanin's capital of Taraspin.

Assange did not remain in Taraspin and as soon as the Minno collapsed and were eradicated he moved to the booming city of Godmmos and managed to buy vineyards and rather than selling the product in Godmmos he sent workers to sell it in Taraspin. That allowed him to use an untapped market, and as a man from a merchant house from the east, he was wise enough to use that income to buy more vineyards but more importantly he managed to get married to a daughter of the Cropps house, officially joining the house (and spending plenty to manage). Assange have officially become a member of a major house of the empire around 1323 when he is 22 years old. He did not waste any time.

In 1325 A.R. Assange made his first move. The move called the Purchase of Godmoss was when Assange sent plenty of workers to buy vast farmlands around the city and practically now ruled most of the farmlands of the powerful city. Since he did not personally bought all the city's lands the council of the city did not notice they lost most of their farmlands to a single man. Assange continued his method of selling in Taraspin but the rising of the city of Poerto on the other side of the Hanin River made him change his location. The port of Poerto was much better suited for trade and Assange even managed to gain control of some merchant vessels to start trading directly in the east.

On 1326 Assange had his first son born, Tomorroc.

Quickly becoming the richest man in Minnowood Assange was only stopped by the lack of being his own master. He continued to buy lands across the Minnowood as well as took over wineries and oil makers. When the head of the Cropps noticed his meteoric rise it was far too late and on 1336 the head of the Cropps house bowed down to Assange, forming for the first time the House of Assange, and getting a vassal. In return Assange removed a very large debt owed by the Cropps. The Cropps enjoyed becoming a vassal as Assange since put plenty of money into reforming their lands, mostly their olive farms and oil makers.

Assange rise came purely from his financial capabilities, to the point where he managed to buy most of the Minnowood, usually for cheap prices. Assange came to the council of Godmoss and promised to invest in the city if the council agrees to answer to him. The city, as Assange took all his trade to Poerto and by now controlled most of its farmlands and industries (without the council knowing of it yet as nothing was directly his), was now in deep financial trouble, and had a hard time attracting more people to live in it, had to agree. Assange begun to pour money on 1342 A.R. into the city, mostly buying weapons for its citizen militia, and building more industries and farmlands.

With the war soon coming to an end and a never ending influx of people into the area filled the farmlands and created several large cities. Assange now had the western part of Minnowood and for the first time since the area saw the war the iron mines were being worked. He needed weapons, as his growing power will attract some bad neighbors.

Assange was not wrong. The Hanin forces grew as their forces came victorious from the Dyre Mountains and invaded the Niiv, laying siege to Poerto. Assange could not allow his port city to go under the rule of another house and his ships were in threat. He promised the Niiv with support, and controlling the iron mines did indeed help. He called upon the city of Godmoss, who now owed him loads and loads of money, to the battle, its population already served as a trained city militia and the citizens happily joined the one who gave them jobs. With his money Assange bought mercenaries from around Minnowood and the army marched to Poerto.

It was 1950 A.R. The true emperor won the war. And the Hanin have occupied most of Niiv lands and the city was coming to a fall. But the end did not come. Like a savior Assange's force came (Assange did not lead the army) and broke through the siege. The Hanin force was matched man to man, and with the citizens of Poerto running out of the city to support their saviours the Hanin retreated beyond the river but remain in control over the northern hills. Assange managed to sign peace between the Niiv and Hanin, granting Hanin the northern castle of Yomos and bringing the Niiv under the Assange. The Hanin agreed thanks to a large payment by Assange.

1951 and Assange now ruled the Minnowood. He was the single richest man in the area and his only threat was the warrior clans of the Dyre lands. In fact the clans and the Dyres were such a threat that the Hanin house and the Forks house were nicknamed by Assange as the fearful houses, for they now begun to direct all their resources into building defenses on the borders with the Dyres.

Assange was not scared by did choose to build his own forts. In the north, the only area that refused to allow Assange to become master of the land, Assange built the northern fort (later named Fort Assange) to help protect the area from the northern war clans. Raids begun to shrink and the people appreciated his work allowing him to gain their trust, and lands. His second structure was one much more important.

From 1354 to 1366 he saw over the building of Castle Poerto, south of the city of the same name, and with its own war port. The castle made sure Hanin would not invade the Niiv again and allowed Assange control over a large powerful port filled with warships.

1370 was the last day of life for Assange. He died at the age of 69 and his son Tomorroc took over the clan at age of 44 and changed his name to Assange II. He learned vastly from his father. His own heir Joon (26) was given castle Assange to control in order to learn how to rule like his father had before.

Now the future remains to be seen…

List of places:
1. City of Carns – capital of the Cropps house. One a great city now the main thing leaving it strong is Assange's money and support as most of the resources produced in it and in the farms around it are sent far to Poerto to be traded. Carns would love to see Assange bring trade to their own city, but for now they make do with the ship making industry within it. They build war and trade ships for Assange and get paid very well…
2. City of Thior – a large farmers market that grew into a city with the growth of the olive fields under Assange's rule. The city has some trade but most of it is to send their products to Poerto.
3. City of Lior – A populated city under the control of Assange. Was once under the jurisdiction of Godmoss but eventually came directly under Assange with the great purchase. The city, like Godmoss, has its own council but it lacks any power but the people do form a city militia like in Godmoss, and answer to Assange's call.
4. Godmoss – the greatest city in western Minnowood. The Council of the city rules the most populated city in the area, with the largest citizen army. Assange gained control over the council using his money, but the city still remains mostly free.
5. City of Hynan – a city that refused Assange's rule for a very long time until he built the northern fort. There he helped the city and surrounding lands survive the war clans' battles and the raids nearly ceased. The city has a council as well, but like in Lior it has no real power.
6. Fort Assange – a small rather unimportant fort mostly manned only to protect against northern raids. Assange, unlike the 'fearful clans' is not afraid of the new rise of the Dyres and does not see any important in the mountains.
7. Castle Poerto – A large castle with an even larger port filled with Assange's main forces and large war fleet. Probably the most key location currently in the whole area.
8. City of Poerto – The richest and second most populated in the area. It is ruled by the Niiv house, but really, thanks to the vast amounts of trade he brings in, Assange really has the city in his hands. The city has a very large port filled with merchant ships. It may be considered the least religious city in the empire carrying more about money than faith.
9. City of Taraspin – capital of House Hanin. A large and somewhat rich city but it suffers greatly from the competition of Poerto.
10. Town of Sarmir
11. City of Werr
12. Castle Dire – nicknamed castle fear it is a testament to the Hanin fear of the Dyres.
13. Castle Est – the eastern most part of the area.
14. Town of Naben
15. City of Yuyo – capital of the Forks house. Once the capital was on the Fork River but it has changed since with the rising importance of trade through the ocean.
16. City of Tamara – Not unlike Godmoss Tamara has a powerful council and a powerful citizen militia, but they answer to the Forks.
17. Castle wast – nicknamed castle horror it is a testament to the Forks fear of the Dyres.
18. City of Diin
19. Fort Nagani – another Forks fort to protect from the Dyres and their war clans.
20. Town of Tats
21. Town of Tys

I think this is a little better


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Let me know if you need any more input on my end. I do think that it makes sense to place the (or a?) Great Shrine of Imisau in the breadbasket. I don't know how monastaries work in this religion.

Willing to flesh out another region, if needed.
Devercia, maybe "Republic" isn't the best word to use for your background.

For one, I doubt it's truly a Republic in the modern sense and more of an early-style Thing or Folkmoot, or the House of Lords in Parliament, where the leaders or great men of society are the only ones with true representation. As such, maybe you should change your nomenclature to fit that reality.

Republics also have a certain tradition (in Western history) of being independent of imperial bodies; the Republics of Venice and Genoa were independent of the Holy Roman Empire, for example.
Devercia, maybe "Republic" isn't the best word to use for your background.

For one, I doubt it's truly a Republic in the modern sense and more of an early-style Thing or Folkmoot, or the House of Lords in Parliament, where the leaders or great men of society are the only ones with true representation. As such, maybe you should change your nomenclature to fit that reality.

Republics also have a certain tradition (in Western history) of being independent of imperial bodies; the Republics of Venice and Genoa were independent of the Holy Roman Empire, for example.

I think what he is aiming for is the idea of a feudal republic like Novgorod. The problem there though is that the Novgorodians never referred to themselves as a Republic and the idea was quite foreign to them. It was invented by Soviet historians to make it fit into Marxist histiography. Perhaps "Commonwealth" or "League" would be more accurate, and both have some historical precedent. Commonwealth being used by Iceland and Greenland despite technically owing fealty to the King Norway and League used by both the Lombard League and the Hanseatic League within the HRE (though admittedly, in entirely different ways).
House Assange - erez87
Lord Assange II Tomorroc (44, married)
Heir Joon (26, married)
Family Daenir (son, 24, married), others sons and daughters, some unimportant brothers.
Wealth Should be enormous with vast control over lands and industries, loads of trade
Military small elite mercenary force, highly trained city militias (think hoplites) and a large war and merchant fleet.=
Manpower medium
Holdings Godmoss, Castle Poerto, Poerto
Retainers House Cropps, Council of Godmoss, House Niiv
Description - one of the newest houses in the empire, and one of the least like the others. While most houses built themselves upon faith, service to the emperor and religious importance the Assange were built by one man - Assange himself. A genius merchant who built a powerful house in the south-west. Unlike the others the house is based more on wealth than faith, and its loyalty to the emperor has not been tested yet for its young age, the house barely existed for less than 40 years.

I guess that should be Ok.
I am more than willing to change, but such conflicting semantical connotations are matters of transubstantial subjective interpretation, neither fact nor reality. Re-Publica probably does imply a popular egalitarianism I am not shooting for.

I am diggin' the League of Chibor. :D

What has The Pale been doing throughout history? I think we have enough outliers for NK to through down some historical, intercontinental events and policies. A big tournament? great monuments? plagues? crazy leaders kidnapping all the maidens?
I am more than willing to change, but such conflicting semantical connotations are matters of transubstantial subjective interpretation, neither fact nor reality. Re-Publica probably does imply a popular egalitarianism I am not shooting for.

I am diggin' the League of Chibor. :D

League is probably better. :)

What has The Pale been doing throughout history? I think we have enough outliers for NK to through down some historical, intercontinental events and policies. A big tournament? great monuments? plagues? crazy leaders kidnapping all the maidens?

I've been hoping to build a off of what other players write. And there's already a decent amount of that -- we know that the Emperors led campaigns into Surotsi at least once, probably a few times. Big tourneys are not really on the agenda for the Most Serene Imperial Highness, but gigantic monuments certainly are, also making sure the whole realm subscribes wholly and totally to the imperial faith, and brutally suppressing opposition to the Solemn Age, et al.

My rule is, if you want to have the Emperors interact with your part of history, that's probably fine. Only recently has the crown started to ail and be overshadowed by its lords.
I am paying attention but it is alittle difficult to give territorial based information with the cross claim. (i know starlife will give the info at some pont).
Thlayli and I were discussing how odd we found it that so many houses' backstories are either "We displaced the previous lords here who supported the Forgotten Emperor," or "We switch sides near the decisive point in the war." Which, of course, raised the question of where Auren I's actual base of support was, if so few people seemed to support him. So, in short, here's our quick scheme for how the war goes, feel free to comment/criticize/suggest as you will:

1) Auren I's banner is raised in the League of Chibor initially. Eager to get out of some serious debts, House Anlan follows suit. House Godhart apparently just wants in on the deal, and declares for the new emperor as well, giving him a strong base of support in the central north.

2) Auren's armies penetrate into the interior, specifically, lands held by Houses Cyir and Derfennisy. The Forgotten Emperor's armies counter with campaigns northwards into Chibor, but are turned back by highly organized and powerful militias from the League.

3) Raids into the Blessed River valley are turned back repeatedly; stalemate ensues.

4) House Reinar turns its cloak. Auren's armies, reinforced and with a strategically beautiful position, begin their advance into the Blessed River valley.

5) House Shael turns its cloak. The Forgotten Emperor's armies erode to nearly nothing. The Pale City is taken; the False Stone is sewn into a weighted sack and tossed into the sea near Harbortown.

6) Mop up operations commence. Luseysi's Fist and the Tyne are the first regions to be cleaned up, though not without cost.

7) The Lords of the Vein are the last to be subdued. Through all of this, Surotsi has pretty much chilled and done its own thing, probably with minor wars in the name of this emperor or that, but with little contribution to the actual struggle for the throne.

I haven't attached a specific timeline to it yet, mostly because it's still waiting for the community's stamp of approval, but I like how it generally runs. Thoughts?
Although it probably has little bearing, you can probably add that House Eyiniyas didn't overtly support either side early on in the civil war.
And you can add Hanin from my story as regional supporter of the true emperor and Minno as supporters of the fall stone that fought each other till Mino is gone, replaced by some other supporters of the true emperor that didn't really do any fighting anymore (with Dyres mainlands already down).
We also discussed adding another major loyalist offensive (some time after the failure of the attack on Chibor) up the Esot, this one led by Dyre. I was thinking some time between 4 and 5; the Dyres would have tried to shore up the loss of momentum by going on the attack; though obviously it didn't succeed in its strategic goals.
We also discussed adding another major loyalist offensive (some time after the failure of the attack on Chibor) up the Esot, this one led by Dyre. I was thinking some time between 4 and 5; the Dyres would have tried to shore up the loss of momentum by going on the attack; though obviously it didn't succeed in its strategic goals.

This would be a good point for when my house really proves its worth. Perhaps it was Avryl (my house's patriarch and a spy in the Pale City during the war) who leaked the plans for the attack to Auren's faction, leading to a crushing defeat for Dyre and the False Stone. Whether or not the attack would have succeeded had its plans not been leaked is probably up for debate, but the pure fact the Dyres could blame their defeat at this battle (and possibly in the whole war) on treachery, would make them very bitter, I imagine.
I imagine while the Dyres win in Esot, their home is invaded by the Hanin and allied forces... And then as they are unsure if to return home or move on they also lose against bombshoo.
I imagine while the Dyres win in Esot, their home is invaded by the Hanin and allied forces... And then as they are unsure if to return home or move on they also lose against bombshoo.

Well they would never battle me, as my house wasn't really capable of fielding a military at that point in their history. They were high ranking bureaucrats in the Pale City, not landed gentry. What happened was that Avryl was in a position where he had a lot of influence in the False Stone's court, but was also passing information along to Auren, speeding up his victory greatly.
I imagine while the Dyres win in Esot, their home is invaded by the Hanin and allied forces... And then as they are unsure if to return home or move on they also lose against bombshoo.

It's unlikely the Hanin did that. For one, the Dyres weren't firmly established in the mountains yet, as their powerbase was in the far west. Those mountains were (and remain) almost entirely peopled by savage mountain clans before the last twenty years of the Dyre settlement at Godsjaw.

Also, Artavin Dyre lost his original powerbase due to rebellion during the war, as I mentioned earlier.
We also discussed adding another major loyalist offensive (some time after the failure of the attack on Chibor) up the Esot, this one led by Dyre. I was thinking some time between 4 and 5; the Dyres would have tried to shore up the loss of momentum by going on the attack; though obviously it didn't succeed in its strategic goals.

I have ideas for this written down (vaguely, a late offensive maneuver led by your house), as I believe the Dyres were (the only ones) capable of such an offensive.

I approve of the other points made by NK. In my initial stitching together of profiles, I did find myself dramatically changing what some of you wrote, as I found the conditions for the War of the Pale Brothers to have largely been diminished overall.
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